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Someone say last days, that the new waves pack which was released for OSX some days ago would be available the same nite at eight, as mentioned in some group info...
New Waves pack for pc still not there, which isnt a problem for me; having said this, I surely would love to try out the new processors from Waves.

My problem is that I think apple is really a bad company ruled by some evil managers; apple in my eyes is even more evil and dangerous then Microsoft ever was.
So anyone who was once conerned about MS should think twice about apple:
They are stealing (as written in the BSD license it is allowed, for me its still stealing) the kernel and many many apps from freebsd and gnu/linux, then closing this code, and selling it for big money as their new OSX....If you look closer you will see that apple is a rotten company, having said this,I must agree that the hardware performance and the software isnt bad at all. There is no reason why a company like apple should exist in 5 years.
So, if you want to makemusic in 5 years, and you dont want to switch systems then, you should now think which horse you will ride today.
I really dont have any clue why good release groups are featuring OSX in such ways, that they seem to prefer to release OSX stuff then win ware..
I think this isnt a good thing.
greetings 2 the scene
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  Resident 9.12.2008 5 1016
@ scoobydoobypoo
Don't know but to me seems for true that you need a break, too much work lately?
You'd better get out a little, perhaps the mountains, with plenty of air oxygen or, better, a beautiful girl! tongue

No offense, come on... smile. lol
 - ElMoreno plays LogicProX on Mac - 
  guest -- 0
haha, well said ElMoreno
  Resident 8.06.2008 1 136
Welcome to the capitalism! :)
  guest -- 0
Get a Mac Scooby!! tongue
  Resident 6.09.2009 26
Sorry but what a complete load of arse, all big corporations are control freaks thats how they make billions, get over it, or buy a piece of chalk and a blackboard and leave us all to be consumed by the evil ones.
  guest -- 0
_do not be concerned in 5-10 years there will probably be a early working version of a quantum computers/processors. And they will not execute standard M$ and fucking Apple bullshit (BSD). Sure they will have more than enough processing power to emulate both codes without a problem, fuck they will be able to calculate a dynamic model of Friedmann universe and primordial black holes in real time for that matter, yammy my tammy feels funny:)))))))) (i'm a physicist). Yea it will be lot of green but hey,...... Patience is a virtue:) Find something that suits you and use it until you get bored than switch,.....
Point being everybody is stealing from everybody nowdays. It is very hard to be original 'couse things tend to get more and more complicated as we go deeper. Only thing I really hate are cock sucking greedy corporations that made this planet a nasty place to live. Among them are Apple and M$. Why aren't computers free for everyone, why do we have to pay for water, what is next, paying for amount of air we breathe.
Someone obviously don't want us to be too smart. 'Couse you see that would imply that you can actually think for yourself, therefore you will ask questions, based on curiosity among other things, rather than to follow orders and see only what they want you to see (carrot at the end of a stick anybody).
And one more thing, it is very important. Best things in life are free, remember that.
  guest -- 0
dunno what he is talking about i like macs. no virus and everything runs better than pc. i am on my hackbook now with dual boot of osx and win 7 and my protools and other multi platform progys rull 100% better on osx. MICROSOFT IS THE CROOKS they sell inferior software then make u pay to fix the stuff the messed up n the 1st place i proved its not even the hardware because i have dual boot on the same machine osx rules. and thank god 4 the waves7 bundle on osx now i can track and mix on my mac. mayb i will donate my virus ridden pc to charity or just put her out her misery lol.
  Resident 27.05.2008 29
Last years PC users got over 90% cracked software- now it's time for MAC users to be happy

I was PC user over 15 years (I still have power house PC) and I hated anything about mac
now I'm using MAC last 3 years and I loving it
No memory limits, no regedit, better design and $250 gives 3 years free repair
Bad about MAc- toooooooooooo expensive
  guest -- 0
_you have betrayed your kind infidel, you will pay
None may stop the crusade of the Righteous
edit: been playing DoW II so i'm kinda on a purifying crusade:)))))
  guest -- 0
My point against bashing OS X: it's easy to share - no activation, not even a serial.

Apple makes his money selling hardware, you pay for slick machines and convenient integration of hard- and software.

But you can build your own "hackintosh" from compatible components or check the components of a machine before buying, there are many ressources on the web about this. So you can have fun using OS X (I really like it, and also logic studio ...) without paying for the expensive Apple hardware.
  Resident 14.11.2008 7 91
thanks to share your insider point of view with us, much appreciated!

It is sad to see, that most people, even musisicains are totally mainstream: no own spirit, no real own meaning, therefore it doesnt interrest me much what most other people sayin.
Its the point of view of a few ppl that is important for me.

this fact can be seen very clearly from ( for example, dont mean to offend anyone) from the words of KreisKorn:
Apple makes his money selling hardware
well I really doubt that: selling a minor update like update from 10.4 to 10.5 for 150 bucks is earning money from stolen software...Go people, buy some apple computers, download some bad quality mp3s from the istore ( flac isnt any good for you)

  guest -- 0
at first i was gonna agree with Scooby,but if the next release will be PT 8 m-Powered for MAC,then i'm sold :)
  guest -- 0
LOL... I never thought I'd live to see the day:

A demented PC user whining about all the cool Mac software he can't run on his pathetic, outmoded, virus-infested piece-of-shit Windoze box.

Friends, we surely have entered a brave new world.
  guest -- 0
_no, thank you for kind words:), i know exactly what you mean and i completely agree with you:(
like i said good thing in all this, is that you still have a choice, maybe it is not much but it is a choice none the less:)(for now at least)
_cheers and c_u:)
  guest -- 0
hey scoobydoobypoo,

could you please stop smokin CRACK!
  guest -- 0
_not directed to anyone specific
_but, it seams to me that someone's been loooooooonging for it:)
edit: to op sorry, my random rant is now officially over. you can all now resume your usual day and night stuff.
  Resident 9.12.2009 3 551
I had heard a long time ago that most sofware are develope on Macs. Then they make the PC version inside Macs... wow
Is this possible m8s?
  Resident 14.11.2008 7 91
yeah, I can see how happy all apple users are, thats why they are trying to offend me now, beause I said something against their big dick substitution...
And no, I am not smoking crack, sometimes a lil original organic grown white widdow through a vapor nothing less and nothing more ( just for the stats)..

Yes, I am so greedy after such amazing sequencers like Logic LOL...Apple is such a fantastic software company, so they decided not to go to the pro music fair anymore...
this will become a nice day when Apple will get broke....this day will come for sure...Microshit holds more then 25% of the company shares and thats how the market cleans itsself...
good nite friends and wierdo strangers ;)
  Resident 9.12.2008 5 1016
Dear audioz friends,
even if today all the great professionals use a Mac, even those who first used a PC, (nobody is a stupid on this earth :-) makes us happy and, fortunately, this is a free choice!
But I want to remind you that every opinion is free and should be done... never offend anyone. mates

Do not forget that we are here for fun not to make war! wink
 - ElMoreno plays LogicProX on Mac - 
  guest -- 0
_ignore the motherf*ckers, let them be.
_some of them are prolly pissed that they bought it. so they bitch around if your opinion differs from theirs.
_like you said "beause I said something against their big dick substitution..." lol, now that shit is funny, i'll tell ya:))))))
p.s. regarding the win infested comp. and charity. if amount of mac users and win users were equal. putting linux out of picture for a second. i guarantee you, that it would be an never ending battle of who will deliver nastier payload. it is just a nature of things. donate it to a charity you will proly feel good about it, 'cause you helped someone:)
  Resident 6.09.2009 26
This thread has had such a profound effect on me ive sold my mac and dragged my zx spectrum out of the loft, i cant tell you how ive missed loading my programs in with a cassette tape !
  Resident 20.12.2008 49
wintersun, I heard AiR will release the Waves pack for the ZX before PC wink
  guest -- 0
@ElMoreno: HIPPPPPPPPIE! wink

I love MAC and PCs (PC DAW, MAC for DJing). It's all good.
  guest -- 0

Quote: wintersun
This thread has had such a profound effect on me ive sold my mac and dragged my zx spectrum out of the loft, i cant tell you how ive missed loading my programs in with a cassette tape !

_dude, awesome post:)))))))))))))))
  Resident 20.12.2008 49
Now, seriously, I'm looking every five minutes on AudioZ from one week ago hoping to find the Waves pack for PC. Anyway, I think it's really nice that for once in a while OSX users have some fun yes
  Resident 28.07.2009 6 355
You can stop doing that now. Us PC users have something that MAC kids will never have:
Options and Alternatives
Remember when Autotune was not yet released? We even had freeware alternatives that did just the same thing with even lesser ram footprint. MAC kids had nothing. Just like that even for waves there are more alternatives already available for us that gives same or even better results with more stability so no worry. Tools are nothing, it's the skill that matters.

keys yes keys
happy in here... <^.^>
  guest -- 0
Dear Scooby,
I have a solution for you in the Cyber realm. Buy PC parts and put them together, and then install Mac OSX on it! Show Mr Jobbs you ain't buying into his crap!
Yes, I love Linux too, but the apps software scene is just too far behind...
  Resident 13.06.2011 31
First I think you need to get your facts straight about who steals what because Microsoft would not even be a company if Bill Gates did not steal most of his ideas from Apple when he worked there. Don't believe me google it!!!!! Second thing is why is windows constantly trying to make their products as good as Apples and the reason I say this is that if you look at their latest version it is almost a blatant copy of how OSX looks and operates. I used to be the biggest Windows supporter until I noticed 90% of musicians that has actually made it in this industry uses Apple. So if you think that they will not be around your insane they almost have more money than the US government, actually they do because they do not owe anyone and have a ton of money saved up. I know there will always be a war between Apple and Window users but until you actually buy a Mac and see how easy it is to use compared to MS then quit complaining. One of my biggest reason I hate Windows is that you have to do a billion different things to make something work or to find some small file you can't remember where you put it and the search feature can't find it either. Everything with Apple is so easy to install and start it makes me laugh that people would rather work to make anything run smoothly and catch a virus by accident. Sorry to rant but I am so sick of everyone going back and forth over this. This happened to be the one time I felt like saying something about it. One last thing, patients is one thing people that get free software do not have, and actually most of the younger generations in general does not because everyone wants everything NOW. As long as there are crackers there will be one group that always receives stuff first and so what if they make it cross platform then you know with in a month there will be one for the other but a good thing about a mac is I can run both operating systems at the same time and try it out if I really really have to but I have never done that yet except to use a few cracks where I had to. Other than that I am happy to stay away from any MS operating system and will be a Mac person til I die.

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