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A dimo-covered mokong


The New Dizi by Suonopuro is a very expressive and realistic virtual instrument emulating the dizi, a Chinese transverse flute made of bamboo. This virtual instrument is not an upgrade of the previous Dizi E-Flute by Suonopuro, but a completely new instrument, using a new set of samples and a different way of working. Thanks to a new complex algorithm, the New Dizi is more realistic and flexible. Now it has got many more features: 6 octaves of range, 3 levels of samples, the flutter and bending techniques, the “hold 1st note” and “play on release” modalities and more. Like all the virtual instruments by Suonopuro, it can perform two configurable parallel voices as used by great EWI player Michael Brecker. You can also use it as monophonic or polyphonic instrument.

The dizi is widely used in many genres of Chinese folk music, as well as Chinese opera, and the modern Chinese orchestra. What makes the dizi different from all other transverse flutes is the dimo, a membrane taken from the inner wall of the bamboo plant and fastened over the special hole (mokong) between the embouchure hole and the first finger hole. The dimo-covered mokong has a distinctive resonating effect on the sound produced by the dizi, making it brighter and louder, and adding harmonics to give the final tone a buzzing, nasal quality. The Mo-Cong was invented in the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) by Liu Xi, and he named the flute the "Seven Star Tube".

The New Dizi does not require complex configurations or problematic ways of playing. Just play your MIDI instrument as usual and the virtual flute will do the legato and staccato, crescendo and diminuendo, piano and forte, vibrato, portamento, etc.
It can be used with any MIDI controller but is specifically designed for two kinds of MIDI controllers: electronic wind instruments (like the Akai EWI or the Yamaha WX5) and keyboards.

New dizi for Kontakt 4.1


• Real time automatic recognizing of legato and staccato, now with a better algorithm.
• Flutter-tonguing modality.
• Bending technique.
• 3 different ways to vibrate, all ultra-expressive and realistic.
• Convolution reverb.
• 4 round robin staccato attacks with multiple and gradual gradients from soft to marcato.
• 2 parallel voices at configurable intervals, as used by Michael Brecker.
• Polyphonic mode for keyboards and, for the EWI, sustain mode and hold 1st note mode.
• Editable Dynamic Range.
• Perfect Crossfade System, to play realistic crescendo and diminuendo, with 3 levels of samples.
• Some options to customize the sound.
• Glissando.
• 6 octaves range. The range was extended using the best pitch shifter plug-ins. The sampled dizi was tuned in C.
• Play on release mode: When you release a note, the software plays the previous note still pressed.
• An option to disable the “dimo”, for a mellow version of the virtual dizi.

System requirments

NI KONTAKT 4.1.1 or higher FULL retail version. It is NOT compatible with Kontakt Player. You can open and run the new Dizi in Kontakt player just for 15 minutes. After that the demo period of the player times out and you have to re-start and reload the library.

PC: Windows XP, 7 or 8, Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2 GB RAM, low latency audio driver.

Mac: OS X 10.7 or 10.8 (latest update), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM

MIDI controller

Dynamic controllers for keyboards

In the keyboard version you can select how to control the dynamic, from pp to ff. It also affects the timbre and slightly the pitch of notes. You can choose between:

Dynamic controllers for keyboards

You may also choose to control the dynamic by Velocity (the speed of the key-press), as a common keyboard patch, but you can no longer do crescendos and diminuendos.

Dr Xiao & Mr Shakuhachi


Dr Xiao & Mr Shakuhachi are sample based instruments for the sampler Kontakt by NI, emulating two ancient bamboo flutes from Asia.

The XIAO is a Chinese vertical end-blown flute. It first appeared in the Han dynasty (206 bc–220 ad). The xiao is general made of purple bamboo and has a graceful and mellow sound.

The SHAKUHACHI is a traditional Japanese bamboo flute that was originally derived from the Chinese xiao in the 8th century. The shakuhachi’s blowing end is cut obliquely outward, so that subtle varieties of tone colour can be produced. The bell (flared end) consists of the trunk of the bamboo plant with its root ends. The shakuhachi is capable of producing loud, penetrating and breathy tones.

Dr Xiao & Mr Shakuhachi are two very realistic and responsive virtual instruments, achieved with the typical care and attention to detail of the high end hand-made instruments. They can be used as monophonic or polyphonic instruments, and can perform two configurable parallel voices as used by great EWI player Michael Brecker.

They do not require complex configurations or problematic ways of playing. Just play your MIDI instrument as usual and the virtual flutes will do the legato and staccato, crescendo and diminuendo, piano and forte, vibrato, portamento, etc.
They can be used with any MIDI controller but are specifically designed for two kinds of MIDI controllers: electronic wind instruments (like the Akai EWI or the YamahaWX5) and keyboards.

Dr Xiao for EWI


· Every note, and each legato and portamento interval, until the major ninth, was sampled at 24bit/48kHz.

· Over 2000 files working together automatically.

· Real time automatic recognizing of legato and staccato.

· Flutter tonguing modality. (NEW FEATURE 2016)

· Innovative and flexible portamento (glide) system, sample based.

· 3 different ways to vibrate, all ultra-expressive and realistic.

· Convolution reverb.

· 4 round robin staccato attacks with multiple and gradual gradients from soft to marcato.

· 2 parallel voices at configurable intervals, as used by Michael Brecker.

· 3 and a half octaves range instead of the 2 of a real bamboo flute.

· Polyphonic modality.

· Editable Dinamic Range. (NEW FEATURE 2016)

System requirments

NI KONTAKT 4.1.1 or higher FULL retail version. It is NOT compatible with Kontakt Player. You can open and run Dr Xiao & Mr Shakuhachi in Kontakt player just for 15 minutes. After that the demo period of the player times out and you have to re-start and reload the library.

PC: Windows XP, 7 or 8, Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2 GB RAM, low latency audio driver.

Mac: OS X 10.7 or 10.8 (latest update), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM

300 Megabytes of free hard disk space

MIDI controller

Dynamic controllers for keyboards

In the keybord version you can select how to control the dynamic, from pp to ff. It also affects the timbre and slightly the pitch of notes. You can choose between:

Dynamic controllers for keyboards

You may also choose to control the dynamic by Velocity (the speed of the key-press), as a common keyboard patch, but you can no longer do crescendos and diminuendos.

Judd Miller
Judd Miller is arguably THE top EVI (electronic valve instrument) player in the world. He has performed on numerous big budget movie soundtracks and with the world's top recording artists like Michael Breaker, John Williams, Stewart Copeland, James Newton Howard, The Jellow Jackets and many others. He wrote: "I like the Xiao and love the shakuhachi! You have a very musical and sensible approach to what is going to feel and sound right on a wind controller."

Suonopuro Bansuri


Virtuoso bansuri player Hariprasad ChaurasiaThe bansuri is an ancient transverse flute of India made from a single hollow shaft of bamboo. It is mostly used in Indian classical music. References to the bansuri are found in the texts of the 3000 year old holy scriptures of the Hindus: the Vedas. The bansuri is considered to be divine and is intimately linked to lord Krishna and Radha. It is believed that when lord krishna played his flute, the beautiful sound had a spellbinding and enthralling effect not only on women but also on animals. Krishna is most often depicted with this flute in Buddhist paintings dating back 2000 years.

Suonopuro Bansuri is an electronic version of this ancient flute, working as a sample library for the sampler Kontakt by Native Instruments. It differs from the other sound libraries because it is more realistic and responsive. Indeed, it is designed especially for live performing, made by combining the best coding and recording technologies with the typical care and attention to detail of the high-end handmade instruments.

From version 2.3 Suonopuro Bansuri can be used both in monophonic (more realistic) or polyphonic mode. It can also perform two configurable parallel voices as used by great EWI player Michael Brecker.

It can play in normal mode or in sung style, like the great flautist Ian Anderson of British rock band Jethro Tull.

The virtual bansuri does not require complex configurations or problematic ways of playing: you just play your MIDI instrument and the virtual bansuri will do the legato and staccato, crescendo and diminuendo, piano and forte, vibrato, glissando, etc.

It can be used with any MIDI controller but it is specifically designed for two kind of MIDI controllers: electronic wind instruments (like the Akai EWI or the Yamaha WX5) and keyboards.

Raga Shivranjani on Virtual Bansuri. Thanks to the suggestions of an Indian bansurist, in 2016 Suonopuro Bansuri was completely renovated. Now it is so expressive that you can play a real Indian raga with it.

Virtual Bansuri for Kontakt 4.1


· 2912 samples at 24bit/48kHz all working together as one.

· Real time automatic recognizing of legato and staccato.

· Each legato interval, until the major ninth, was sampled twice.

· Sung style modality.

· Innovative and flexible portamento (glide) system, sample based.

· 3 different ways to vibrate, all ultra-expressive and realistic.

· Convolution reverb specifically designed for the bansuri.

· 4 round robin staccato attacks with multiple and gradual gradients from soft to marcato.

· 2 parallel voices at configurable intervals, as used by Michael Brecker.

· 4 and a half octaves range instead of the 2 and a half of a real bansuri. The range was extended using the
most advanced pitch shifting technologies.

· Polyphonic Modality (NEW FEATURE 2015)

NEW FEATURES in version 3.0 - 2016
· A more natural glissando (adjustable by the Glide Sens. Knob).

· More consistent bass notes.

· Many samples remastered for a more robust sound.

· If you play pianissimo (very softly) you can hear the breath noise.

· Now you can do the flutter effect, just with toungue.

· 3 different reverbs avaible: normal, new and very very long (called atmosfera).

· Extended and adjustable dynamic range.

System requirments

NI KONTAKT 4.1.1 or higher FULL retail version. It is NOT compatible with Kontakt Player. You can open and run Suonopuro Bansuri in Kontakt player just for 15 minutes. After that the demo period of the player times out and you have to re-start and reload the library.

PC: Windows XP, 7 or 8, Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2 GB RAM, low latency audio driver.

Mac: OS X 10.7 or 10.8 (latest update), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM

300 Megabytes of free hard disk space

MIDI controller

Dynamic controllers for keyboards

In the keybord version you can select how to control the dynamic, from pp to ff. It also affects the timbre and slightly the pitch of notes. You can choose between:

Dynamic controllers for keyboards

You may also choose to control the dynamic by Velocity (the speed of the key-press), as a common keyboard patch.

Steve Tavaglione
Steve Tavaglione, multi-styled saxophonist, clarinetist, flautist and E.W.I. player, who has worked on various films and television shows including CSI and CSI:NY, wrote: "Suonopuro Bansuri is a beautiful soundset"

Judd Miller
Judd Miller is arguably THE top EVI (electronic valve instrument) player in the world. He has performed on numerous big budget movie soundtracks and with the world's top recording artists like Michael Breaker, John Williams, Stewart Copeland, James Newton Howard, The Jellow Jackets and many others. He wrote: "The Suonopuro Bansuri is so beautiful. Your creations feel so good to play. I just love playing your bansuri and freesk. really, really beautiful sounds."

Judd Miller's improvised solo from the show "Off the score" with Stewart Copeland (formerly of The Police), Jon Kimura Parker, Yoon Kwon and Marlon Martinez.

Siggi Mueller
Siggi Mueller, German film composer, keyboarder, accordion and piano player, wrote: "This is the best virtual Bansuri i heard. It can be very lovely played with a breath controller."

Silvio Binello

Silvio Binello, versatile musician and composer of jazz and contemporary music, wrote: "Gino made and still makes a unique and valuable work for the EWI, understanding the real possibility of this instrument and going beyond. Thanks to his studies in advanced electronics, he is a musician projected into the future but without losing sight of tradition. The sounds that he creates are all beautiful, the Bansuri is really effective and engaging for both those who use it and those who listen it. Rare stuff ... "

A dimo-covered mokong


The dizi is Chinese transverse flute made of bamboo. It is widely used inmany genres of Chinese folkmusic, as well as Chinese opera, and the modern Chinese orchestra. What makes the dizi different from all other transverse flutes is the dimo, a membrane taken from
the inner wall of the bamboo plant and fastened over the special hole (mokong) between the embouchure hole and the first finger hole.

The dimo-covered mokong has a distinctive resonating effect on the sound produced by the dizi, making it brighter and louder, and adding harmonics to give the final tone a buzzing, nasal quality. The Mo-Cong was invented in the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) by Liu Xi,
and he named the flute the "Seven Star Tube".

Suonopuro e-dizi is a free add-on of Suonopuro Bansuri.

You can use it as monophonic or polyphonic instrument. It can also perform two configurable parallel voices as used by great EWI player Michael Brecker.

It does not require complex configurations or problematic ways of playing. Just play your MIDI instrument as usual and the virtual flute will do the legato and staccato, crescendo and diminuendo, piano and forte, vibrato, portamento, etc.

It can be used with any MIDI controller but is specifically designed for two kinds of MIDI controllers: electronic wind instruments (like the Akai EWI or the Yamaha WX5) and keyboards.

Dizi e-flute for Kontakt 4.1


· Every note and each legato and portamento interval, until the major ninth, was sampled at
24 bit/48kHz. Over 1020 files working together automatically.

· Real time automatic recognizing of legato and staccato.

· Innovative and flexible portamento (glide) system, sample based.

· 3 different ways to vibrate, all ultra-expressive and realistic.

· Convolution reverb specifically designed for the bansuri.

· 4 round robin staccato attacks with multiple and gradual gradients from soft to marcato.

· 2 parallel voices at configurable intervals, as used by Michael Brecker.

· 3 and a half octaves range instead of the 2 of a dizi flute.

· Polyphonic Modality

System requirments

NI KONTAKT 4.1.1 or higher FULL retail version. It is NOT compatible with Kontakt Player. You can open and run the Dizi e-flute in Kontakt player just for 15 minutes. After that the demo period of the player times out and you have to re-start and reload the library.

PC: Windows XP, 7 or 8, Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2 GB RAM, low latency audio driver.

Mac: OS X 10.7 or 10.8 (latest update), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM

300 Megabytes of free hard disk space

Dizi e-flute shares some samples with Suonopuro Bansuri. They are a part of one package and can not be divided.

MIDI controller

Dynamic controllers for keyboards

In the keybord version you can select how to control the dynamic, from pp to ff. It also affects the timbre and slightly the pitch of notes. You can choose between:

Dynamic controllers for keyboards

You may also choose to control the dynamic by Velocity (the speed of the key-press), as a common keyboard patch, but you can no longer do crescendos and diminuendos.

The Freesk


Four Hand-made Sicilian FlutesThe Freesk is a sample based instrument for NI Kontakt, emulating an ancient little flute of Sicily called Zufolo or, in Sicilian, Friscalettu.

To extend the limited range of this kind of flute the Freesk was made combining four zufolos tuned in different keys. These flutes were made by hand from very seasoned reeds. In particular the one tuned in A, that is the primary, was made with a hundred years old reed.

The Freesk is a very realistic and responsive virtual musical instrument, achieved with the typical care and attention to detail of the high end handmade instruments. Like the Suonopuro Bansuri, to be more realistic, it is a monophonic instrument, but it can perform two configurable parallel voices as used by great EWI player Michael Brecker.

It does not require complex configurations or problematic ways of playing: you just play your MIDI instrument and the virtual flute will do the legato and staccato, crescendo and diminuendo, piano and forte, vibrato, portamento, etc.
It can be used with any MIDI controller but it is specifically designed for two kinds of MIDI controllers: electronic wind instruments (like the Akai EWI or the Yamaha WX5) and keyboards.

The Freesk for keyboard


· Every note, and each legato and portamento interval, until the major ninth, was sampled at 24bit/48kHz.

· Real time automatic recognizing of legato and staccato.

· Flutter tonguing modality.

· Innovative and flexible portamento (glide) system, sample based.

· 3 different ways to vibrate, all ultra-expressive and realistic.

· Convolution reverb specifically designed for The Freesk.

· 4 round robin staccato attacks with multiple and gradual gradients from soft to marcato.

· 2 parallel voices at configurable intervals, as used by Michael Brecker.

· 3 and a half octaves range. The range was extended combining 4 zufolos.

· Polyphonic Modality (NEW FEATURE 2015)

· Perfect crossfade without hearing double notes (NEW FEATURE 2015)

System requirments

NI KONTAKT 4.1.1 or higher FULL retail version. It is NOT compatible with Kontakt Player. You can open and run The Freesk in Kontakt player just for 15 minutes. After that the demo period of the player times out and you have to re-start and reload the library.

PC: Windows XP, 7, 8 or 10, Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2 GB RAM, low latency audio driver.

Mac: OS X 10.7 or higher, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM

200 Megabytes of free hard disk space

MIDI controller

Dynamic controllers for keyboards

In the keybord version you can select how to control the dynamic, from pp to ff. It also affects the timbre and slightly the pitch of notes. You can choose between:

Dynamic controllers for keyboards

You may also choose to control the dynamic by Velocity (the speed of the key-press), as a common keyboard patch, but you can no longer do crescendos and diminuendos, and The Freesk will become less expressive.

Steve Tavaglione
Steve Tavaglione, multi-styled saxophonist, clarinetist, flautist and E.W.I. player, who has worked on various films and television shows including CSI and CSI:NY, wrote: "The Freesk sounds great!!! The breath was captured so beautifully. I will use this maybe even as soon as tomorrow."

Judd Miller
Judd Miller is arguably THE top EVI (electronic valve instrument) player in the world. He has performed on numerous big budget movie soundtracks and with the world's top recording artists like Michael Breaker, John Williams, Stewart Copeland, James Newton Howard, The Jellow Jackets and many others. He wrote: "The Suonopuro Bansuri is so beautiful. Your creations feel so good to play. I just love playing your bansuri and freesk. really, really beautiful sounds."

The recorder


Jacob Jordaens, Three musicians. 17th century. The recorder is a woodwind instrument of the group known as fipple flutes. It was popular in Renaissance period through baroque era, but declined in the 18th century.

Many composers of the baroque era wrote specifically for the recorder, including Bach, Handel, Purcell, Sammartini, Scarlatti, Schütz, Telemann and Vivaldi.

The recorder was revived in the 20th century, partly in the pursuit of historically informed performance of earlymusic, but also because of its suitability as a simple instrument for teachingmusic.

Suonopuro Recorder is an electronic version of this ancient instrument, very realistic and responsive, achieved with the typical care and attention to detail of the high-end handmade instruments.

You can choose to play Suonopuro Recorder in monophonic mode (more realistic) or polyphonic mode.
It can also perform two configurable parallel voices as used by great EWI player Michael Brecker.

It does not require complex configurations or problematic ways of playing: you just play your MIDI instrument and the virtual recorder will do the legato and staccato, crescendo and diminuendo, piano and forte, vibrato, glissando, etc.

It can be used with any MIDI controller but it is specifically designed for two kinds of MIDI controllers: electronic wind instruments (like the Akai EWI or the YamahaWX5) and keyboards.

Suonopuro Recorder interface for EWI


· 1908 samples at 24bit/48kHz all working together as one.

· Real time automatic recognizing of legato and staccato.

· Each legato interval, until the major ninth, was sampled twice.

· Sung style modality.

· Innovative and flexible portamento (glide) system, sample based.

· 3 different ways to vibrate, all ultra-expressive and realistic.

· Convolution reverb specifically designed for the recorder.

· 2 round robin staccato attacks with multiple and gradual gradients from soft to marcato.

· 2 parallel voices at configurable intervals, as used by Michael Brecker.

· 4 octaves range instead of the 3 of a real recorder.

· Polyphonic Modality availlable.

System requirments

NI KONTAKT 4.1.1 or higher FULL retail version. It is NOT compatible with Kontakt Player. You can open and run Suonopuro Recorder in Kontakt player just for 15 minutes. After that the demo period of the player times out and you have to re-start and reload the library.

PC: Windows XP, 7 or 8, Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2 GB RAM, low latency audio driver.

Mac: OS X 10.7 or 10.8 (latest update), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM

300 Megabytes of free hard disk space

MIDI controller

Dynamic controllers for keyboards
In the keybord version you can select how to control the dynamic, from pp to ff. It also affects the timbre and slightly the pitch of notes.

You can choose between:

Dynamic controllers for keyboards

You may also choose to control the dynamic by Velocity (the speed of the key-press), as a common keyboard patch.

To use it you need a FULL retail version of NI Kontakt 4.1.1 or higher.

Pan Flute


Suonopuro Pan Flute is a sample-based instrument for NI Kontakt, emulating an ancient flute consisting of multiple pipes of gradually increasing length, also called Syrinx. The pan flute is named after Pan, the Greek god of nature often depicted with such an instrument. He is the God of shepherds.

Suonopuro Pan Flute uses complex algorithms to emulate all the expressive possibilities of this instrument: staccato, legato, glissando, crescendo, diminuendo, etc. The result is a realism and playability of the highest level.

Like its more complex cousins of Ancient Flutes Collection it has many functions, including two configurable parallel voices as used by great EWI player Michael Brecker.
It does not require complex configurations or problematic ways of playing: you just play your MIDI instrument and the virtual flute will do the legato and staccato, crescendo and diminuendo, piano and forte, vibrato, portamento, etc.
You can also crossfading from pp to ff and conversely without hearing 2 notes anytime.
It works with any MIDI controller but it is specifically designed for two kinds of MIDI controllers: electronic wind instruments (like the Akai EWI or the Yamaha WX5) and keyboards.

Pan Flute interface


• Real time automatic recognizing of legato and staccato, now with a better algorithm. NEW FEATURE 2017

• Flutter-tonguing modality.

• Bending technique.

• 3 different ways to vibrate, all ultra-expressive and realistic.

• Convolution reverb.

• 4 round robin staccato attacks with multiple and gradual gradients from soft to marcato.

• 2 parallel voices at configurable intervals, as used by Michael Brecker.

• 6 octaves range. The range was extended by sampling a sub bass pan flute. NEW FEATURE 2017

• Polyphonic mode for keyboards and, for the EWI, sustain mode and hold 1st note mode. NEW FEATURES 2017

• Editable Dynamic Range.

• Perfect Crossfade System.

• Customizable sound.

• Glissando. NEW FEATURE 2017.

• Play on release mode: When you release a note, the software plays the previous note still pressed. NEW FEATURE 2017.

System requirments

NI KONTAKT 4.1.1 or higher FULL retail version. It is NOT compatible with Kontakt Player. You can open and run Suonopuro Pan Flute in Kontakt player just for 15 minutes. After that the demo period of the player times out and you have to re-start and reload the library.

PC: Windows XP, 7 or 8, Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2 GB RAM, low latency audio driver.

Mac: OS X 10.7 or 10.8 (latest update), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM

120 Megabytes of free hard disk space
MIDI controller

Dynamic controllers for keyboards

In the keybord version you can select how to control the dynamic, from pp to ff. It also affects the timbre and slightly the pitch of notes. You can choose between:

Dynamic controllers for keyboards

You may also choose to control the dynamic by Velocity (the speed of the key-press), as a common keyboard patch, but you can no longer do crescendos and diminuendos on a single note.

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  Member 11.04.2019 37
Seria genial tener estos... hay muy poco material especifico para los wind sumo al pedido...
  Member 3.05.2020 3
Yes please! Would love to test it out!
  Member 7.10.2015 60
sounds cool, but description is a bit long. lol
  Member 15.05.2021 35
Old and indie libraries but WELL CRAFTED, excelent sampled and algorithms to reproduce close perfectly the real instruments with MIDI controller
  Member 10.01.2016 11 175
company name is suonopuro
Trust in Trance

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