How to Supply Releases to AudioZ

Many members wanted to share stuff with AudioZ, but either don't know how, or simply afraid to do it;
In reality there is nothing to be afraid of and the process of supplying is very simple.
There are virtually no risks. Like i always say, supplier's safety is #1 priority, so if there is any chance left of tracing your supply back to you, we simply don't release it.
We won't use your serial numbers or any authentication info in the final release - all that info is only needed to crack the software.
how to supply
1. First you need to search AudioZ to make sure that your supply hasn't been released already.
2. Contact one of our releasers and offer your supply:
PiRAT - sample libraries, presets, tutorials, anything that doesn't require cracking;
Team MOCHA - Windows Software;
Team V.R - Windows & Mac Software;
MORiA - Mac Releases
3. Please share any info you know about the software:
- home page,
- protection type,
- trial/demo limits,
- was the software ever cracked in the past; if so, which team did it?
4. Specify whether you want to be credited as the supplier in the post.
I'd like my members to know who they should be thanking.

After we receive your supply, it will be reviewed, cracked and tested;
so as you understand it requires some time before we can release it.
Thank you for your support

we have new reverse engineer in town, so i'd like to update this post. SAiNT