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Any Cable Everywhere

U-he Ace 1.3 - Any Cable Everywhere (vst2 vst3 Au AAx 32/64 bit) screenshot

U-he Ace 1.3 |Any Cable Everywhere|vst2|vst3|Au|AAx| 32/64 bit|14 MB

ACE belongs to a new generation of synthesizers developed with the latest, fastest computers in mind. ACE offers classic modular synthesis and more at a fraction of the cost of dedicated hardware. But like its hardware forebears, you can patch any output into any input: the number of different ways to connect modules together is practically infinite. Needless to say, you will never run out of cables!

The careful selection of modules and clear layout make ACE the ideal instrument for newcomers delving into the fascinating world of modular synthesis. But ACE also delivers the goods: like any medium-sized professional hardware system, ACE has enough synthesis power to keep you discovering new tricks for many years to come!

The owner of the site wrote All this is contrary

ACE is very demanding on CPU.
You will only be able to enjoy ACE with a modern, fast computer, and you may learn to appreciate the freeze function in your DAW - Don't say we didn't warn you :-)
Finally – ACE's demo restriction is a mild crackling sound that appears at irregular intervals.

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Please, if I have benefited from this program financially Please pay his dues
We put programs to train at home only and free of charge
Even supports programmed to give you a better in future
Sorry for my bad English.
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  Contributor 8.01.2011 6729 1916
U-he Ace 1.3 - Any Cable Everywhere (vst2 vst3 Au AAx 32/64 bit)

  Banned 3.08.2012 74 17058
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  Contributor 31.03.2014 716 6797
U-he Ace 1.3 - Any Cable Everywhere (vst2 vst3 Au AAx 32/64 bit) | 14 MB

  Resident 27.05.2013 673 2629
U-he Ace 1.3 PLUGINS
  Member 24.01.2013 4 92
Changelog please?
  Member 10.02.2014 19 310
Changelog :
Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence.
  Resident 2.05.2011 118 2611
This comes with an old DOA serial,
which was clearly blacklisted years ago.
It will register, but it will bomb like a kamimaze one day or another
Sorry but I don't get it, am I missing something?
Or your name is Guenter Raler too, but seems unlikely
  Member 16.01.2014 37
After a timebomb goes off, is it possible to uninstall/delete registry entries to be able to install again?
  Member 10.02.2014 19 310
please protect yur ass before use this Vsti
All u-he programs have operated for me for several months now believe me.
have a fun day !
Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence.
  Resident 2.05.2011 118 2611
You tried several months on a revision 2566 of ACE that has been released exactly a week ago?
They operated perfectly, but those was the DOA installers that came with the DOA serials,
its not a disconnected thing. They come together = they works.
New Installers + ancient serials = bomb.
Is it difficult to understand? I analyzed u-he stuff for months,
I think I know what I'm talking about...
  Member 10.02.2014 19 310
ok you are free
Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence.
  Resident 16.06.2012 55
this (u-he) stuff scares me.i've read he puts protections into the presets. mine works still so i might pass on this until a later time and a few more beta testers ;-)

  Member 12.11.2013 191
seriously: if a vsti is impossible to use in a proper way aka "You will only be able to enjoy ACE with a modern, fast computer, and you may learn to appreciate the freeze function in your DAW" , i won't use it. Even if it has the best sound on earth or whatever.
Plus i definitely don't like the whole timebomb and spyware-stuff the devs put into this.
I have tested a few u-he progs, all of them are good ones, but there are a lot of other ones to use, so who cares?
  Resident 2.05.2011 118 2611
Wait wait, timebombs are a thing, and the dev have rights to implement as many as he like to waste time writing to better protect his stuff, and here are implemented cleverly too,
without performance hit. Spyware is a whole other story, ask Tone2 for that.
Urs is a good guy after all, and if you ask me this is not so CPU demanding for the quality.
I'm able to use 2-3 instances (never needed more) alongside a shitload more synths and fxs without having to freeze on a modest i5 @2.5 4GB ram.
Yeah, Diva is more demanding, but use it only for frontmost stuff,
dunno, a bass or lead, and you're ok. Don't pretend to open 20 instances and work at minimum buffer settings.
  Resident 13.02.2014 60 972
the Comment has been Removed
If the music is too loud... well, you are too old.
  Resident 2.05.2011 118 2611
Yep. Using them not-so-often generally result in bombing after 2 months or more.
Intensive use can trigger bombs earlier too
btw zeus, love your signature
  Resident 13.02.2014 60 972
the Comment has been Removed
If the music is too loud... well, you are too old.
  Member 10.02.2014 19 310
There seems to be a lot of teenagers in this site
Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence.
  Resident 2.05.2011 118 2611
  Resident 24.03.2013 586
touch wood i never get time bombs since r2r& use them for years on a regular basis. Only time bomb for me on zebra hz.
  Resident 25.04.2012 74 7704
R2R didn't get all the bombs, the most that were ever removed were 4. There are 8, do the math. We have reverse engineers telling you that they will bomb and I personally talked to Urs. But hey never mind all that.
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
  Member 10.02.2014 19 310
Comments really frustrating
I Will suffice to browse only in the future
Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence.
  Resident 25.04.2012 74 7704
Stop taking it so seriously like we're attacking you personally. We're simply giving members the real deal on the protection, nothing more and nothing less.
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
  Banned 13.05.2011 794 3871
MR.BlackMt – I know you probably want to make a favor to many people, but releasing non-cracked software just taking old Serials is not enough to get these U-hes working without all the issues mentioned by many experienced users.

I admit having also released U-hes in the past but I had patched the binary code, though not knowing that some extra bytes (especially the time-bomb triggers!) were present in those newer builds.
  Member 10.02.2014 19 310
Thank you
I did not claim that cracker
I just wante to others benefit of these programs.
I'm sure it will not stop ...But in the case if when connected to the u-he server
I apologize because I participated with you these programs and did not keep it to myself

Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence.
  Banned 13.05.2011 794 3871
As already explained on your posts + on other posts, U-he timebombs + reset to DEMO are triggered from inside the code. Not from www–calling!
  Resident 5.02.2012 749
Only for Windows, there is no AU for Mac ! ! !

thanks anyway!
  Member 10.02.2014 19 310
Try download this u-he Ace
And use serial attached to this Thread ?
Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence.
  Resident 17.12.2012 734
thank you so much BlackMt
  Resident 7.03.2013 671
Hey guys,
Don't work serial?

Gouda I miss you...

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