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News, Changes, Updates screenshot
Hello everybody, today i can finally share some good news with you.

1. I am presenting to you the new service called PeepLink.
the point is to make AudioZ more secure and protect links from getting removed so fast.
and the best part is, AudioZ not only doesn't host any copyrighted materials; from now on we don't even link to those nasty materials!
all we do is linking to PeepLink now...

So, From now on, all outgoing download links must be posted through PeepLink.

Uploaders can read all the details in Rules > Poster's Guide > PeepLink - Private Linking Service.
(Press F5 a few times to update the rules page).

As usual, i remind to all members that if you want to post something on AudioZ and you want your post to be published, you have to read the according section of our rules.

2. at last, we bought a server on a side to upload pictures, screenshots and thumbnails published on AudioZ; so you won't see those ugly "Traffic Limit Over exceeded" signs instead of a picture;
another great thing is that images will load much faster now, so will pages that you browse on AudioZ.

for those who post only on AudioZ things will get much easier - you don't have to resize or edit pictures on your own anymore - you simply upload your screenshots using Upload Files button (in BBCodes toolbar) and the system will do the rest for you.
I urge you to test it! We won't accept posts with images uploaded on other servers anyway.

3. to end this series of rocking updates, i present to you our new mirror domain -
since Sweden officially supports w@rez, it's generally a good idea to own a domain name in this great country

so, i want you to keep in mind that AudioZ can be accessed via these domain names:

...As I have promised a while ago, some serious changes coming to AudioZ.
I am going to dramatically increase the quality of the site and your experience as an end-user.

Heads will fall... I said that.
But in the end, members for whom this site is working, will get be getting quality content fast, free and enjoyable.

Thank you for your support.


  Banned 13.05.2011 794 3872
wink Good news – Thank you dear SAiNT. mates

  guest -- 0
audio thank's a lot!!!!!
  Contributor 3.05.2011 691 4839
hmm problem is i can even click now in the field im writting now and everytime PeerLink page opens :S (Firefox Nightly 13.0a1 alpha)
but the changes are really good :)
btw any news about the dead link button?!

thank you SAiNT! mates
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Resident 10.09.2011 216 1555
thnkx SAiNT
  Administrator 1.01.2004 301 1144
hmm problem is i can even click now in the field im writting now and everytime PeerLink page opens :S (Firefox Nightly 13.0a1 alpha)

got that, thanks for the tip. all is ok now wink

btw any news about the dead link button?!

what you mean? - Report Dead Link for mirrors? dunno
  Resident 18.12.2011 4 38
Thxanx ! !
  Resident 13.10.2009 20
Thanks! mates
  Resident 8.10.2010 159
THanKs SaiNT!!!! wink
  guest -- 0
Thanks. A Well Regulated board is always better than the wild frontier!!
  Contributor 3.05.2011 691 4839
ahh it works now here - thank you!

what you mean? - Report Dead Link for mirrors? dunno

sometimes all links are dead - so maybe a button - report dead link!
hmm i can still manually write a pm to the uploader - most of the times it works fast and i got a reup :)
but lets check a few weeks with the changes u did here and then look if its still necessary!
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Resident 8.10.2011 2 434
pretty cool SAint and thank you for thinking in this great community wink
  Member 10.12.2011 26
Thanks ~~
  guest -- 0
Danke !!!
  Resident 4.11.2010 1 1078
Nice one.

Only downside is that if this service (Peeplink) goes offline all links are gone as well (does anyone remember Uploadjockey?)
  Administrator 1.01.2004 301 1144
but lets check a few weeks with the changes u did here and then look if its still necessary!

yeah.. there are more changes coming, so i don't think it will be necessary yes
  Resident 3.06.2010 398
More power to your elbow SAiNT. We stand right behind you
All who wander are not lost
  guest -- 0
wow that s wasup, thanks mates
  guest -- 0
Sounds wicked that peeplink thingy
  Administrator 1.01.2004 301 1144
Sounds wicked that peeplink thingy

that's the idea... Peep Show = PeepLink yes
  Resident 22.07.2011 1444
@Saint. SE is indeed a wise move. yes yes yes Pirate Bay, Demonoid and others are changing their domain names to protect themselves from being shut down by the US government and others. It's like putting a little fortress around AudioZ. Cheers! rofl
I got peace not of this world!
  Resident 2.09.2009 50
thank you for your time and effort. it's greatly appreciated.
  Resident 28.01.2012 285
  guest -- 0
You are a Saint. Greatefull thanks.
  guest -- 0
Thank you, thank you, We all love you :)
  Resident 6.07.2011 78 750
I assume that it's the same requirements for posting mirrors? So that certain other member can no longer submit those extremely long posts?
What you allow is what will continue
  Resident 28.05.2011 2 407
Great job SAiNT!!
  Resident 1.12.2008 16
Merci beaucoup. Super positive Saint wink
  guest -- 0
OMG ... frickin' awesome! Danke!!!!!!!!! Gracias!!! wink
  guest -- 0
VST instruments are missing. please think about new links.
  Resident 18.09.2010 1093
You are AWESOME.......


Thank You. yes
And the truth shall set you free.

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