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Software, Windows
Variety Of Sound BootEQ mkIII v3.0 WiN [FREE] screenshot
FREE | 18 September 2023 | 12 MB
BootEQ mkIII is a musical sounding mixing EQ and pre-amplifier simulation. With its
four parametric and independent EQ bands it offers special selected and musical
sounding asymmetric and proportional EQ curves capable of reproducing several
‘classic’ EQ curves and tones accordingly.

It provides further audio coloration capabilities utilizing pre-amplifier harmonic distortion as well as tube and transformer-style signal saturation. Within its mkIII incarnation, the Preamp itself contains an opto-style compression circuit providing a very distinct and consistent harmonic distortion profile over a wide range of input levels, all based now on a true stateful saturation model.

Also the EQ curve slopes has been revised, plugin calibration takes place for better gain-staging and metering and the plugin offers zero latency processing now.

Available for Windows VST in 32 and 64bit as freeware

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  Contributor 11.10.2014 7668 15400
Rapidgator | KatFile
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  Member 21.06.2018 384 14319
  Member 31.05.2020 1 431
released 04.04.2022, not 2023 ... just sayin'
Keith Don't Go!
  Member 5.06.2013 3 212
I think he wanted to release the new stunning and gorgeous plate but messed up the post...
“We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell”
  Member 30.05.2023 38
Yeah! What's up wit dat??

BootEQ mkIII 3.0 04.04.2022
EQ & pre-amp simulator – mkIII version
– Includes 64bit version now
– Preamp with opto-style compression
– Based on Stateful Saturation
– Calibrated for gain-staging and metering
– Improved curve slopes
  Resident 14.04.2010 117
This is a great eq, been using it for years. The preamp can also add a nice warm colour. Smooth, baby!
  Resident 24.07.2019 15 970
Couldn't agree more! Very nice API-esque proportional bands, and probably the best "tube" saturation I've heard in a "vintage" channelstrip plugin. The opto-compression is also some of the best I've heard from a plugin. Both the vintage and modern modes (pretty much the same as compression and limiting modes in an LA-2A) sounds exactly like you expect it would. Everything in the plugin is on-par with the best offerings from Softube, UAD and brainworx (which are companies that are making bag$ creating these "analog channelstrip" plugins)
  Resident 25.12.2017 6 2118
Nice up, Hidera, but this one is old news. Everything from here on out is supposed to be getting VST3 support, among other fixes and/or upgrades (depending on the plugin.)
But, on the up, maybe because of this eye-catching BootEQ post, someone who was unaware of VOS will find their new favorite (and free) tool set.
"Rap is a gimmick, but I'm for the Hip Hop, The Culture." ~ Method Man ~

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