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Software, Windows
Sinevibes Blend v2.1.1 VST3-Articstorm screenshot
Windows | VST3 | 7MB | v2.1.1
Blend is a multi-voice chorus comprised of up to 16 separate layers. Each of them actually is a chorus effect on its own – complete with a dedicated modulation generator and a feedback loop. Even with all 16 layers activated, the resulting mix is dense yet always silky smooth and musical – thanks to clever proportional modulation phase offsets. Blend also has three different interpolation algorithms, each giving it a slightly different sound character. And as much as it excels at creating delicious chorus and ensemble effects of many, many styles, Blend’s unusual flexibility allows it to easily go into much further territory, so effects like vibrato, tape wow, flanger, smear, dissonance, even reverb – are just a few tweaks away.

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  Member 12.11.2021 18 231
Sinevibes is very good! Thx Articstorm!
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 2657
thanks. is their tape plugin Stator already released ?
It makes no sense to say you’re not good at it. It’s like saying, “I’m not good at being a monk.” You are either living as a monk or you’re not.
  Resident 27.02.2022 452
Be patient its a matter of time i believe ....
  Member 11.08.2016 353
I wish there were the Korg Prologue versions of these about.

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