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Using PeepLink the Right Way [TUTORiAL] screenshot
Because most of you decided not to read PeepLink's rules, i decided to make this tutorial with examples, to explain the right way to prepare your PeepLink entry.
I highly advise all uploaders to read this.

First of all, the obvious:
Since you only posting one link (peeplink), members don't know which download servces you are offering.
you must specify that sort of stuff, like this:

download from free file storage
click to show download links


Secondly, you don't have to register on PeepLink.
Registration only gives you ability to edit your entries and manage them on one page.
In the beginning, I was asking programmers to make a feature, so when an entry gets reported for dead links, author of that entry receives email notification. But honestly i haven't tested that yet
That's all. By registering on PeepLink You won't get a t-shirt or anything like that.


BBCodes - What do We Have
PeepLink offers three BBCodes to customize your entries:
B - Bold
U - Underline
H - Heading looks kind of like this

Let's choose one entry from DISCOVER's post and analyze it:
Using PeepLink the Right Way [TUTORiAL] screenshot
- it's maybe okay, but it can be better!

So, let's customize it a little with just those few BBCodes that we have.
You can see results HeRe.


No Need To Be Specific
In the previous example, DISCOVER made one big mistake - he specified the content of his entry links (Loopboutique - Dubstep Tools [WAV]).
If you think, you'll see the different impact on safety of that post with having Title of It's content, and having just links to something, that only we supposed to know;
When some bad person browsing PeepLink to find possible copyrighted content, it won't be that obvious what to report...


  Releaser 11.04.2009 224 493
Great Tutorial!
Check my AudioZ Files :)
  Resident 9.07.2011 201
would not be any better than wink great tutorial great discover great audioz
  Resident 10.09.2011 216 1555
SAiNT can you make links inside peeplink clickable
  Resident 6.11.2008 223
anyone else in the US have to use a proxy to access peeplink?

EDIT: nvm, malwarebytes was blocking the site X-D
forgot I had popups disabled for blocked sites.
working now!
  Resident 5.08.2011 1019
Correct context is to "advise" (add-vize) as opposed to "advice" (add-vice) in the 1st person... sorry, just couldn't resist the correction. Native English speaker helping you out there... yes
RIP Olymoon
  Administrator 1.01.2004 301 1143
KingSchlongXVII, wow, thanks a lot for that! i never knew dunno
checking google dictionary now...
  Resident 9.04.2011 1 761

Good tuto!. As for language-related translations and all kinds of detailed infos and advise at their forum, the best I've found 'till now is:

...definitely recommended if you are interested in languages (like me)... :)
.....::::: The best warez are yet to come :::::.....
  Resident 26.05.2010 3 325
Dear uploaders,

please don't use the CODE tag for posting your link to PeepLink, so that it remains clickable!

Thanks a lot in advance wink
  Resident 5.08.2011 1019
Interestingly, in your case it IS "advice"...not "advise";

AdviCe: is a noun, which means an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation. For example: "I need someone to give me some advice."

AdviSe: is a verb, which means to give information and suggest types of action. For example: "I advise everybody to be nice to their teacher."

English can sometimes be just a bit too complex even for the best translator/grammar software/books wink
RIP Olymoon
  Member 11.12.2021 3
I got it!!!

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