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Software » Mac OSX
Spooked v2.0 MacOSX Retail-CORE screenshot
TEAM CORE 2014/10/28 | 24,8 MB
Turn your computer into a Virtual Poltergeist with Spooked! Choose from six spooky characters that you tell what to say! Great for your Halloween Haunted House, or to spook your friends anytime of the year! Using your computer's built-in microphone, Spooked can be activated by sound, a mouse-click, or pressing the space bar. Suddenly materializing with a scream, speaking an ominous phrase, it gives fright to the unsuspecting! Truly a, "Ghost in the Machine", Spooked stalks its victims, listening for any opportunity to scare!


- Choose from six different Spooks! Skull, Witch, Bat, Jack-o-Lantern, Alien, or Ghoul.
- Record up to five phrases per character with your own Spookified voice!
- Shuffle phrases, or play back in recorded order.
- Six Background Effects:
- Swirling Vortex!
- Flock of Bats!
- Crackling blaze of Fire!
- Dynamic Lightning with real thunder sounds!
- Skeletal Ghosts!
- Your own custom Photo!

- Three Activation Triggers:
- Click the screen!
- Keyboard control!
- Listen for any loud or sharp sounds!

- Scary Scream Effect!

Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor

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  Resident 28.01.2012 2 89
sounds interesting
gonna check it out :)
thanks Sunny
  Banned 3.08.2012 74 17037
download from free file storage
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  Resident 2.05.2011 118 2610
10.10 only, coded with Swift (new Apple language). Wow.
They really wanna sell a lot of copies
Thanks for the share anyway ;)
  Member 17.01.2014 87
this AU? RTAS? VST?
  Member 28.05.2014 16 56
with what program to open it?
with unarchiever I do not open it.
  Resident 25.04.2012 74 7701
Try Keka, it is the best application to use on Mac.
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
  Member 28.05.2014 16 56
I just tryed...doesn't work....
  Member 28.05.2014 16 56
it opens the file in zip 6, but then tells me that it can not unzip them. (Keka and Unarchivier)

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