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Software, Mac OSX
Martinic AXFX v1.1.1 U2B Mac [MORiA] screenshot
MORiA | AU | CLAP | VST | VST3 | 236.6 MB
The Martinic AXFX AAX/AU/CLAP/VST 8-unit effect rack plugin is based on the "external" effects from our flagship AX73 synthesizer. The AXFX lets you use these 8 versatile 1980s style effects on any synth, guitar, vocals, or other audio source.

The AXFX includes over 100 presets designed by renowned sound designers such as Daniel Stawczyk, Charis Linos, and Solidtrax.

Version 1.1.1 (June 12, 2024)

Fixed crash with VST3 in Blue Cat's PatchWork.
Fixed VST3 failing examination in Digital Performer 11.
Fixed VST3 speaker arrangement.
Fixed CLAP resize issue with scaled GUI in REAPER on Windows.
Fixed GUI color space on macOS Sonoma.

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  Member 11.01.2016 369
Thanks as every Moria

These look suspiciously like the Boss half rack effects of the 1980s and early 90's

I have the phaser very good

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