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Software, Windows
Plugin Alliance SPL Machine Head v1.0.0-BUBBiX screenshot
BUBBiX | 22 January 2025 | 42 MB
SPL’s Machine Head is the finest digital tape saturator ever built. With the tone of tape becoming so popular in pro production circles, this discontinued hardware is in demand. Many plugin developers have tried and failed to capture the magic of its code, until now.

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  Resident 14.09.2013 9 677
well bold statement but make believe studios version is really good
  Member 17.10.2016 33 477
pa's version is 1:1 to og hardware
  Member 28.11.2016 952
It's not.
  Member 17.10.2016 33 477
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 30.11.2020 1 49
So fast, thanks BUBBIX & hidera!
As of now I'm good with tape emulations, when it releases for macOS I still might give it a spin though.
  Member 21.09.2023 2 711
this thing is not really a tape emulation in the literal sense. Its a recreation of a classic "secret weapon" rack unit. While the unit itself is a "tape emulation", its sort of its own thing in a way. def has a sound.
  Member 21.09.2023 2 711
interesting. curious how it holds up against make believe's
  Resident 28.08.2014 443
Make Beleve's was tweaked with Serban Ghenea's direct feedback and requirements. So for people wanting to use the tool that Serban Ghenea uses in his chain, MB is the way to go. For people that want an (hopefully) identical copy of the hardware, the SPL one would be the choice
  Member 12.01.2021 5 43
I'm sure we can eventually get to Serban's settings on this one too by analysing both plugins and matching everything.
  Resident 28.08.2014 443
I think it's included. If there is a "Das Eine" preset in the list, that's Serban's.
  Member 17.10.2016 33 477
44 Der Eine
  Member 12.01.2021 5 43
From what I'm seeing they matched the settings, but if the plugin sounds different, which I'm hearing it does, the same settings would give different results. I was thinking about analysing the Mixhead with something like the Plugin Doctor and go from there. I never bought the MixHead as I don't support Metric Halo, but I bought the SPL one through PA and I'm liking it.
  Member 11.11.2020 6 101
Being a real fan of the MBS version I can't wait to try this one

Edit: Hot experimentation, 2 plugins in one, an "original" version and a version with a BUMP style lowend compensator too bad in neither version of PA we can't put the tap in 3.75IPS like on MBS, too bad no Blend option available either to mix the two versions live on the vst, a little extra on the original PA version which seems to sound slightly more musical with better clarity and balance of the drive, the "ultimate" version as it is called does not me not really convincing I need to test more overall it's a good vst just a few small details of versatility would have made it ideal, the best of both worlds the chance to be able to test several emulations and enjoy them thank you Bubbix and all the teams
  Resident 26.09.2012 3 1814
thanks. divine stuff , brings any mix to life
  Member 9.01.2025 16
Danke, guter Herr
  Member 24.12.2022 38
ahh nice, very curious about this one, since it's been developed with the same people who did the original machine head.
so this should be as true to original as possible.
  Member 10.03.2014 48

Machine Head fleeting A/B
  Member 13.10.2021 4
This was fast! Thanks, waiting a lot for the mac version.
  Moderator 4.06.2022 6 2780
Comments are open to discuss the release, not to make pointless statements, post requests or ask for new links. Your ability to comment could be temporarily frozen for this violation.
  Member 10.11.2022 2
Thanks BUBBiX!
does this work alongside legit PA? or do i need an external drive for license like R2R release?
  Resident 22.10.2021 1 677
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 7.11.2014 10 618
quote by potroubwell bold statement but make believe studios version is really good

Is pretty bad. SPL got the OG digital code so you can't do better than them.
We are a lot in my head, but it's me the boss.

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