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Access Virus Ti Firmware screenshot
13. April 2024 | 8MB | bin
This is the firmware file for the Access Virus Ti1, Ti2 and Ti Snow. Save it for later, you know why.
The file is not really freely available, so here it is.

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  Contributor 3.05.2011 701 4988
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Member 21.06.2018 384 14319
  Member 17.10.2016 33 477
Viper? 👀
  Contributor 3.05.2011 701 4988
NO, not Viper!
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Member 31.07.2014 435
DSP56300,YES! Let's go! Articstorm~
  Member 8.09.2019 7 103
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 14.11.2013 427
If you say so, I save it for later :)
  Member 17.11.2014 456
"Save it for later, you know why."

no i don't know why can you explain please ^^
  Member 4.05.2021 476
when you read "you know why" just follow the instructions and wait, you WILL know why
  Member 15.10.2017 1430
You have too much faith in my brain.
SymlinkTool: LSE - Firewall Control: WFC
  Member 4.05.2021 476
articstorm never disappoints
  Resident 25.12.2017 6 2118
Good lookin' out, Articstorm.
"Rap is a gimmick, but I'm for the Hip Hop, The Culture." ~ Method Man ~
  Banned 12.11.2022 985 2113
OsTIRus incoming
Here to provide, enjoy the shares, contribute where you can! PM me to provide supplies and do your part.
  Resident 23.08.2023 3 228
if your thinking what im thinking i will indeed download technician 1 knows
  Member 14.01.2024 1 2
R.I.P virus ti 2
  Resident 23.12.2009 2 1665
not really. The real thing has way less latency and works more stable
  Member 20.11.2023 48
If you know whats good for you , you save it for later
  Resident 14.10.2016 78
Just know you'll need a bit of power behind your CPU for this bad boy
  Member 13.11.2021 50
Clicknupload link pls ?
  Resident 19.09.2008 8 359
FYI: this is the latest TIOS
I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter
  Contributor 3.05.2011 701 4988
its the latest version before it went RIP, what else :)
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Resident 17.01.2015 176
what are you saying? why is everything here so cryptic? I have a snow and never used it because it didn't work with my protools on Mac. I see this is a BIN file but don't know what that means, why I have to wait, and why this is any different than whats publicly available on virus website....
  Banned 12.11.2022 985 2113
because it's not an official release, until OsTIrus gets released this ROM is technically not allowed for those who don't own hardware. Access has stopped producing all Virus now so once the TI emulator is released you can use this ROM to get a 1:1 replication of a Virus TI. Currently Osirus can only emulate up to a Virus C. Viper does a better job of replicating a TI/TI2 but it's not an emulation. They didn't want to release the TI ROMs and OsTIrus as it'd undercut the sales of the Virus, but now that they are point in spending $2k on a TI2 Polar when you just need the CPU power to run the emulation.
Here to provide, enjoy the shares, contribute where you can! PM me to provide supplies and do your part.
  Resident 17.01.2015 176
thank you
  Resident 1.04.2015 199
Smells like Audioz April Christmas
  Member 7.04.2019 13
Thank you Articstorm. You the man !!!
  Moderator 4.06.2022 6 2770
@Articstorm TY for keeping us up to date on these things
  Resident 22.08.2013 55 287
quote by m5gFYI: this is the latest TIOS

Are you sure? Software bundle is but ROM file is 5.1.1 according to Access. Sold my Virus TI though so I can't confirm other than this is what Access says in TIOS changelog.
  Member 25.02.2022 12 20
Inspecting with hex editor is possible to find line
  Resident 17.01.2015 176
how did you get the BIN file to open? I'm on Mac, I tried online converters too...

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