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The Usual Suspects Nodal Red 2x (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.4.1 MultiOS + ROM's [FREE] screenshot
v1.4.1 | 71MB/142MB/411MB | (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP/LV2) | Win/macOS/Linux
The Usual Suspects, the developers of the DSP56300 emulator, have dropped Nodal Red 2x, a new Synthesizer plugin recreating Clavia Nord Lead 2x.

Many well-known 90s virtual analog synthesizers are based on the Motorola DSP5630 DSP. For example, the Access Virus series A, B, C, TI, the Clavia Nord Lead 3, Waldorf Q, or the Novation Nova synthesizers.

The project’s core is, once again, the DSP56300 emulation plugin. It’s available as a free download.


[Initial Public Beta release!

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  Contributor 3.05.2011 701 4988
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Member 12.12.2023 606 3724
Rapidgator | KatFile | NitroFlare
  Contributor 18.05.2021 2031 1859
Rapidgator | KatFile | NitroFlare
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  Contributor 11.10.2014 7681 15408
Rapidgator | KatFile | Nitroflare
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  Member 21.06.2018 391 14354
  Resident 20.06.2014 3 529
Thank for uploading!
  Member 21.01.2021 79
  Member 6.08.2022 40
Fianlly come!
  Member 21.01.2021 79
i would really like a dsp for bloveld,will this work? Il test and get back to you.
  Contributor 3.05.2011 701 4988
no and its called blofeld
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Member 21.01.2021 79
Hey dude:) how to use mmmmmmm.
  Member 14.11.2023 46
Synthanatomy reports Waldorf will release Blofeld as plugin themselves.
  Resident 28.12.2016 417
holy X !!!
  Resident 16.10.2018 14 437
Thank You very much!!
  Member 16.07.2014 314
Finally out of Alpha today! Enjoy...
  Member 17.01.2014 73
Vst3 on Cubase elements 10.5/ win7-64 not recognized
  Resident 2.02.2014 1 2616
Since 1.4.0 no synths support Windows 7 anymore. Because of Juce 8.0.3 there.
Same will be for Surge XT 1.4.0 and higher
  Resident 10.07.2019 1 415
Pity. Is there a compiled v1.4.0 (or earlier) build available somewhere? I'm not seeing it on the dev's GitHub.

EDIT: found a link on the sister site (here).
  Member 24.07.2015 35
not working on WINDOWS 10 HOME 1511 too (like all 1.4.1)
  Member 16.08.2019 10
Does anyone know how to ACTIVE the ROM?
I tried, as with the previous plugins, to copy the files (BIN) next to the VST file,
and it didn't work.
I also tried copying the files (BIN) into the new folder created after running it for the first time -
C:\Users\[username]\Documents\The Usual Suspects\[synthname]\
and that didn't work either.

Did anyone succeed and can explain how?
  Contributor 3.05.2011 701 4988
this has changed since 1.4.0:

read this here:

roms, presets and every has now their own folders in the documents.
havnt set it up myself, since way to lazy for it :D
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Member 16.08.2019 10
Thanks a lot for the quick reply.
I tried this
C:\Users\[username]\Documents\The Usual Suspects\NodalRed2x\roms
And that didn't work either.
Did you succeed with this plugin?
Do you have a list of presets or just INT sounds?
  Resident 1.03.2014 8 1107
You've mentioned Documents twice!

C:\Users\[username]\Documents\The Usual Suspects\NodalRed2X\roms
Following the white rabbit...
  Member 16.08.2019 10
You are right
I accidentally wrote it twice when writing the comment.
But I copied both BIN files into the (ROM) folder
C:\Users\hensh\Documents\The Usual Suspects\NodalRed2x\roms
And it still doesn't give me a list of presets sounds
Did you succeed?
How disappointing I've been waiting a long time for this plug-in
What am I doing wrong?
  Member 4.11.2024 3
There is a mistake in your folder hierarchy, C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Documents... "Documents" are twice, which is wrong.

The path should be: C:\Users\user_name\Documents\The Usual Suspects\NodalRed2x\roms
  Resident 1.03.2014 8 1107
CHEN12 have fixed it!
Following the white rabbit...
  Resident 1.03.2014 8 1107
1/ The other ROM file (your momma.bin) have the same MD5 than nord_lead_2x.bin. File your momma.bin is useless.

2/ By using the nord_lead_2x.bin ROM (copied to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\The Usual Suspects\NodalRed2x\roms, the plugin detects only one patch!

3/ As owner of discoDPS Discovery Pro I am (v7.9), but its %USERPROFILE%\Documents\discoDSP\Discovery Pro\Banks contains .fxb files only (bank files), and these fxb files aren't recognized by NodalRed2X plugin... Perhaps an import (or something similar) operation from the plugin is required, but I don't know how to do it.
Following the white rabbit...
  Resident 18.10.2012 1 352
I copied the rom next to the bin and it did work here in Bitwig. A Big however I noticed: The latest nvidia Studio driver 566.36 broke all of the Usual Suspects plugs. Crashes every one of them when you click the UI in any fashion. Had to roll back to November 566.14 and they all come up fine. Irksome

Also confirmed on Game Ready Driver 566.36.
  Resident 7.08.2021 419
Nonsense! All working without issues with the mentioned NVidia driver.
  Resident 18.10.2012 1 352
So much nonsense that bax confirmed the issue on discord as well. Hmm Perhaps it's specific chipsets. Using a 2080 Super here.

bax — Today at 1:04 PM - Yeah, some quick internet searching shows this is a bigger issue, many games having similar issues. We are looking into it to see if there's anything we can do other than recommend to rollback, but I'm gonna guess nvidia needs to fix something here.

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