The Audio Sexed Album Is Finally Here!!!

Lights, Camera, Action
There is nothing wrong with your computer. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next 2 hours, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your computer. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to – the sexy limits.
Ladies and gentlemen it's Cat here with my team presenting the unveiling of the long-awaited Audio Sexed Album.
The goal of this album is to strengthen the AudioSEX community and make us an active, fun group of people that work together to help improve our abilities in producing good music. It will also enable us to express our passion for the art of sound and make us all stronger and more independent artists who don't have to rely on boastful promotions and lousy demands and controls by both large and small labels. We are making this album for us, to give to the world to listen to. Together, as a community, we can make a very big statement by releasing an album to the world that reflects music that is honest, truthful and expresses real passion for the art.
HKPotential wrote that mission statement as our original team manager long ago and here we are finally bearing witness to the culmination of our efforts on this exciting collaboration and the first side-project of AudioLabs. It represents the diversity, creativity and commitment of the amazing community found here and if you're reading this and haven't signed up yet we hope that you'll join us. It's really been an incredible journey of imagination, creativity, friendship and a fair amount of stress. It all began with the words: "what if we made something beautful?" Carl uttered those words a while back on AudioSex and we just decided to run with it because what's the good of an idea if you don't do anything to make it happen? It may seem like our journey was a straight line from point A to point B but it was fraught with problems and there were many times when it looked like the project might completely dissipate. It was only through the dedication of the staff and members that we were able to persevere in the end. What you see before you is the result of an arduous journey: an excellent assortment of 24 tracks in various genres available for immediate consumption from several speedy hosters in FLAC and MP3 format. Some of us that initially submitted or worked on this project are no longer with us or missing in action. Members like frito zanzibar who wrote the masterpiece Starve To Death, the embodiment of the starving artist, while homeless in a country steeped in overabundance. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it and we hope that it will give you even a modicum of that something special that we share at the forum every day.
A lot of people worked extremely hard on this release and we ask that whether you like every song or style of music on the album that you listen to it with an open mind. Some producers had more experience, some less but I think what we have here is honesty, it's something unique and truly deserving of respect. And it was specifically because some of those that submitted are no longer with us anymore that I felt it was my duty to make sure that their music and work got out there for everyone to experience and enjoy. Every artist that submitted a track put themselves out there for the world to see and hear and it is truly with honor that I present them to you. This aural delight is available in 2 releases: the digital and physical release. The digital download is free while the physical release is offered at production cost plus shipping so we don't make a dime on it. Digital is great but nothing beats having a copy in your hands because it really represents AudioSex down to the artwork and it is assembled and printed to the high standards you've come to expect with industrial processes. Made for you by you. So without further ado, let me welcome you to our world. Leave a little bit of the happiness you bring.
SAiNT, Catalyst
Andrew, Carl, Catalyst, Gulliver, HKPotential, Someone, Thisis Theend, Xsze
Catalyst, Xsze
A BIG thanks to Gulliver for his help in making this a reality.
Excellent work he did on the album, imagine what he could do with your material.
Contact him on AudioSex to set something up.
Carlos del Río
Gastón Pacheco
Gustavo Mancini
I really owe a BIG THANKS to the designers who worked on this project,
so I hope this gives them some exposure and luckily some job opportunities out there.
If you like the Artwork don´t forget to check their portfolios. Great stuff.
Woofer Destroyer

download from free file storage

AudioSex Theme Song???