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Education » Video Tutorials
Skillshare TRAP FOUNDATIONS Make Tory Lanez Type Beats Music Production Masterclass for Beginners TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC screenshot
FANTASTiC | 15 May 2022 | 696 MB
Want to learn how to make trap beats like Tory Lanez?

In this course we’ll make a beat from start to finish and show you exactly what goes into making a dope trap beat.

We’ll dive deeper into these easy and applicable tactics to help you start making these type of beats on your own.


-How to utilize different drum patterns for trap beats
-My recommended method to get your 808s to BANG
-How to mix and master banging trap beats
-What Tory Lanez and his producers do that make his beats sound so good
-How to build a trap beat from scratch
-My favorite way to arrange a beat that’s both simple and effective
-How to start with a simple idea and turn it into a finished product

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