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Software » Windows
Anemond Factoid v2.0.1 Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R screenshot
Team R2R | 24 Feb 2024 | 14.0MB
Factoid is a lightweight music plug-in and standalone application that lets you remix and randomize any audio clip. Sharing the same machine learning decomposition engine than Factorsynth, it decomposes any sound into a set of layers that can be manually remixed, muted or randomly shifted in time to remix or to change the temporal structure of the clip. Create new drum patterns on the fly, turn melodies into textures, remix and randomize full mixes and experiment with any kind of sound!

Factoid version 2 is a complete re-implementation of the original Max For Live device as a VST/AU plug-in and standalone application. It includes new features such as individual component control and sound export.

how does Factoid work?

Based on the same machine learning decomposition engine than Factorsynth, Factoid is able to extract between 2 and 8 components that overlap in time in the original sample. For example, in a drum loop, it can often separate snare from kick even if they play at the same time in the original clip. Once extracted, the different layers can be remixed and displaced in time, with or without quantization.

what are the differences between Factoid and Factorsynth?

Both Factoid and Factorsynth are based on the idea of decomposing sounds into spectrally- and temporally-similar components. However, Factorsynth is a full-fledged sound design studio allowing cross-synthesis and component editing, whereas Factoid selects some of the features of its bigger sibling and focuses on easily generating variations of loops with a much simpler interface and less CPU and memory consumption.

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  Resident 8.08.2017 1 344
Pretty fun tool. Thank you for bringing these plugins to our attention and giving us an opportunity to try them
  Resident 14.05.2023 7 159
Witches/DECiBELLE, thank you very much! Requested this the other day, looks like a very fun tool to mess around with.
  Member 22.10.2021 380
There must be some fancy AI programming going on here to make this stutter wave machine.
  Resident 24.03.2013 588
Not AI, i think it uses similar engine to IRCAM it uses FFT resynthesis technology.
  Resident 7.02.2009 1 844
I just checked official site and indeed they're IRCAM affiliates or partners. Interesting
[2009] Sorry for my English. I'm working on it
[2017] I'm beginning to improve. Hell yeah, I'm a fast learner :D
  Resident 8.09.2020 114
This seems a lot like Virtual Riots Ableton rack.
  Member 15.04.2017 158
this plugin was is indeed just for Ableton max for live device, now it's a vst
  Resident 2.02.2014 512
Installed, Uninstalled 10 mins later. I don't see what use this is when there are so many granular/glitchy plugins available.
  Member 10.05.2021 1 509
I bought it but I agree, pretty useless.
  Member 7.10.2018 8
blocked using firewall still asking for registration again and again . for two days it worked fine .
  Resident 7.03.2014 3 587
Nice toy but damn small GUI!
  Resident 25.05.2020 4 282
quote by poly23Nice toy but damn small GUI!

2.0.2 Update has resizable interface
  Member 14.09.2023 44
asking for registration. how to fix this?
  Member 13.09.2023 2
Mac version ?
  Moderator 4.06.2022 6 2794
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