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Software, Windows
Chaos Audio Plugins Bundle v14.01.2025-GTA screenshot
GTA | 14 January 2025 | 450 MB
All Chaos Audio Plugins up to 14.01.2025

Dark Matter - Space-Time Warper
Mariner - Space Age Delay (Analog)
Ursa Major - Clear Sky Distortion
Supernova - Uplink Signal Saturator (Preamp)
Void - Collapsed Star Fuzz
Odyssey - Epic Semitransparent Drive
Ursa Minor - Clear Sky Overdrive
Orbiter - Luscious Astral Chorus
Uranus - Auto-Wah Filter
Pluto - Variable Pitch Vibrato
Artemis - Rotary Harmonic Tremolo
Gemini - Twin Stage Drive
Pegasus - Mythical Boost Drive
Cosmos - Ethereal Expanse Echo (Hall)
Luna - Tidal Analog Chorus
Galileo - Modulated Stellar Reverb
Constellation - Cascading Star Delay (Modulated)
Invasion - Mass Hysteria Distortion
Wormhole - Space-Time Flanger
Warp Speed - Transparent Light Drive
Astro - Artificial Gravity Reverb (Plate)
Spacedust - Symmetrical Clipping Drive
Launch - Germanium Drive
Skylab - Room Reverb
Asteroid - High Gain Distortion
Meteor - Hard Clipping Distortion
Tycho - Vintage Phaser
Pioneer - Optical Tremolo
Ares - Germanium Fuzz
Gravity - Dynamic Compressor
Eclipse - Noise Suppressor
Apollo - Classic Tube Drive
Starlight - Shimmer Reverb
Cassini - Harmonic Reverb
Transit - Digital Delay
Booster - Clean Boost
Spectrometer - 6-Band Guitar EQ
Spectrobass - 7-Band Bass EQ

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  Resident 26.08.2017 1 741
You are the mannnn. Thank you for this collection
  Member 11.02.2023 2
How did you get this working?
  Member 10.05.2021 1 506
  Resident 17.02.2016 1 206
Thank you!
I keeps asking to login...
Are the instructions have the right path to place the .dat files?
  Resident 7.07.2016 14 1064
Getting the same results.
  Member 16.11.2013 1 40
same here ask login
  Resident 17.02.2016 1 206
I placed the .dat files in C:\Users\Jon64\AppData\Roaming\Chaos Audio\Common
The plugin works, but it pops a message continuously, about the license check.
  Resident 30.01.2014 6 2350
Thanks a LOT for the efforts.

Maybe you can look intor the reported problems, GTA?

That's be huge! ❤️
  Member 31.07.2024 42
Are we supposed to create the folders or what?
  Resident 15.11.2020 2 811
Yes, but the .dat files (license) are uncomplete.
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3013
Parking for fixed version.

EDIT : seems like nobody going to save us
  Resident 11.05.2013 7 302
Place vst3 in vst3 folder

start one of the plugins

it will create OfflineData.dat in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Chaos Audio\Common

Replace it with the file provided files OfflineData.dat and RememberMeData.dat

Restart the DAW

All plugins works fine windows 11 Ableton 12.

Edit: after 48 hours i reported Ableton project,plugins start asking for license then they work again .
I guess this plugin has time bomb .
  Resident 15.11.2020 2 811
...can you play more than 5 minutes without deactivation?
  Resident 11.05.2013 7 302
Yes i also save Ableton project with few of this plugins . Reopen next day everything works smooth.
You need to block acc read provided instructions.
Plugins are very heavy in cpu and ram ijs.
  Resident 15.11.2020 2 811
Does not work here, & my prod pc is offline. 16º try, 'till now.
  Member 4.10.2014 227
Well, this bundle looks very fucking interesting. I've not heard of it before, and I can't wait to use it in all the wrong ways!

Many thanks to all involved for bring us this release!
  Resident 7.08.2021 419
Ok, the plugins have such spacy names ....but I don't see any plugin in this collection that my other 387 plugin collections don't also offer.
  Resident 14.09.2013 9 677
not working ask login
  Member 9.09.2023 22
It seems interesting. But, it's not working. Requesting license and login
  Member 2.01.2019 2
Double check the directory .... the infotext says chaos folder but its "Chaos Audio

"C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Chaos Audio
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Chaos Audio
  Member 13.04.2020 103
i created 2 folders:
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Chaos Audio\common
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Chaos Audio\common
and i copied the files but it didn't work
  Resident 15.11.2020 2 811

  Member 7.08.2019 1 170
I love FX with the design of guitar pedals, because I like to keep it simple.

Hopefully this gets fixed soon...
  Member 2.01.2019 2
check my last post, that makes it work !!

Cheers !!!
  Member 28.12.2024 2
so you dont have to make a common folder?
  Member 13.04.2020 103
how it works?
What folder do u create?
  Resident 10.08.2010 1 475
nope, no luck anyway.... even trying different "combinations", it keeps requesting a licence
Both the eyes are one-sided. For the perfect balance, you need Shiva’s third eye :D
  Member 23.03.2018 63
do i need to create C
ommon folder?
  Member 15.02.2023 24 233
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 15.11.2020 2 811
I didn't try the whole bundle, just the simple booster, & when the license request appears the booster is switched off.

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