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I must say, i saw links to his articles before, and even though i admire Paulo as an author, i was a bit skeptical...
this time i did red it and i feel like i must share it with you.

this is simply brilliant.

by Paulo Coelho on January 20, 2012:
IN THE former Soviet Union, in the late 1950s and 60s, many books that questioned the political system began to be circulated privately in mimeographed form. Their authors never earned a penny in royalties. On the contrary, they were persecuted, denounced in the official press, and sent into exile in the notorious Siberian gulags. Yet they continued to write.

Why? Because they needed to share what they were feeling. From the Gospels to political manifestos, literature has allowed ideas to travel and even to change the world.

I have nothing against people earning money from their books; that’s how I make my living. But look at what’s happening now. Stop Online Piracy Act (S.O.P.A) may disrupt internet. This is a REAL DANGER, not only for Americans, but for all of us, as the law – if approved – will affect the whole planet.

And how do I feel about this? As an author, I should be defending β€˜intellectual property’, but I’m not.

Pirates of the world, unite and pirate everything I’ve ever written!

The good old days, when each idea had an owner, are gone forever. First, because all anyone ever does is recycle the same four themes: a love story between two people, a love triangle, the struggle for power, and the story of a journey. Second, because all writers want what they write to be read, whether in a newspaper, blog, pamphlet, or on a wall.

The more often we hear a song on the radio, the keener we are to buy the CD. It’s the same with literature.

The more people β€˜pirate’ a book, the better. If they like the beginning, they’ll buy the whole book the next day, because there’s nothing more tiring than reading long screeds of text on a computer screen.

1. Some people will say: You’re rich enough to allow your books to be distributed for free.

That’s true. I am rich. But was it the desire to make money that drove me to write? No. My family and my teachers all said that there was no future in writing.

I started writing and I continue to write because it gives me pleasure and gives meaning to my existence. If money were the motive, I could have stopped writing ages ago and saved myself having to put up with invariably negative reviews.

2. The publishing industry will say: Artists can’t survive if they’re not paid.
In 1999, when I was first published in Russia ( with a print- run of 3,000), the country was suffering a severe paper shortage. By chance, I discovered a β€˜ pirate’ edition of The Alchemist and posted it on my web page.
A year later, when the crisis was resolved, I sold 10,000 copies of the print edition. By 2002, I had sold a million copies in Russia, and I have now sold 12 million.

When I traveled across Russia by train, I met several people who told me that they had first discovered my work through the β€˜ pirated’ edition I posted on my website. Nowadays, I run a β€˜Pirate Coelho’ website, giving links to any books of mine that are available on file- sharing sites. And my sales continue to grow β€” nearly 140 million copies world wide.

When you’ve eaten an orange, you have to go back to the shop to buy another. In that case, it makes sense to pay on the spot. With an object of art, you’re not buying paper, ink, paintbrush, canvas or musical notes, but the idea born out of a combination of those products.

β€˜Pirating’ can act as an introduction to an artist’s work. If you like his or her idea, then you will want to have it in your house; a good idea doesn’t need protection.

The rest is either greed or ignorance


  Resident 23.02.2009 35
Though this issue is a tougher one to handle "properly" than it first might seem, we're all facing a real opportunity to think, confront & share what this (so-called) "piracy" debate is really about.
So, thanks a lot Saint for sharing this sheer piece of intelligence from one point of remarquable & quite original view for an author.
Take care you all !
PS : YOU're probably the most brilliant mind around here, Saint my friend, don't doubt it !
  Resident 11.12.2011 4 955

... () ... a good idea doesn’t need protection.

The rest is either greed or ignorance

It's clear (at least to me) that we either become aware through our own insight (NOT that of somebody else) about the need for changing many things in ourselves (our thinking, our particualar and egotistic views of what's happening) or we'll end as always in a war brought about by the ignorance and greed Paulo is talking about (which in fact is not different from the greed and ignorance of the past that brought about all the wars in human history).

But it's true also that a real change outside can only be brought about if there's a real change inside first ... Unfortunately not much humans want to do this job within themselves and by themselves without asking help from others to see the reality they should see by themselves without any help.

Now a days i use a phrase a lot when talking with people ... "Less reaction and more self-criticism" ... after all, responsability for what it's happening is of ALL OF US, and not only of a few of US.

Thanks SAiNT for sharing Paulo's thoughts with all of us ...
The future of mankind depends on love and not on new technologies
  Banned 13.05.2011 794 3871
I know Paulo Coelho since many years and have read some of his books - he's a brilliant writer! I find his attitude positive, because he doesn't demonize Piracy like some intolerant minds do. Today the old structures are crumbling down and new forms and structures are raising, in favor of the real people and not just for a small part of the "high" society.

  Resident 11.12.2011 4 955
Today the old structures are crumbling down and new forms and structures are raising, in favor of the real people and not just for a small part of the "high" society

You're right Kook, but this will need a lot of wisdom in each one of us to cut really with the past (our ways of thinking and so on) and create something really new. Unfotunately we all know that we will pay a high price for that (like always have been). But this will not matter after all if this serves to leave a better society to our sons and future generations (something our parents failed to do with us, the same the parents of our parents failed with them).

Let me ask ...
If there were a war, how many of you would send your sons to war with an smile in your face ? It's that you don't love them ?.

Thanks for listening. mates
The future of mankind depends on love and not on new technologies
  Resident 14.11.2011 2 344
It's of course true with books, not sure if it's exactly the same for music and movies, sadly !

For music (I'm in), less people buy CDs (Anyway I suspect music industry to lie about the reality, I don't think it's as dramatic (yet) as they say) the good news is that you must do good shows (And REAL shows) for giving people the will to see you live.
But it seems that musicians earn less and less money (Music industry is not innocent), and money itself is not the problem, the main problem is that when you can't live by your art you can't "grow" as you should ! So quality decline...
At least this is what I think ! BUT as Paulo Coelho says (I'm a big fan) good artists still sell CDs or whatever they do. (Even if some TV/commercial douchebags seem to sell CD too)

It's even more complicated for movies, I guess ! People will always go to see a good movie at the cinema instead to see it in bad quality on a small screen, but cinemas decline too... But the fact that you can see it at home makes less money to do future movies

Another big problem from the art industry is that they say to everybody "You know, with piracy thing now, we can't support you etc..." like if it's a excuse to keep their money ! They don't even think to choose artists who are capable to do quality things, just those who can sell things... (But quality always sells as Paulo said)

Anyway things change, this is normal, I just hope people will think more and more by themselves and give/buy things from artists that really deserve it for they can change things in the world ! (Ha stupid little dreamer lol)

Don't know if I'm clear, my English is far to be enough yet but I work on it ;) lol
Without obsession, life is nothing.
John Waters
  Resident 11.12.2011 4 955
the main problem is that when you can't live by your art you can't "grow" as you should ! So quality decline...

Since when human beings need money to grow ? ... Most of the nowadays worshiped artist of the past (also musicians) died in the most absolute poverty. Do they stoped to grow and create, of course not!

Then what is the problem, Jessycd ?

Thanks for listening mates
The future of mankind depends on love and not on new technologies
  Resident 9.04.2011 1 762
Mhhh... a very interesting point of view... wink

I have also published MANY records, cassettes and CDs, but i'm absolutely sure the vast majority of people that know me artistically (in my REAL life -- as opposed to my internet virtual life) have most of my works pirated; either copied on cassette, recorded from FM radio or/and as downloaded MP3s. I KNOW that pirated stuff acts as a strong promo. Many people hava even todl me openly: "I got that as MP3 form the Net".

The Net has changed everything. For good.
.....::::: The best warez are yet to come :::::.....
  Banned 13.05.2011 794 3871
But it seems that musicians earn less and less money (Music industry is not innocent), and money itself is not the problem, the main problem is that when you can't live by your art you can't "grow" as you should ! So quality decline...

No, not the money is the problem - the real problem is HOW money flows and WHO has the power to control its channels! And i add: take for example people who make music in less developed countries; they don't mind if the appreciation comes back into liquid cash. They do it because they like to do it. So we can learn much things from them, to see the reality from a different angle. We can live good, better with music! Even if you make one person more happy, confident and help him/her in their growth you have reached much.

  Administrator 1.01.2004 301 1142
Since when human beings need money to grow ? ... Most of the nowadays worshiped artist of the past (also musicians) died in the most absolute poverty. Do they stoped to grow and create, of course not!

that is actually true.
  Resident 3.11.2013 3 377
They do need food and lodging to grow, literally. I'm sure Eric Satie or Vincent Van Gogh would have loved their legacy but preferred that some of the love got back to them a bit earlier.

Still, the above has less to do with piracy than recognition and plain fairness.
  Resident 14.11.2011 2 344
Yep, agree with you Kook !

Fraggle > By "grow" I mean artistically ! Of course it depends what type of music we're talking about (I'm also fan of blues... When I play Blues I don't need any plug-ins or fu*ing computer)

But if you want to reach the top of your art, for electronic music for exemple, or more : Classical stuff, and a lot of other stuff, recording artists etc... You need a huge budget ! And a lot of the legendary artists from the last decades probably wouldn't be able to do such careers and inspiring everyone without music industry's money (Which come from the people)!
And in THAT case, money is (Sadly) important !

In every other cases, I'm agree with you all, you don't need a lot of stuff and money to "grow" lol

But since the begining I wasn't talking about "money" itself, but all that is hiden behind !

PS : Haha yes, like AudioTiger says, I was happy to see my songs on internet, it really means people like your stuff and want to share it (I hope lol), it's a very cool feeling !

Without obsession, life is nothing.
John Waters
  Resident 16.02.2009 2 155
Let's not forget the lawsuits against the music and movie companies for price fixing CD's and DVD's. Never heard about that did you?
THEY LOST!!!!!!! They deserve to be ripped off, to get back at them for ripping us off.
How many people would actually spend money on something if they couldn't download it for free? not many especially in these economic times.

As far as cost for an artist to get out there and make music etc. - nowdays is cheaper than it has ever been so it is a moot point. Plus pirating is free publicity.
  Resident 12.07.2011 56
Nice post.. now I want to read one of your books!!!
  Resident 11.12.2011 4 955
Nice post.. now I want to read one of your books!!!

Will you buy it or will you download it ?! rofl
The future of mankind depends on love and not on new technologies
  Resident 13.07.2011 99
Hey Saint! i'm glad that you post this blog, i posted it before in your other topic but nobody gave me an answer or seems to care! well at least now people are actually reading this article!

Paulo coelho was like the only famous that said something about SOPA and stuff... I mean how many famous producers told something about this situation? look all this guys even skrillex you know all this new dubstep and electro scene, all young producers, and i should believe that everyone of them started buying a daw? no way, maybe 2 or 3 of them but i'm pretty sure most part downloaded free stuff in their carreer, it's sad you know? they used but now they have a lot of money to buy their own why still supporting the scene?

I dont know if you guys get my point cuz my english is pretty sorry about this!
  Resident 11.12.2011 4 955
To JessyCD and AudioTiger ...

Where can i find your stuff to listen (not to download, this will come later perhaps rofl) Are you in Spotify ? Are your nicknames here your real artistic names ? ... Pleeeaaasee don't be shy and tell us that we can listen to your music. phones
The future of mankind depends on love and not on new technologies
  Resident 18.09.2010 1132
The problem is the MONEY, or those that ARE the Money, are now scared for their very existence.
Since when human beings need money to grow ?

So True. There MUST be a Big Change coming, slowly, slowly it seems the World, Me and You, are all waking up. There are many video`s on-line that are showing People that They are DECEIVED by a corrupt system based ENTIRELY on Corporate rules.
I would suggest that `John Harris 'It's an illusion'` should be EVERYONE`S next choice film to watch. It left Me shocked.
The web site for the maker of the film is
The more knowledge We All have about the language and rules of "Their" system, the better chance of taking back what is Ours, LIFE & FREEDOM to Live It! yes
And the truth shall set you free.
  Resident 11.12.2011 4 955
I dont know if you guys get my point cuz my english is pretty bad

English is not my mother language but anyway i understand you really well. You're right in what you say ... even Steve Jobs was a pirate, same as Bill Gates, and they made a lot of money with that. After, they used this money to go against those that tried to do the same with their supposed property (JA!). And it's the same in politics: there's a candidate, which is voted by people, and when finnally he or she reaches power thanks to their votes he or she starts going against those who voted him or her.

Yes!, this world (the whole world) as you suggested is full of hypocrisy!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! wink
(BTW i know my english is also not so perfect as it should be)

I would suggest that `John Harris 'It's an illusion'` should be EVERYONE`S next choice film to watch

Do you know you're guilty of me watching the documentary on-line right now while i should be sleeping ?. Anyway, thanks for pointing at it. I'm really glad to be here with the music as a link between all of us while discussing all this view points from all around the world. Thanks mates! mates

BTW, in case someone would be interested here's another documentary i've found while reading coments in one of the pages i've met while looking for the video you pointed out (at least it will make you laugh if not anything else).

"In a real world … if you look a company, a company exists because a piece of paper says it's a company … but it's not real! … is it ? … It's not in the real world, it's just because a piece of paper that says "this is a company""

John Harris

P.S.: BTW, the man in the video that he shows at the middle of he's lecture is from Liverpool ? Just curious, because it reminds me The Beatles accent ...
The future of mankind depends on love and not on new technologies
  Resident 1.11.2010 2 342
If you as an artist not to see your work being sold illegally at a low price in the streets, because you difinite are not good. People who buy on the streets or downloaded via the Internet are generally poor and have no money to buy the original.
The industry will continue earning the same even if piracy it's over, but, it will be a good thing, because only then will realize their mistake. They'll sell less, because we disclose to them for free.
As a boy I had no money to buy music books, sheet music, I would borrow from the others and photocopy them. The vinyl discs were copied to tape, so I could learn music. I assure everyone that the industry has not lost anything to me.
The USA have to contribute with something better. Look at the contribution of France, Italy, Austria and Germany, and in 500 years (painting, philosophy, music, psychology, mechanical engineering), compare the same period in England, where nothing could be done in public and to post something, permission was needed.
I had the pleasure of reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, the preface is a perfect thing.

Thanks for this post SAiNT.
  Resident 16.02.2009 2 155
To make a point: the most downloaded software in the world for several years running is Photoshop. How many of those downloads replaces a purchase of the $700(US) program? Very few. But the company claims that all of the downloads are lost revenue. The politicians in their infinite stupidity (republicans mostly) believe the only side of the story they are told about from a lobbyist hired by said company. We all know that is pure exaggeration, but the politician doesn't know any better or probably won't even care because of said company donated to the politicians campaign fund. Now many other industries related to copyright ownership and royalty collections, without regard for any unforeseen consequences and to protect false profits, are backing said companies lies and now the politician sees himself as standing for something valid. The industry rep or lobbyist writes a law give it to the politician and now something tangible can be done about the false claims of the industry. This happens in all industries of the US with both parties.

I think worldwide, people need to stand up to the US on this subject or they may end up being extradited for breaking US law without ever being in the US. Some call 2011 the year of revolution. Wrong, it was the year of rebellion. 2012 is the year of revolution (hopefully against the corporate oppressors)

Insert prophetic bible verse here.
  Resident 18.09.2010 1132

P.S.: BTW, the man in the video that he shows at the middle of he's lecture is from Liverpool ? Just curious, because it reminds me The Beatles accent

GREAT that You watched the Vid Brother, Thank You.

The stuff about Birth Certificates is what made My Head Spin!!!

Regards the The Man in the video, I would say His accent is from Wolverhampton or Dudley, suburbs of Birmingham.

I am clicking "SUBMIT" then am onto Your link, shared Knowledge, tis the ONLY way, AND, the reason "THEY" want to stop it!!!
And the truth shall set you free.
  Resident 11.12.2011 4 955
the most downloaded software in the world for several years running is Photoshop

I have a theory about Adobe and Photoshop. Have you ever put yourself the question why Adobe gives away the WHOLE CD of the Photoshop with the trial version with only a simple time protection ?. Here's my theory, they give away the whole cd KNOWING that it will be cracked soon after it has been realesed. Why they want its software being cracked ?. Because despite there will be some pirated copies in the market there will be more profesionals that will buy it. So, what's the trick ?! ... That doing this Photoshop has become the standard de facto for photo edition. Some call this: "Marketing". So, what's the moral of the story ? That, as Paulo said in his open letter, PIRACY IN FACT BRINGS BENEFIT.

Would you agree with that theory ?

AND, the reason "THEY" want to stop it!!!

Yes, that's the only reason to me also, because despite many people don't want to know anything about all what's happening (as john lennon said already in a well known beatles song "living is easy with eyes closed misunderstanding what you see"), they are "forced" somehow through social networks, forums like this and so on, to see what's happening (what has being happening for centuries), and this is bringing about some awakening on all of us (despite some of us, like in a sequence in the Matrix movie, are begging despairingly for someone to close our eyes again).

We don't know when, nor how it will end but we can say for sure that it has begun. And revolution thanks to Internet will not be never more local but a worldwide revolution ... not a particular revolution but a humanity revolution and "they" know it, that's why "they" are afraid of, that's why "they" want to cut to the root the media that has brought about this worldwide revolution "they" didn't expected.

Piracy ? ... What Piracy ? ... Someone said in the past: "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her", and i'm afraid that no human being could throw a stone at her ... well maybe those you can count with only one hand (which means very few).

Kind regards! mates
The future of mankind depends on love and not on new technologies
  Resident 9.04.2011 1 762

I am happy to see such an interest about listening to your AudioZ fellas' works!. But, in my case, sadly I can't give you any links. Simply because I'm too known in my country and this would be a risk (I KNOW you understand this). And yes, you guessed it, I have 3 names: internet nick, artist name and real name. I like to have them all separate, each on on its own area of life. This has always been working well for me... Believe me I WOULD love to give you s few links to share my works, but it's just for security's sake...

As always, my very best wishes to you *all*!.
.....::::: The best warez are yet to come :::::.....
  Resident 11.12.2011 4 955
Believe me I WOULD love to give you s few links to share my works

I've found some AudioTiger somewhere and i have listen to his or her music. Maybe are you or maybe not, but as you want to keep yourself hidden i will not publish the link ... But if i may ask, what are you afraid of ? ... Also Paulo is well known not only in his country but also all around the world and expressed openly (i mean without any nick name) his views on what's happening ... even he himself admited openly that he made piracy ... So ?

En fi, que hi farem! ... Un altre dia sera, no ?. Salut!
The future of mankind depends on love and not on new technologies
  guest -- 0
Hi to everyone. Ive readed al the comments, and its nice to see so much people giving a point of view, sharing their thoughts. Thats the beauty of internet.

Im one of those artists from 'a far country' that dont make money with art, but I still doing it, because thats give sense to my days. Here, there are a lot of under/unknown/independent artists, sharing their art for free in a train, a bus, a bar or even the streets. All they use internet to show their work, promote their shows, offer their music, and never a law 'appeared' to protect and gave them a right to 'earn money' , the possibility to make art 'for living', and the support to grow in their activity. They grew because of sharing with other artists and the people who is always looking for new aesthetic approachs. If you want to record an album and you cant pay a studio, you record it in your bedroom or in the home studio of a musician friend. If you dont know so much about recording, you learn reading and practicing, making mistakes, but at the end, you learn. Sometimes its even hard to buy an instrument or find a place to practice with your band, but, in the end, music is in the streets, in the bar, everywhere, and you grew in the process by yourself and the people who REALLY cares about art.

Then, when some artist becomes 'somebody', thats when companies and laws appears to protect and fight for his rights and give awards for his effort.. they want to be part of the process when the process is already done, when they can smell the incoming money, without any risk.

So.. all I want to say is that 'art' happens when you share, before, during or after the creation. People who is bussy thinking about laws and money just want a lineal way to satisfy their greed. Art exists everywhere, also without companies, also without laws.

Sorry if my english is bad.
  Resident 11.12.2011 4 955
PezΒ Mamut
Thats the beauty of internet.

Glad to see you decided to share also your beauty with all of us Pez!
Thank you so much! seriously! yes

'art' happens when you share, before, during or after the creation. Art exists everywhere, also without companies, also without laws.

Can i ask you some questions ? ... Do you think (as an artist you are), that human beings will brake someday their deeply-rooted-pattern of thinking that art is merely a way to become reach ?. Why should a so called artist earn his or her life with his or her creations ?.

If you wrote what you wrote from the heart (as i feel you've done) you'll know how to go beyond my questions ... thanks in advance for any answer.

Kind regards! mates
The future of mankind depends on love and not on new technologies
  guest -- 0
Hi again, fraggle (and everyone). As I said before, english is not my mothertongue, but its nice to talk about all this stuff, so Ill do my best.

I dont think art is an activity commonly assumed as something to become rich. At least, not here. There are always people that think in that way, but that pattern of thinking is everywhere. A lot of people become a doctor, a lawyer, a scientist, just because the social values, tradition, and a pre-assumed concept/sense of success. Each society has it owns patterns, and yes.. most of the time success is measured/valuated with money.

But I think about art in terms of curiosity, discover things, sometimes things you arent looking for, and try others. Art is next to 'first times' of everything: plays when youre a child, a kiss, songs, sex, meet someone, move to a new place.. You realize what youre doing, but its new at the same time, so you dont know perfectly whats going to happen next, or where youll get, or when it ends, until you feel 'something' fits with a deep part inside of you, a moment in your life, or whatever.

In a more open way, every person (from any activity) who take a part of their existence and put it in something external, in a honest/commited way, is making art. And I think they are not doing this for money in the first place, they do it because thats what they are. So.. become anything to 'be rich' is for me just a consecuence of the values and standards promoted by the system, and what the system and society expect from us.

I dont know how an artist should earn his life. Its a difficult thing. I live in a small state, with a small population. Here artists make money working in another activity. We make shows and expositions, but small as the place we live ;)
I really cant imagine how is the life of an artist who become famous and his art become a big thing, with big interests and a lot of people involved, but I can say that all this BIG STUFF is also a consecuence of the system. Its not always a bad thing. Its nice that people who worked hard in their art get money. The bad situation is when your creation ends being just a way to sell something else, or a way just for get some bucks. Thats when your creation loses all your aesthetic sense and soul. In that way, your creation is next to be a product, like a coke, a t-shirt or some cigarettes, a thing you 'use' or consume, far away from the creation that was born from -sometimes- abstract but REAL and deep feelings of somebody and his/her unique/unrepeatable existence and perception.

Thanks for your comments.



  Resident 11.12.2011 4 955
Hi Pez!

First allow me to say that's a pleasure to listen to you.

I see what you mean by art, which is not the kind of art i was referring to with my questions (that's why i told you: "If you wrote what you wrote from the heart (as i feel you've done) you'll know how to go beyond my questions").

I agree with you in that art (or creation) is that which arises unexpectedly, without asking for it. And that creation itself is able to manifest in multiple ways, as when, without knowing why, one is able to go beyond the tears of that children who's crying, or through the observation of that old woman that walks very slow because her bone's pain and who despite this is able to bring a smile to everyone she meets. And also, because creation being unexpected (and i don't know if you'll agree with me here), perhaps we should say that art as such has never belonged to the "artist", having this art nothing to do with the artist's wishes or longings at the time of creation.

And that's why i've put my questions to you in the other post. If art doesn't belong to the artist, why he or she should earn money with it ?. You, and i, say that's because we are conditioned to act this way. Because we are conditioned to seek a good position, to become famous, and so on, so on.

So, my question in fact was: Why the human being call him or herself creator of something he or she has not created in fact ?. Do you get what i mean ?. You may play an instrument to bring about the music that comes from your "heart" (to use a word), or use an scalpel to make great surgery that also comes from your "heart". And of course you need some knowledge to play the instrument or to use the scalpel in the right way. But i'm asking myself if this knowledge is related at all with the creation itself or creation goes beyond that knowledge. I don't know if you get what i mean, which is ... Why human beings attach to this creation as if it were their own to make after a mess of it with money, status, copyrights, and so on, so forth ?.

Yes, we are talking about the foundation on which we all base our living in this world: i create this (which has came from nowhere), i say "this is MY creation and if you want to use it you must pay for it", next i become rich and so on, so on ... And it's the same with everything: spirituality, politics, and so on.

So, what do you think ... Why most of us think we can't create ?. Why do we let others to create for us, not only with material things but also with spiritual ones ? ... Why human beings since beginningless times have done that, taking profit after from their fellow human beings ?. Why are we not able to share any creation (which is not OUR creation) with the rest of our fellow human beings without asking always something in return ?.

I mean, why we must pay for surgery and if you don't get any money you (and your family and close friends) should expect you to die in missery ? (you all can extrapolate this last question to music, espirituality or whatever you want to).

Mmmm! ... too much questions, don't you think ?
Kind regards and goodnight as i'm going to sleep now.
Glad to meet you my friend! mates
The future of mankind depends on love and not on new technologies
  guest -- 0
Hi again! Yes, too much questions! Interesting questions. Sorry if I can't go deeper or beyond your questions, Ive to read everything carefully a few times, and sometimes it gets hard to translate.. I dont know every english word or expression, and google translate sometimes dont helps me too much ;]

It's difficult to be precise with each answer. Maybe Ive some thoughts or points of view about all this stuff, but Ive to admit that I could get lost in translation, finding the right words.. but well, this is about sharing, so..

Why the human being call him or herself creator of something he or she has not created in fact?

- In my experience 'creating'(I compose music, draw, paint, and Im a graphic designer), ideas appears most of the time in two ways: I can 'see/hear' something in my head (?) and I quickly make a sketch, then, I can work in the idea later.. Or sometimes I just play with sounds, filters, colors, techniques, until something appears. Obviously, when I do this, there are lots of 'things' inside me that 'guide' or affect the results.

Im not going to talk about work (sound/graphic design) here, because it's a different process, with especific needs and limitations. Just art. Art as the representations I make about my limited and personal perception of existence.

So, in my experience of art, I can say that usually when Im 'creating' Im just discovering things, or thinking that Ive found something that 'means' something in a bunch of noise or brushings. Sometimes I think that EVERYTHING already exists in a strange far place, and we can just find and taste a small part of that 'everything' giving extra meaning to things we know.

In that way ['everything already exists'] we are not creators, just somebody who 'found' something 'floating in the air'. So.. we don't own anything.


[I'm asking myself if this knowledge is related at all with the creation itself or creation goes beyond that knowledge.]

..yes, KNOWLEDGE. Maybe (not ALWAYS) knowledge, experience, previous learning and investigations, dedicated time (lots of hours), determine that youre able to 'find' stuff. Or you can work better in your ideas and get to better results. In that way, maybe not as 'creators', but YES as somebody who is commited with his pieces, an artist deserve some recognition because of his effort. Maybe not money, I don't know.. I think just empathy is A LOT.

Well, so.. getting back to your question: YES. Knowledge is related AT ALL with the 'creation' itself (finding itself). I guess A LOT of art pieces (any pieces) wouldnt exist without knowledge, BUT maybe knowledge is just a tool or a way to discover things, in that way YES, creation goes beyond that knowledge, OR knowledge is just a cultural consecuence that make us feel we mean something by or beacuase our art pieces, but they are just a bunch of weird layered noises and shapes, lines and colors.. but well, if it makes us happy.. whatever. (I need to sleep..)

Why most of us think we can't create ?. Why do we let others to create for us, not only with material things but also with spiritual ones?

Maybe we are just lazy. Its sad, but maybe thats the reason.

Why are we not able to share any creation (which is not OUR creation) with the rest of our fellow human beings without asking always something in return?

Because we need something in return. We cant live without others. We are selfish. Maybe you don't need money, but you feel your chest a little more warmer if somebody listen to your songs or read your comments in AudioZ. In that way you own a little piece of others existence, time, or perception, and that my friend is 'something in return'.
  Banned 8.11.2014 8 2701
When I traveled across Russia by train, I met several people who told me that they had first discovered my work through the β€˜ pirated’ edition I posted on my website. Nowadays, I run a β€˜Pirate Coelho’ website, giving links to any books of mine that are available on P2P sites.
And my sales continue to grow β€œβ€ nearly 140 million copies world wide.

In 1999, when I was first published in Russia ( with a print- run of 3,000), the country was suffering a severe paper shortage. By chance, I discovered a β€˜ pirate’ edition of The Alchemist and posted it on my web page.
An year later, when the crisis was resolved, I sold 10,000 copies of the print edition.
By 2002, I had sold a million copies in Russia, and I have now sold over 12 million.

filesharing is realy good promo. dot
greetings to the good people & always monster thank you to all release groups and people

and pls :
don't forget to SPAY AND/OR NEUTER YOUR PETS!!!

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