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would like to know which x64 host sequencer you are using?
I guess not so many of you will use qbaze 5 x64...
okay, there are fruity, orion and live, but i ve heardt live still buggy ( and i dont like that)...fruity and orion are nice but i am a swineberg fan...
no final samplitude or sequoia x64 released by a major group yet, right?
Couldnt install sonar 8.5 here, maybe i didnt make it, maybe this isnt a fully working release, too...
Now, we ve all gone ( most of us i guess) 64 bit: hardware, OS and the plugins are now coming as x64,too.
So, again, the only thing that is somehow missin is a x64 host.
The core of my words here is: why isnt qbaz3 5 x64 not released, yet?
Not even a non working fake release on the net :(
A lil strange, I think...
Heard the rumors one day that swineberg paied some people not to release workin warezed stuff...
What was the reason now, that a x64 version of this popular swineberg software wasnt released, yet?
What is more strange is the fact, that no1 is talking about that, no asking or so...
Remeber some years ago, there was so much talk about the release of this app, that it was forbidden to talk about it in the irc chans, was also not allowed to talk about in some special places of the www...
Now, i think the people are even looking much more forward to see a new x64 release of that, because now, a new dimension will open up for those of us who are using much samples...
But there is no talk and its not forbidden to talk about Ceefive x64...
Why isnt it coming?
Arent you also looking forward to that?
Which x64 sequencer are you using?
Dont you think that its a little strange that Ceefive x64 isnt coming somehow, meanwhile the major groups are releasin stuff for evil apple OSX...
strange world, maybe i am too old for this game...nite
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  Administrator 1.01.2004 301 1142
it doesn't really matter unless you do some serious 24/7 encoding.
yet i feel more comfortable working with x64 where it's possible..
  guest -- 0
unless u have machine with more than 4gb of ram and using monumentally large sample libraries, 64bit is not really any better

also there is x64 version of Presonus Studio One
  Resident 14.11.2008 7 91
it makes a big difference for me using a sample player vsti than can adress 2,3 or more then 4 gb of ram...all the sample libraries and sample based vsti are getting bigger, so doin a nice drum track with one vsti like bfd or toontrack will need more then 2 gig of ram for sure...
also i really wonder that every one else seems comfortable using 32 bit and though have to freeze all their tracks while producing to free ram.
  Administrator 1.01.2004 301 1142
wait a sec, x86 program can still operate more than 4gb of RAM if running under x64 OS..
those RAM limitations are only for Windows OS, and not for programs.
...or am i wrong?
  Resident 8.12.2009 32
Ableton live is not x64.

The main problem of 64 bit is that the plugins need to be 64bit too and its gonna take some time for all the plugin makers to release 64 bit versions of their plugins ..... so thats why nobody is so excited - because most people just don't use 64 bit daws yet

yeah and as samurai already said - there's no big difference in general..... if you don't have more than 4 gb of ram.

I think cockos reaper 64 bit version is really good ...

wait couple of years when 64 bit oses became mainstream so true 64 bit daws will do too....
  Resident 14.11.2008 7 91
win 32 can give an app up to 2 gb of ram, if pae ( physical adress extension is on) and the app ( like cubase ) features this, an app can use up to 4 gb of ram ( from what i ve heardt...)
theorethical pae gives 48 bit adresses, so it could be more then 4 gig, but again, from what i ve heardt win 7 x64 can give an app like c5 32 bit 4 gb of ram...
  Resident 7.02.2009 1 843
Here's what I know about x64 hosts and plugins. Some things I know them for sure, others just reported in audio/computer sites.
First of all, x32 apps can't recognize more than 4 GB, so they can't give more than that to a plugin no matter if they are running in a 32 or 64 bit OS. They use 32 bit numbers to address memory. 2^32 = 4,294,967,296 (bytes). That's 4 GB.

Currently Reaper is the only x64 sequencer in the scene. That's why I'm deciding (I'm a newbie yet) between Cub5 x32 and Reaper x64. If I go with C5: no x64 plugins, 3.X/4 GB RAM limit (win x32/win x64). Reaper has 2 nice features: firewalling and briging. Firewalling: if you use Reaper x32/x64 in win x64 you can assign up to 3 GB to each x32 plugin, overcoming the global 4 GB wall. Bridging: if you use Reaper x64 you can run x32 plugins with strong compatibility (improving in every Reaper version).

If Cockos were a big company I'd go directly with Reaper. But for many people using C5 is mandatory (VST3, it's the de facto standard, you use a legit copy at work, you're friends use it, ...) . That's a dilemma.

theMAN is right: very few x64 apps are in the scene because they aren't mainstream yet (thank you win vista). I only know two complex 64 bit apps in the scene: Adoube's PhotoSop and Achrobat. They both are mainstream and PS uses larges amounts of RAM (don't use Achrobat).
[2009] Sorry for my English. I'm working on it
[2017] I'm beginning to improve. Hell yeah, I'm a fast learner :D
  guest -- 0
I have tried to install mLAN tools and driver for my YAMAHA O1X on my W7. I did that for 2- days following instructions from Internet, where one guy claimed that he made it work under W7. But, mine did not succeed and I am back to my XP setup, that I did not delete, fortunately. I installed the W7 in separate partition and now I am using it for Internet browsing and all other non music related work. Further investigating the problem it seems that YAMAHA is not planing releasing their own x64 support for O1X, which is a same. I have seen many disappointed users on the net, but I am not. It still works nice under XP and I was only trying to figure out and test the difference, but I was stopped in the beginning - my audio interface is not operational, so I gave up. I am using Cubase 5, which works fine under XP and I am interested to hear if other people managed to use Cubase 5 under W7 and what is their experience with the different VSTis and plugins...
  Resident 6.11.2008 223
Only noobs use cubase. Similar to ProTools. Its what every shit faced wanna-be producer in the world knows. So its what they, and all their friends want to use. I blame it on tactical marketing (similar to overly popularized PC software), and lack of research on the consumers part. Some people simply do not know that there are more powerful, and feature-rich DAWs on the market.

Cubase is one of the most feature lacking DAWs on the market, and has been for 4-5 years. steinberg lost that race years ago. vst3 is not a defacto standard either. there are enough vst3 plugins to count on 2 hands. Sonar & Reaper each individually have every feature, and more features than Cubase & Nuendo combined. Sonar has had a respective x64 version bundled in their installer for about 3 years now, thus Reaper isn't the ONLY x64 DAW.

(for the lost-in-time x86 legacy losers) Lets not even mention Ableton. Ableton is so fucked off right now, with lack of development, its not even a contender for the x86 market.

x64 is industry standard. x86 was officially LEGACY computing when quad cores emerged, as quad cores (now x6, x8, and x12 cores) are x64 ONLY. I can't tell you how many idiots I've seen trying to run an x86 OS on a x64 processor, then wondering why their computer cant see their other 2+ cores, and +4gb of RAM. They haven't even sold a computer with an x86 operating system for several years now. x86 is only briefly re-emerging on low power netbooks.
  Resident 14.11.2008 7 91
@Xupito: yes, reaper seems to be a good sequencer

@LjStef The Yamaha O1X is just too old..., i really dont want to offend anyone, this place is quite openminded, but i think is quite dangerous to use the word idiot so much, so i have to tell you that

1) Cubase has not many features?? I think we are not talking about the same app here...

2) Windows XP can see all of my four cores; never heardt what you are saying about 32bit OS not seeing multi cores

3) I worked once for Cakewalk and was Sonar product specialist and I can say that its surely not a bad software, but I wouldnt say its in any better than cubase, sonar is patchwork from many software developers coded in different languages, so its no wonder that its somhow quite buggy...
  Resident 6.11.2008 223
@scoobydoobypoo: the only way you can use all 4 cores in XP is by using XP x64. If you are using x86 XP (32bit), and it see's all 4 cores, you sure aren't using all 4 cores. if you think you are, you are living in a fantasy world. x86 has a 2 core limitation, and there are no exceptions - 2 processors is the maximum supported in an x86 environment on any platform. the ability to even see 4gb of ram in an x86 (windows) environment is only recently new, even though you cannot use all 4gb.

  Resident 7.02.2009 1 843
Maybe a waste of time replying drably-like posts, just in case some uninformed guy believe him.

Only noobs use cubase. Similar to ProTools.

No comments. No need.

vst3 is not a defacto standard either

Nobody said that. VST is a de facto standard, but what I said is Cubase is a de facto standard. See polls.

Reaper isn't the ONLY x64 DAW.

Is the only in the scene. If you haven't read the initial post better don't reply.

x86 was officially LEGACY computing when quad cores emerged

So Core 2 Duo CPU's aren't x64, are they?

quad cores (now x6, x8, and x12 cores) are x64 ONLY.

Tell this to the 90% of quad core CPU idiot owners using x32 OSes and apps.

wondering why their computer cant see their other 2+ cores

This is my favourite.
[2009] Sorry for my English. I'm working on it
[2017] I'm beginning to improve. Hell yeah, I'm a fast learner :D
  Resident 11.04.2010 41
Sonar x64, Win7 64bit, i7 System, 8G RAM, jBridge for old plugs.

Life is good yes Now lets go make some music!!
  Resident 6.11.2008 223
@xupito, dual core CPU's are x86-x64, meaning they are backwards compatible with x86 architecture, yet capable of supporting x64 platforms & providing more than 4gb memory limitation present with x86 OS. The features you get from the processor, is entirely dependent on what OS architecture you install. x64 OS natively supports x86 applications within the x64 environment (this is called backwards compliance), with significant improvements in the performance of such applications.

However, If you are running an x86 OS on a processor with x4 core or more, you cannot use the extra cores regardless - as this functionality is available to x64 OS only (with exception of Server OS). Google-fu some tech, and all will be answered. The only x86 OS platforms that have the potential, if permitted, to support more than 2 logical processors, is the x86 Windows Server 2003/2008 OS line & other unix/linux distributions. However, MS doesn't even make x86 server based OS nor applications anymore. Strictly 100% x64 now, yet still with backwards compliance with x86 applications Not x86 specific processors.

Upgrading to x64 OS is nothing but beneficial from all standpoints (as long as your processor supports it)
  guest -- 0
Hi Scooby and Xupito, I totally agree, by the way with Jazzy too - live is good, but it is also too short to waste time on over exuberant comments. Maybe drably is a young boy trying to prove his point and partially, I have to admit he is right... But, I started with Logic on PC and when Logic parted with Win and moved to Mac I switched to Cubase because at that time there was no better DAW. Now I only want to know if I somehow buy another console from YAMAHA (I hear there are some new offerings and they dropped Fireware now offering USB connection) or maybe some other producer with W7 drivers, install the new promised Cubase 5 version that will work with W7, will my old VST work in the x64 environment? We all have tons of plug-ins and VST instruments that we like and will not want to part with them. This was my question, I did not intend to hear a lesson about how x64 is better than x86...
And YES, Jazzy is quiet right. We are here all about making music. I made new song last ween on the old setup, it still works well for me and I am not in a big hurry. This time (not like when I was switching from Logic to Cubase) I have the time to make an elaborate and (I hope) wise decision...
  guest -- 0
Why we are wasting time about almost dead OS? I’m running W7 64 and all plugs are OK with him – no major problems. Only problem is that I’m limited with mobo on 8 Gb RAM. @LjStef The Yamaha O1X is just too old... but you can leave your old comp dedicated to O1x and buy some extra comp with new staff. So, to answer original question, this time, with W7, Microsoft was more than correct because support for old programs and plugs works like charm. For the first time I do not have to β€œtweak” system or to adapt to DAW requirements. There is β€œonly” one problem: W7 can be installed on weak comps but it is wasting of time. Like a sound engineer I do not care is it or not 64 or 32 – for me count only is it working or not – Answer is: it works.
  Resident 11.04.2010 41

Sorry man, I actually PURCHASED my Sonar 8.5 retail. How's that for a concept, LOL. I consider my DAW like an Operating System; I don't want to bother with pirated crap that might cause me serious headaches in the future. Life is too short, and again, I want to spend my time making music - not troubleshooting. Also, I want to support these companies that are creating this amazing software for us. I know musicians don't always have the $$ to pay for stuff, but I believe everyone can contribute something (within your means), so I try to pay for as much as I can.

  Resident 8.12.2009 32
If you are running an x86 OS on a processor with x4 core or more, you cannot use the extra cores regardless - as this functionality is available to x64 OS only

You are right, but not exactly right. If an OS and subsequently a program within an os such as a sequencer can use extra cores is determined by few things - chipset driver that gets installed within an os, the chipset capabilities itself (what protocols it supports - it depends on how cheap it is as well as how old it is.) and how the program you want to use is coded. So win XP can use a quad core processor if the chipset and the driver supports it. Because we have only two main players in this game, almost all cpus that are multicore nowadays can use all cores on most windows systems because they are widely supported. OS like linux VARY and the most popular ones do support most cpus.
So to just point out that its not gonna be that if you get an intel quad core cpu for example and you install winxp, its not gonna work on all cores automatically - it all relies on the chipset driver. And as far as I have experiencted, Intel cpus mostly work out of the box or at least have drivers that make them work properly.

The only definite limitation is that xp x86 can only use up to 3 gb of memory and that is with a hack. An x64
bit os can use something like 128 gb or something.

Cakewalk was the first to release a x64 bit DAW, then I think Cockos did theirs ... hmm i don't know about all others. I know that Sony has most apps running in x 64. Yeah but all in alll this crap doesn't really matter
- x64 does'nt make you a better musician ... people used to record crap on tapes for f..k sake ...
  guest -- 0
havent read such an "expert bull" since ages, thanks !
  Resident 7.02.2009 1 843
It's true that x32 sequencers are fine for most sequencing fun, running whether in win xp x32 or win7 x64. For me (like I said a newbie) at the moment is more than enough. But when I've been playing with really heavy sample based VSTi's/Kontakt libraries, for instance ivory piano plus EWQL Symphonic Choirs plus Peter Unpronounceable Orchestra I've had memory troubles with the 3.X/4 GB limit. So I don't see strange that people ask for x64 sequencers in the scene, they have a point.
[2009] Sorry for my English. I'm working on it
[2017] I'm beginning to improve. Hell yeah, I'm a fast learner :D
  guest -- 0
We are all in music job and we all need no technical issues while playing, recording or whatever. All of ass (I think 95%) have already 64 bits capable processors, so I do not see any reason why somebody wait to test something what probably will improve his work. Things are simple – just install W7 on separate partition and run what ewer you like (regards and thanks’ to It is about 2 hours off pleasant work and in any way one day you have to do it. This madness about hardware/software issues is not from yesterday and who don’t have dual system on comp just for the test purpose I fill sorry for him. Every single day there is something out what should be checked. How someone can say what is good for your kind of work or for your crap of comp (if it not a crap you will not ask this kind of question). Just do it – it will not hurt you. And do not forget – if it works for you, go out and buy it.
  guest -- 0
drably seems to be the "i've read 2000 forums and think i am wisest monkey in the forest". nope, you are not, crap about x64-only cpu's is just unbelievable. remember that different versions of windows have different cpu/cores support - so it matters more wheter you're using home/pro/ultimate version rather than 32/64 in this specific case. ofcourse memory limitation is something you can't hack, obviously. i'm using win 7 x64 since the official beta testing of the os started and i'm pretty damn happy - just disabled cpu power saving to avoid lowering frequency and that's it. as long as your drivers and software are up to date - nothing bad can happen, i'm using (legit) Renoise which is 32bit on this 64bit OS without any hickups, with asio drivers from my interface manufacturer and some free and some paid vsti's, no pirates. as Kurmoj said - best way is just to try whether something work or not by yourselves, it doesn't hurt ;)

and drably - please die.
  guest -- 0
drably: Your avatar, nickname, chose words that it appears no doubt that your existence is fully compatible with a loser. yes

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