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Samples » Kontakt
Audiority The Modular Piano KONTAKT screenshot
TEAM MAGNETRiXX 01 August 2014 | 793 MB
The Modular Piano is a synthesized acoustic piano simulation created using classic subtractive synthesis on a modular environment. This is a very special piano as it was synthesized from scratch, note by note, and then imported into Kontakt to get more polyphony and use all the great features of this sampler.

This is NOT a sampled acoustic piano, so you will not find something similar into other piano libraries. The idea behind this library is the challenge of emulating a complex acoustic instrument using subtractive synthesis which is mostly used for EDM sounds. Thanks to digital goodness we have today, we have the possibility to use complex modular environments with tons of modules and connection to shape sounds in every way we want. The result of this experiment is a good emulation of an acoustic piano with a very unique sound. If you want to know more about the story behind The Modular Piano, check the PDF manual below.

A little β€œBehind the Scene” is available on Behance.


β€’27 Kontakt Instruments (.nki)
β€’4 Kontakt Multis (.nkm)
β€’Custom Kontakt Scripting
β€’399 samples (.NCW – 44.1KHz / 24 bit stereo, lossless compression)
β€’20 Custom Impulse Responses
β€’877MB Installed (800MB download)
β€’Performance controls
β€’Timbre Dynamics
β€’Advanced Keys Tuning
β€’Includes The Modular Piano MkI

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  Resident 14.04.2014 162
no firedrive no party
  Member 16.01.2014 45

Thats funny. Aint no fun if filedrive cant get none!
  Resident 14.04.2014 162
ain't much if it isn't firedrive (dutch )
  Member 12.03.2012 168
nkr is missing: no GUI
  Resident 10.09.2012 8 1316
Thanks!! I was about to request this!!
  Resident 15.11.2013 3 1468
the Comment has been Removed
  Member 25.03.2014 68
interested... what you guys think about this?
  Member 12.11.2013 57
yes, resources.nkr missing......thanks anyway.
  Resident 29.01.2012 2060
TEAM MAGNETRiXX Should check what they release before release anything. It ain't first time something missing
  Resident 28.05.2012 567
I like audiority but not sure about this one.
  Resident 2.10.2008 542
Now this is something different. Thank you!
  Resident 25.04.2012 74 7701
This sounds truly excellent and exactly what I've been looking for. Bookmarked.

And again why are people voting down this post for absolutely no reason? You don't vote down posts because you don't like the links.
β€œNever underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
  Resident 2.05.2011 118 2610
Hell yeah. Nice demo, bookmarked here too.
  Resident 7.01.2011 2 347
Ask with education for another link or missing files its not in the diccionary of many
All must be greatfull instead complain....
If they wants to cry all the time they must do a rap about
The effort done by many pΓ΄sters deserve always a polite respect and gratitude
Because its not fast do not mean tuas wrong, patience is the Secret of better life
Live is a party when we have friends give presentes E V E R Y D A Y
Do not cry/war for macs, tranform it on a hack...of course you can use both on the same system...I like apples and oranges!
  Contributor 12.08.2010 103 1961

My Gear: Condoms, 40oz, cellphone.....And a Cracked out Monkey
  Resident 20.02.2011 1239
Thanks for this great piano!!!

One problem: there is missing a file! The Gui isnt propper and very hard to work with! Any chance this missing file could show up soon??

You can't have everything; where would you put it?
  Resident 7.01.2011 2 347
Phoopy is a good exemple!
Its not that hard...
thanks phloopy, you must be the first comment!
Do not cry/war for macs, tranform it on a hack...of course you can use both on the same system...I like apples and oranges!
  Member 4.08.2014 39
Hi guys. This is Luca from Audiority. It's always a bit unpleasant to see your work redistributed in that way ;) Btw, I just want to tell you that the "original" archive of the Modular Piano contains every file, including the resource.nkr that looks missing in this "pirated" version. If you like this (or any other) of my products, please feel free to support my work. FYI, there's a massive summer group buy going on right now. Check it out ;)

  Resident 2.05.2011 118 2610
Thanks for being so kind and open minded Luca,
for anybody interested heres the group buy link:
At 14€ its a steal, I think I'm in

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