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Software, Windows, Mac OSX, Linux
The Usual Suspects Vavra (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.3.16 MultiOS + ROM's [FREE] screenshot
v1.3.16 | 121MB/260MB/720MB | (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP/LV2)+FX | Win/macOS/Linux
The Usual Suspects, the developers of the DSP56300 emulator, have dropped Vavra, a new Synthesizer plugin recreating Waldorf microQ.

Working Waldorf MicroQ ROM's included!

The Usual Suspects, the developers of the DSP56300 emulator, have dropped Vavra, a new Synthesizer plugin recreating Waldorf microQ.

Many well-known 90s virtual analog synthesizers are based on the Motorola DSP5630 DSP. For example, the Access Virus series A, B, C, TI, the Clavia Nord Lead 3, Waldorf Q, or the Novation Nova synthesizers.

Vavra is an emulation of the Waldorf microQ from 2000—one of the first virtual analog synthesizers. It featured 25 voices (expandable up to 75) with 5 oscillators per voice, two multitype filters with FM and distortion, four envelopes, three audio rate LFOs, effects, and more.

The project’s core is, once again, the DSP56300 emulation plugin. It’s available as a free download.

Vavra is currently in the beta version, a very young emulation with many teething problems.

TL;DR Framework update!

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  Contributor 3.05.2011 701 4988
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Member 12.12.2023 598 3673
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  Member 21.06.2018 377 14225
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  Resident 10.05.2018 12 592
It is just my curiosity. Where does v1.3.16 come from? No website is showing this version.
  Member 13.11.2021 50
This is a beta version like v1.3.15
  Contributor 3.05.2011 701 4988
again, there are only alphas and betas. nothing else.
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Member 9.02.2021 448
Its on their Discord, they always update their website later than Discord.
  Member 28.01.2019 9 52
You can program the Emu with the Blofeld it Has the same Midi cc...the bad thing is you only hear the change the knobs are not moving...hope they get a fix for it ..At Virus it works
  Member 25.06.2018 40
no roms and not sure what to do with a ,mid file
  Member 18.09.2023 149
Same, don't know where are the ROMs and what to do with .mid
  Member 9.02.2021 448
There is no different format ROM file, put all midi files in same directory with Vavra.vst3 (or VST version).
  Contributor 3.05.2011 701 4988
check the mid file in the ROM folder, it contains the firmware to run the EMU.

put that mid file next to the plugin.
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Resident 3.08.2022 58 50
quote by mattyd2018no roms and not sure what to do with a ,mid file

quote by 9527Same, don't know where are the ROMs and what to do with .mid

quote by directdownloadlinksThere is no different format ROM file, put all midi files in same directory with Vavra.vst3 (or VST version).

quote by Articstormcheck the mid file in the ROM folder, it contains the firmware to run the EMU.

put that mid file next to the plugin.

Install the Vavara Presets & Soundbanks (*.mid)

First Download and Unrar the: Micro Q Series Download - Sounds (*.mid)
- factory_sounds_2000 (*.mid), - factory_sounds_2001 (*.mid),
- forums_one_set (*.mid), - forums_two_set (*.mid), - forums_three_set (*.mid)

Install - 1 - Working Presets

1.) Unrar the:

2.) Now you have these Folder:

3.) Copy & Paste the following Files into the new Folder:

ForumOne Soundset mQ v16

4.) Copy & Paste the:

C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins or C:\Program FilesSteinerg VST \Plugins etc.

5.) Open the DAW - Scan for new plugins - Load the Vavra VST2

6.) Click on the " Patches " Button --> it open the Preset browser

7.) Click with the right Mouse Taste on " Data Source "
a Small Pop Up Menu opens - Please use the " Add Files "
then go the " DSP56300Emu-1.3.16-win64-Vavra-VST2
C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins\DSP56300Emu-1.3.16-win64-Vavra-VST2
Then select as example the " microq_factoryset_2000 "
  Resident 10.05.2018 12 592
  Resident 4.10.2013 11 709
thanks for the release, but I don't get why it should be so complicated.

This release by itself has no patches with the "mq_2_23.mid" file next to the .vst3 plugin, so why to call it MultiOS + ROMs? the plugin is working and initializing but without patches.
So I guess I have to copy the ROMs from previous versions.

P.S.: I've copied all the .mid files next to the .vst3 and still no patches, so I guess it's not working.

ForumOne Soundset mQ v16

P.S.2: Ok, finally I could add the 1499 patches from the .mid files manually right clicking on "data sources / add files" what I don't get is why should you place the .mid files next to the VST file if you have to add the location of the .mid files manually, but well.. working now. (I don't like the way the patches are shown in the third column though)
fashion is temporal / style is forever
  Member 9.02.2021 448
mq_2_23.mid is ROM file. Other MID files are banks but you need to add to patch manager. Click "patches" on GUI, right click on "data sources" and add MID files folder.
  Resident 10.05.2018 12 592
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