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Windows, Mac OSX
StudioLinked Lit Drumz VST AU v1.0 MAC/WiN screenshot
MAC VST - 79 MB | MAC AU - 79 MB | WiN VST - 67 MB
Lit Drumz is a virtual drum machine containing acoustic and electronic drum kits. Compatible for both MAC and PC. Coming in VST and Audio Unit formats.

- 20 Kits Plus 3 bonus

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  Member 17.01.2014 12
Thanks, I'm curious to try this but I don't understand where the installer places the files, in the default directory I only find unistaller.exe!
  Releaser 22.10.2007 2274 1452
C:\Program Files\VstPlugins\
in this directory installer create folder with plugin name
ViP Team - true legends stays in history!
  Member 17.01.2014 12
Thanks Talula, so should it be, but for a unknow reason not in my system win 7/64, in that folder I found the uninstaller only
  Releaser 22.10.2007 2274 1452
if you are using other directory for vst plugins you should find plugin there. try search to find plugin on your hdd.
ViP Team - true legends stays in history!

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