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Goodbye ASSiGN screenshot
Goodbye ASSiGN
Yeah, sadly but true! We have to say goodbye to ASSiGN today. Here we show our appreciation to a hard working team who did many things for us all over the past years!

Ladies and gentleman!

We have worked for 4 years (since peace-out), mainly for musicians, and for free.
Sad to inform, we decided to end TEAM ASSiGN with this final release.

Thanks to the supporters all over the world.
Middle finger to the greedy people and bad protections.

You cannot contact to us anymore.
Because our mailbox was filled with following spam :
* Mac Pleeeeeeease!
* Cubasaaase! ProTooooooools! Nexuuuuuuuuuus!
* Where is the serial?
* Where is your forum?

Mikuru is crying,


ASSiGN's Final Release: Bye-ASSiGN
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  Supplier 30.08.2010 552
Shit happens!! Please do not PM me about the situation.Just be happy you got what you have over the years
Get a job
  Resident 14.11.2011 2 344
That sucks... Thanks for all !
Without obsession, life is nothing.
John Waters
  Resident 16.09.2010 1416
I thought something might be up.. nothing released in quite a while...

Well a HUGE thanks to them for all they did.

Happy trails headbang phones

Now go make some music. dance
  guest -- 0
Thank you team ASSiGN!! Wish you nothing but happiness!! wink
  Contributor 3.05.2011 701 4988
goodbye assign :) i really loved you guys!
but i can understand that ... all this ppl have really to learn that the world isnt free and we should really be satisfied when we got something for free ...
Salut Assign ...
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  guest -- 0
Thats a good April Fools joke!
You really got me.
  Resident 16.09.2010 1416
Its not.. April 1st. no
  Resident 22.11.2009 479
thank you for all ASSIGN !! good bye. :@(
  Member 1.11.2011 200
yeah ASSiGN have released all the stuff I even haven't dream of.
Best of luck, guys!
  Resident 22.01.2012 131
This so sounds like a belated but still cruel & distasteful April Fools joke....PLEASE LET IT BE ONE!
Live 2 build a legit,lustrous,& legendary legacy.Much else is meaningless.
  guest -- 0

ASSIGN----2012 :(
  Resident 23.12.2011 1 88
big up ASSiGN
my music wouldnt be where is if it wasnt for you
many thanks!
Treat others the same way you would like to be treated...
  guest -- 0
Thanks for your great job!!!! Peace....
  Banned 13.05.2011 794 3871
damn Yes, that's hard to hear!
Everything comes to an end, everything changes.....
Many thanks to you people, having delivered so much goodies for free.

Farewell Team ASSiGN - take care

  Resident 26.02.2012 31
Sad day for all music lovers.......Thank You TEAM ASSiGn!!!
  Resident 10.08.2010 1 64
WOW! another friend has been called home, thanks for everything you have blessed us with. wink
  Resident 25.01.2012 97
Man ...... what a los , i hope this is not true however the statement is clear.

THX ASSiGN without ya ass we all had less fun with music :)
#RAZOR #1911 #JED #!985
  Resident 3.01.2011 1 4590
as a mac user i want to thanks you for all the Mac release there were a lot more Pc release but i think i can speak for all the Mac users when i say thank you for the effort you put toward releasing Mac plugins when you didn't have to ''thank you'' it's not good by it's see you you latter thanksssss Big'''time
  Resident 25.01.2012 97
However i think this could be a joke .... cuz nothing is up at avaxhome or magecy .... nothing saying bout assign nor on mirc .... Where did you get the info from ...
#RAZOR #1911 #JED #!985
  guest -- 0
Cant belive this.
Sad day. damn
  Member 4.07.2011 5
Goodbye ASSIGN! Massive thanks to you for all you've done for us. Good luck & have phun ;)
  Resident 7.01.2008 1278
A shock ... which makes us really sad, this hardworking generous guys (and girls too sure) from Japan have made us many years of pleasure!
Nothing is natural! That's not to be taken for granted.
We / I would like to know more about you, what you do otherwise, exactly where you live .. ecetra.
I would like to have something returned by this generosity in you.
When her team of ASSiGN once came to Germany / Switzerland, I would be happy to welcome you as guests.

We all here wish you great music-supporters all the best and love again, respectful huge thanks for everything!

In memory R.I.P ASSiGN
wow wow tongue tongue wow wink wink keys yes ... now are they a real legend +++++
STOP torturing intelligent animals to raise fur .
Finaly punish fur 'breeders'
  guest -- 0
Hard to read but thanks for everything!
  Banned 24.03.2012 2 29
who cares?AIR was the better cracker imo...
  Member 7.08.2011 15
Where is this info from?
  Resident 21.03.2012 8 81
Where do you find such news?
  Member 1.11.2011 200
as you see all people here actually care. excluding dicks like you of course.
  Resident 25.01.2012 97
Indeeed where did you find this news guys .....
#RAZOR #1911 #JED #!985
  Banned 24.03.2012 2 29
opinions are like assholes everyone has one and no i dont half of there stuff had many problems!
  Supplier 30.08.2010 552
From ASSiGN themselfs. just take a moment and read the NFO they released
Get a job

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