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Software » Mac OSX
SPL De-Esser Collection 1.1 AU VST3 VST2.4 RTAS Mac OSX [K] A-Team screenshot
SPL De-Esser Collection v1.1
AU VST3 VST2.4 RTAS Mac OSX [K] A-Team

Conventional De-Essing

Traditional de-essers use compression techniques. In addition to the threshold parameter used to set the processing level, there is a frequency controller for setting the center frequency of the process (with bandwidths generally up to 4 kHz). Processing therefore compresses the entire selected range, notjust the sibilant or S sounds. This results in the familiar and undesired side-effects such as lisping and a nasal-sounding vocal.

SPL´s De-Essing

SPL´s Auto Dynamic De-Esser monitors the entire frequency spectrum and automatically detects the sibilant frequencies. The bandwidth is set so narrowly around the range of the sibilance that neighboring frequencies remain unaffected. This frequency band is mixed back into the main signal phase-inverted to cancel out the sibilance. The result is a sound-neutral, inconspicuous and extremely effective process. Even at high s-reduction values the de-essing has an egligible effect on the character and timbre of the voice.


Part of this outstanding concept is an automatic threshold-adjusting function: Differences in the input level caused by the singer moving in relation to the microphone are automatically compensated, so that the selected reduction value remains constant. In traditional de-essers, the processing intensity drops off with increasing distance, and compressors placed after the de-esser for signal correction tend to respond incorrectly to the changed values.


The SPL system doesnt just look for sibilance in a wide "general sibilance" region of the spectrum. Instead, the user simply sets a front-panel switch to Male or Female to adjust for the vocal characteristics of male or female voices.

NOTE: AAX not included!
Many thanks to A-Team!! : )

Reuploaded. PiRAT

download from any file hoster with just one LinkSnappy account
download from more than 100 file hosters at once with LinkSnappy.
audioz mirror
http://http://peeplink.in/f19c1e623ac7 Peeplink password: #ovm6Vl4


  Resident 24.01.2012 244
many thanks....
  guest -- 0
SSSSSuper, no exssssscuses now for sssssibilancesssss, hehe THX! rofl wink
  Banned 13.05.2011 794 3871
Please add mirrors – with password – thanks mates! mates

  Resident 14.11.2011 655
thanx and welcome to the A-Team!!! tongue
Software is like sex,it's better when it's free!
  guest -- 0
it asks me a password
  guest -- 0
@igniu .....read the post. "it tells you the password" lol.
  Member 29.12.2011 62
Why no AAX? Is it harder to crack? By the way thanks!
Hack It ALL or don't hack at all!
  Resident 3.01.2011 1 4549
A-Team ya'' thanks KooKaboo i hope to see the softube summit TLA 100 plugin thanks

see A-Team waits for things to be complete i bet they will have a waves v9 when the waves nls non-linear summing plugin is released
  Resident 2.05.2011 118 2611
Thanks mate, this is probably the best ITB de-esser around...
Grazie Kook !
  guest -- 0
  Resident 5.02.2012 749
Thanks A-TEAM, great to see you back!!!! wink
  guest -- 0
Thanks KooK thanks wink wink wink
  Resident 8.12.2011 3 136
thanks A-team
  Resident 3.01.2011 1 4549
something is wrong with it for me in cubase 5 10.6.8 when i put it on a audio track no sound go's through it is silent even when bi-passed i have to tern it off to get the sound to come through and now since installed the dual one now the SPL DeEsse from assign dose the same thing
  Resident 30.01.2010 1 1670

Part of this outstanding concept is an automatic threshold-adjusting function: Differences in the input level caused by the singer moving in relation to the microphone are automatically compensated, so that the selected reduction value remains constant. In traditional de-essers, the processing intensity drops off with increasing distance, and compressors placed after the de-esser for signal correction tend to respond
  guest -- 0
thanks A-Team
  Resident 3.01.2011 1 4549
it should work in bi-pass i have to tern it off to get sound and the SPL DeEsse from Assign did not do that but when i installed this one from A-team then it dose not work maybe its a vst thing

maybe i have to do a full uninstall of Assign's

i just looked at the description and it says VST 2.4 is that some now vst format maybe thats why its not working

yes something is wrong with this because i just removed all of the a team plugins and reinstalled the team assign release of SPL DeEsse and it work's fine maybe its just the VST
  Resident 27.12.2010 347
Flameupload, What's a fucking good multiupload site!!! wink
  Resident 25.08.2010 310
No links....
  guest -- 0
No links...
  Resident 5.01.2012 242

All links are already down.

Only RapidGator remains at the moment
  Resident 14.11.2011 655

scroll down the page and type in the provided password! yes
Software is like sex,it's better when it's free!
  Member 12.08.2011 67
but go to the torrent, it would be better?
  Resident 25.08.2010 310
Thanks, I'm straight.
axelfender...Thank you
  Resident 19.07.2011 77
thaks u so much
  Banned 13.05.2011 794 3871
wink Queenshare links are okay – i asked you to make mirrors!
You know that the "Sheriffs" out there are hunting them down. no

  Resident 14.11.2011 655
hey A-team good job
don't forget the updates,now noveltech character is updated to v.1.1
we are waitin!!! tongue
Software is like sex,it's better when it's free!
  Banned 13.05.2011 794 3871
Old [dead] links removed! Fresh added. wink

  guest -- 0
Download links mirrorcreator perfect
  Resident 3.01.2011 1 4549
vst not working in cubase 5 vst when put it on a insert no'' sound go's through not even when i bi-past only when i tern it off then sound go's through the team assign did not do this when i remove the A-Team and reinstall the team assign it works fine can some one confirm if it is woking for them in vst or is it just working in au and rtas thanks

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