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The FCC is trying to kill the Internet again. This time, it’s even worse.

Comcast, Verizon and AT&T want to end net neutrality so they can control what we see & do online. First, they want to gut FCC rules in a December 14 vote. Then, they plan to pass bad legislation that allows extra fees, throttling & censorship. But Congress can put a stop to all of this.


  Resident 11.12.2011 598
Sticky please!
  Resident 22.08.2013 5 282
Worrying times here in the US......
  Resident 19.10.2014 176
To say the least. Terrible people are in charge, and all they care about is who is lining their pockets.
  Banned 8.11.2014 8 2701
the real people in charge are others....
greetings to the good people & always monster thank you to all release groups and people

and pls :
don't forget to SPAY AND/OR NEUTER YOUR PETS!!!
  Resident 26.08.2013 919
Yes really scary stuff these days. and not just the internet.
I can not believe we have an adolescent as a president.
God have mercy on us all.
  Banned 30.03.2014 1 460
The internet v2 needs to happen...
  Resident 10.02.2012 565
This is a very sad time indeed.
  Resident 7.07.2016 14 1064
The word neutrality sounds so nice doesn’t it. Unfortunately barely any of you truly understand what it means in the context of this bill... Please take the time to watch this short video.
Net Neutrality sounds great... Are you sure?
  Member 3.12.2017 2
This shit is old, clickbait trash.
Since then, his arguments have been countered and disproven.

Finding people who are uninformed is not the same as being proven right...

SoyBoy Crowder has to do this garbage with random people cuz he can't hold his own against the people informed on the issue and have tangible data to support their positions.
  Resident 7.07.2016 14 1064
So prove him wrong then. All you have done is bark loud and resort to name calling like a typical liberal...
  Member 3.12.2017 2
So many other people already have commentary on this issue, and i'll link a few further on. Here are a few primary documents as well as commentary that covers most of the 4 key provisions...

First off, what is the actual FCC net neutrality order?

Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet (Part 8) starts on Page 283:

Here are the crucial provisions of “net neutrality”:

“§ 8.5 No blocking. A person engaged in the provision of broadband Internet access service, insofar as such person is so engaged, shall not block lawful content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices, subject to reasonable network management.“

“§ 8.7 No throttling. A person engaged in the provision of broadband Internet access service, insofar as such person is so engaged, shall not impair or degrade lawful Internet traffic on the basis of Internet content, application, or service, or use of a non-harmful device, subject to reasonable network management.”

“§ 8.9 No paid prioritization. (a) A person engaged in the provision of broadband Internet access service, insofar as such person is so engaged, shall not engage in paid prioritization. (b) “Paid prioritization” refers to the management of a broadband provider’s network to directly or indirectly favor some traffic over other traffic, including through use of techniques such as traffic shaping, prioritization, resource reservation, or other forms of preferential traffic management, either (a) in exchange for consideration (monetary or otherwise) from a third party, or (b) to benefit an affiliated entity. (c) The Commission may waive the ban on paid prioritization only if the petitioner demonstrates that the practice would provide some significant public interest benefit and would not harm the open nature of the Internet.”

“§ 8.11 No unreasonable interference or unreasonable disadvantage standard for Internet conduct. Any person engaged in the provision of broadband Internet access service, insofar as such person is so engaged, shall not unreasonably interfere with or unreasonably disadvantage (i) end users’ ability to select, access, and use broadband Internet access service or the lawful Internet content, applications, services, or devices of their choice, or (ii) edge providers’ ability to make lawful content, applications, services, or devices available to end users. Reasonable network management shall not be considered a violation of this rule.”

So, these are the 4 provisions that are regulated under "net neutrality," which ISPs and telecom companies would no longer have to follow...
But, they've already been violating these laws, so why would we expect them to act BETTER if these laws are overturned? ISPs can’t be trusted to regulate themselves because they are corporations. Their job is to make money.

Net Neutrality Violations: A Brief History

Internet Association Facts

Battle for the Net

The FCC Wants The Future Of Net Neutrality To Not Include Net Neutrality (VICE)

U.S. Telecom Association v. FCC
Summary: pages 2-4 (16-18)
Full Argument: 5-31 (19-45)

Net Neutrality I: Last Week Tonight

Net Neutrality II: Last Week Tonight

FCC Chairman’s Interview Commentary (The Humanist Report)

Schooling Chairman Pai On Net Neutrality

The FCC is peddling its net neutrality spin as facts

Just How Unpopular, How Wrong on the Facts, How Misguided Is the FCC Proposal to Rollback Network Neutrality and Broadband Privacy?

Joint Comments of Internet Engineers, Pioneers, and Technologists on the Technical Flaws in the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rule-making and the Need for the Light-Touch, Bright-Line Rules from the Open Internet Order

Tom Wheeler (Former FCC Chair) reacts to net neutrality under threat

The FCC’s Net Neutrality Order Protects Internet Freedom by Restoring The Law

Net neutrality preserves the freedom of both consumers and businesses to act equally on the internet without fear of an ISP's retributive blocking, throttling, interference or de-prioritization.
  Member 24.11.2017 2
The fact that you would throw the "typical liberal" line out there - despite zero claims or evidence of anyone's political affiliation here - demonstrates a pure lack of both argument and intellect.
  Member 6.01.2015 1 213
The guy from the video is talking about getting rid of Net Neutrality like prioritization of internet traffic if going to make the internet faster for the prioritized traffic. But this couldn't be further from the truth. You can only increase the speed by upgrading the infrastructure. 100mbit = 100mbit.
ISPs will only go ahead and slow down services that compete with their own (as they did in the past).
Also, right now Net Neutrality is the only thing keeping your government from "making a call" and in effect blocking sites that might contain "politically dangerous" material, like wikileaks.
This is a good summary for people who don't know what Net Neutrality is and why it's important: Net Neutrality - Urgent Call to Action (former Microsoft employee, he is far beyond qualified to talk about this)
Otherwise, there is nothing keeping ISPs from banning VPN, TOR, file sharing etc.
  Member 30.10.2011 4
This website is a Sharing Community, it is fundamentally Liberal.
  Banned 26.11.2015 32
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 16.06.2013 467
these companies are dinosaurs.. and they are lumbering along to extinction..
now the powers that be.. may be able to subvert the public good for a while..

but the market will determine who survives..and there are already technologies
waiting in the wings.. to blow these brontosauri to kingdom come...

"follow the money" works all kinds of ways.. and corporations are willing to destroy
each other to get your dollars/euros/pounds/roubles , what have you...

a 1 ... and a 3 ... and a ching chong potato
  Member 18.10.2017 65
the Comment has been Removed
Noize Maker

- Trying before buying since ~1998

2016+ paying for stuff that is actually used.
  Member 18.10.2017 65
the Comment has been Removed
Noize Maker

- Trying before buying since ~1998

2016+ paying for stuff that is actually used.
  Member 20.02.2014 162
If Democrats are FOR it, I am AGAINST it.
  Resident 22.08.2013 5 282
the Comment has been Removed
  Member 6.01.2015 1 213
pinnacle of stupidity right there. congrats Cinwil. "if my brother likes it, I HATE IT"
rather go look at the facts and dare to form your own, well-informed oppinion.
  Banned 8.11.2014 8 2701
elite want deepweb ,darknet...thats the reason web is not shut down...believe it or not...and military reasons...

they will be always warez...dmca was just for making it hard for small companys...
you just have to kno how to use the current or future web construct...
but they will know all you do...they kno allready...nsa global records file are not from this planet so huge..
tor is only safe in browsing not in upping or dl

people here have nothing to fear...but they should fear what happens outside...
they getting people dumber and dumber and so much polarization...i comming abroad sry
greetings to the good people & always monster thank you to all release groups and people

and pls :
don't forget to SPAY AND/OR NEUTER YOUR PETS!!!

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