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Introduction to Free File Storages
FFS allow people to store and share their files; but like any good things in this world, their service cannot be "free". You either pay for storage, pay for downloading at high speeds (premium accounts), or simply pay by browsing advertisement while you wait for the counter to end.

And that btw is the very reason why all FFS have counters - theoretically that will make you spend time waiting on their page, and that highly increases the chance that you'll click on a banner and make them some money.

At AudioZ we have two primary mirrors and demand from uploaders that each mirror could be accessible without a premium account, i.e. for free.

So you have three choices:
1. download as free user at low speeds;
2. buy a premium account at FFS that you use the most;
3. use alternative download services, which kind of give you "all in one" feature; i.e. you pay for one service, but being able to download from many FFS.

Personally, I combine 2 and 3, downloading 90% of stuff using UL and the rest with AllDebrid.

Downloading from Uploaded.to
How to Download from File Storages like RapidGator and UL screenshot
1. Go to download link
2. find the Free Download button
3. watch all sorts of sick ads and popups
4. enter captcha
5. your download should start.

* sometimes FFS cheat and throw an error, making you go through this beautiful process once again.

Note for UL Premium Account holders: you should go to your Settings and specify Direct Download Option. - This way your download will start avoiding visiting the FFS page and saving you time.

Downloading from RapidGator
How to Download from File Storages like RapidGator and UL screenshot
1. Go to download link
2. find the Slow Download button
3. enter captcha
4. your download should start slowly and painfully.

* sometimes FFS cheat and throw an error, making you go through this beautiful process once again.

Note for RG Premium Account holders: you should go to your Settings and specify Direct Download Option. - This way your download will start avoiding visiting the FFS page and saving you time.

Downloading from any Other Free File Storage
Basically it's all the same.
You need to understand that all FFS are crappy when you use them for free.
Some FFS even insert viruses into uploaded files; some are just fakes - they will take your money without providing you the file you were hoping to download.

So I wouldn't advise you to go outside the trusted FFS. If you can't download a file from some strange FFS and don't understand why, it most likely is a fake.

If you download regularly, I highly advice you to buy a premium account or at least LinkSnappy.

NOTE: PeepLink is a service that we have to use to avoid directly posting links at AudioZ.
PeepLink is not a FFS, it's just a page where you'll find your download links.

Is it dangerous to download from AudioZ/Free File Storage?
Another regular question... The short answer is No, it's not dangerous, and it's much safer than torrents.

However, we all have heard that in some countries government forces ISP to spy on their users, but even that doesn't mean you will get caught for downloading software from AudioZ
Everybody download warez, whether it's software, samples, porn or games. If we could get in jail for that, then everybody would be merely downloading warez from jail

the bottom line: when it comes to piracy, they're more interested in those who spread it, not in those who download it.

If you have any doubts or just want to be totally safe, always make sure you're using HTTPS protocol which makes it impossible for ISP to sniff your traffic and get yourself a VPN (discussed here).


  Banned 13.05.2011 794 3871
Even when I respect your choice SAiNT, I dislike Uploaded + Rapidgator very much! I don't like hosting sites that let people wait, impose crappy captchas and then offer lame + capped download speeds only.
It's a bullshit!

  Administrator 1.01.2004 301 1142
the thing is - they just have to
even FireDrive and SolidFiles will eventually do it, if they get bigger.

speeds depend on particular server's load. you can download the same file today at 50kbps, and the next day it will be 10mbit. anyway, i don't usually have problems with speed because i download with several streams (in my download manager).
  Member 8.11.2013 17
u can always leach it
im working on one specially 4 audioz but need people with premium accounts to help in the process
  Resident 26.01.2018 254
Uploaded works always .. very cool and not expensive with multihoster
  Member 3.02.2014 26
With Alldebrid, I have been getting an error for Rapidgator and RG.to for a couple of months. The files are available when I go to rg, but Alldebrid gives error. Anyone else? Any solution?
  Administrator 1.01.2004 301 1142
i started to get that error last two days... hopefully they'll fix it
  Member 17.11.2023 2
the Comment has been Removed
  Member 10.01.2014 7
from italy it's impossible to dwnload from rapidgator and uploaded
only ulkfile and zippyshare are good
  Banned 13.05.2011 794 3871
NOT true! You just have to add Google DNS Server to your network settings!
> >
> >
  Resident 9.12.2010 78 507
You need to replace your DNS with Google DNS (Primary DNS:; Secondary DNS: or, even better, with Open DNS (Primary DNS:; Secondary DNS:

For what concern the download in free user mode, I rarely download directly from the FFS, I prefer to use JD so I only need to wait and then insert the Captcha without banners and friends!
I'm the master of my fate, the captain of my soul. (W. E. Henley)
  Resident 21.03.2014 1 80
I did that, and the downloads keep at the same slow speed :(
  Administrator 1.01.2004 301 1142
from italy it's impossible to dwnload from rapidgator and uploaded

read this:
  Resident 9.04.2013 2 477
I dont like to use proxy server expecially google public dns....
  Resident 4.11.2010 1 1078
I'm through with Alldebrid, for me it was often not reliable at all especially for RG and UL.

Now I'm on Premiumize.me - not a single problem for months. It's more expensive though and has less services to offer. But I rather choose a working service, in the end it saves my time.
  Resident 9.12.2010 78 507
Me too, I use Premiumize at least from 2 years now, never had a problem!
I'm the master of my fate, the captain of my soul. (W. E. Henley)
  Administrator 1.01.2004 301 1142
thanks for the comment. if they won't fix RG, i'll try Premiumize
  Member 15.07.2013 49
I've had Premiumize for a year and it is perfect. Would never consider an alternative.
  Resident 9.04.2013 2 477
I always thought captchas were an error on my pc cause by a virus.

now I know it is not :)

anyway I appreciate the help SAiNT :) good work!

hope to see more hulkfile too or something else... ;)
  Member 22.10.2013 23
EXCELLENT SHARE! I think... my friend.... You have inspired my future !
  Resident 8.01.2011 215
If people have ask to dl they should not be here that my opinion.
I know we was all noob's once. But way I see it, this is one of the most fundamental things about what we all do. (a part form the reversing)
What comes after dl'ing is how do I install this? Well most teams put info's in there to tell how to install, again most people don't know that notepad opens the info's.
If you can not figure this out damn will see you right
  Resident 25.04.2012 74 7701
I enthusiastically agree. If you don't know how to download then you simply don't belong here. I don't even answer people like that. We have to draw the line somewhere and these kinds of members end up being a frustratingly annoying waste of time (mostly mine). In fact I think helping someone that is so helpless to help themselves is the WRONG thing to do. Sorry but my name isn't SAiNT.
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
  Banned 8.11.2014 8 2701
hehe ....
i had to teach all by myself.....and so this knowledge is burned-in..

früher beim malen in den 90 musste man auch alles selber auschecken wenn man was lernen wollte ....
greetings to the good people & always monster thank you to all release groups and people

and pls :
don't forget to SPAY AND/OR NEUTER YOUR PETS!!!
  Resident 23.03.2014 2 185
Basically it's all the same.
You need to understand that all FFS are crappy when you use them for free.
Some FFS even insert viruses into uploaded files; some are just fakes - they will take your money without providing you the file you were hoping to download.

I disagree on a lot of this- there are several download options with faster speeds for free users that none of the staff here seem to be aware of, or care about, like Zippyshare, 180upload, HugeFiles (one of my favorites), and Putlocker. Bitshare is a good mid-speed download, better for smaller files in the 100-300 mb size range. I have a user account on Uploaded, but don't care for the capped download speed of 70 kbps. I absolutely refuse to use rapidgator for files any larger than appr. 50mb in size, because the wait time is horrendous, and no one realistically wants to download 20-30 links on slow speed of a file that has been broken up into very small slices for free users that can only download at about 30 kbps, because a file that is DVD-9 or bigger in size could take weeks to download, esp. with the horrible wait times between files, like 3 hours between files for users of Uploaded. With HugeFiles, there is NO parallel cap, you can download as many links from their servers at a time as you can handle, and the same with Putlocker and Zippyshare. As for download services deliberately inserting viruses into their downloads, I've never heard of this. It just simply wouldn't be justifiable on the part of the download services to take the time and the expense to insert viruses into each and every one of the files that get uploaded on an hourly basis to their servers, and certainly wouldn't be a motivator for anyone to buy a premium account. I only use services that I trust, and I can't help but think that the admins promoting uploaded and rapidgator here have something to gain financially by pushing these two services at us. Sorry, but this is my honest opinion, even though I like this site immensely, and can't complain about the fact that you do allow users to post uploads with alternate free download links. Kudos for that. I just think that people that upload here should consider the faster free user options I mentioned, but it won't keep me from using this site if they don't.
Rock and Roll is not dead. It has simply evolved and metamorphosed over the years. Anyone who claims Rock and Roll is dead is deluding themselves.
  Resident 25.04.2012 74 7701
The irony is that just about any member that I have ever seen make the argument we should use other servers has contributed absolutely nothing. But hey it's good to know that you know what we should do with our time, energy and money. If you feel so adamantly about it I expect to see some shares from you on those servers. Don't forget you'll have to also maintain all the links you put up too. Oh and I hope you don't have a slow upload speed because uploading for other people all the time will render your download speed useless. Sure you'll be paying for Internet that is now useless to you but you'll feel good about yourself. I really think it would be great for everyone to get a taste of what it's like being a contributor just so they could experience how demanding it really is and how things that seemed so black and white are suddenly turned to grey.
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
  Resident 23.03.2014 2 185
It's funny how moderators and admins always seem to get a little upset when anyone comes in and suggests other options for downloads, and BTW, I don't see that you addressed my intimation that you guys are getting some kind of monetary compensation from RG and UL for pushing premium accounts on their servers at us. Care to comment??
Rock and Roll is not dead. It has simply evolved and metamorphosed over the years. Anyone who claims Rock and Roll is dead is deluding themselves.
  Resident 25.04.2012 74 7701
We get annoyed because we see and deal with all the aspects of this while members only see their own desire to get MORE MORE MORE which is actually affecting more than just links at this point. Nobody is pushing anything on you, you can not buy a premium account and download from all the folks that provide the links you like. Free will. Nobody should be required to work their ass off because you simply can't be bothered with ever paying for anything. So how about you actually contribute something before you come in with critiques. Man I have never dealt with so many spoiled people in one place in my life.  screenshot

Be thankful that many members WERE kind enough to provide you with better links rather than focusing on those that didn't.
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
  Resident 25.11.2012 610
Ok, but where the heck is the download link here?

Kidding apart, I'm afraid I have to say UL and RG are more or less the only cops-blocked FFSs here in my country. And yes, proxying is a PIA for me, admittedly.

As much as paying for something my country blacklisted sounds anti-conformist enough to me, I'm afraid I'm never walking that path.
I'd rather build turd-bombs all day and throw'em on the very suckers which decided to block those FFSs, that's for sure.

Honestly, I can't believe there's no viable alternative to UL and RG out there. And mind you, I don't care whether a link is going to be up for a decade or just ten days, as if it's going to expire, some good soul will sooner or later re-up somehow... Up on some different FFS, For the Freckles Sake!

I'm also fine with being flamed for stating that UL and RG are just like a fist in the groin to me. I'm sure you know better - and if you don't, I'll always be thankful to you anyways.
"Dog knows what's Dog's" (Joe)
  Resident 25.04.2012 74 7701
We do, if you notice SAiNT, Horsemen, Funtime, Kontakt Guru, RBolvari, Parcell and many others up to good lockers and give a choice but not everyone is willing to do that. Can we blame them if we're not willing to do it? For example 8 Residents requested a reup this last month, how many of those do you think were for someone else...I'm betting none. If people won't push a button what makes you think they'll upload and reupload huge libraries so you don't have to pay for an account? Honesty I don't blame them because even I wouldn't want to do it consistently and at the rate they do.
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
  Member 22.12.2013 5 72
I have been using Multihosters.com for the last few months and its going strong!

  Resident 25.04.2012 74 7701
Wow why in the world would anyone downvote this comment? Oh and it's Maximus, he's not active but he always saves some activity to complain and downvote.
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”

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