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Education » Literary » Songbooks, Sheets
Flute Solos: The Ultimate Collection (Flute, Piano) by CD Sheet Music screenshot
ENG | PDF | 210 MB
This collection makes available over 200 works for flute with piano accompaniment by over 80 composers from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods.

Works include: Adam (Hongroise), Anderson (Three Cadenzas for Mozart's Flute Concerto No. 2), CPE Bach (5 Sonatas), JCF Bach (Sonata Nos. 1&2), JS Bach (Sonatas, BWV 1030-1035), Barrère (Nocturne), Beethoven (6 Themes with Variations), Bizet (Minuet from L'Arlésienne), Blavet (Les Tendres Badinages), Booth (In the Woods at Evensong), Boulenger (D'un matin de Printemp, Briccialdi (Il Carnevale di Venezia, Bergmüller (Chanson), Busoni (Album Leaf), Caix d'Hervelois (La Bagatelle,Musette), Catherine (Arabesque), Daquin (Rigaudon), Debussy (Le Petit Berger, Rêverie, Arabesque No. 2), Donjon (Adagio Nobile, Invocation, Offertoire), Doppler (Fantaisie Pastorale Hongroise), Duvernoy (Intermezzo), Enesco (Cantabile & Presto), Fauré Berceuse, Sicilienne), Foote (3 Pieces for Flute & Piano), Gabriel-Marie (La Cinquantaine), Ganne (Andante & Scherzo), Gluck (Aria from Orphée, Ballet from Armide), Godard (The Idylle), Gossec (Timbourin), Graupner (Sonata Nos. 1&2), Grétry (Air lent), Griffes (Poem), Hahn (Variations on a Theme by Mozart), Handel (Sonata Nos. 1-7, Sonata Nos. 1-3 for Flute & Continuo), Hotteterre (Échos), Hullmandel (Menuet Champêtre), Kirchhoff (Rigaudon), Köhler (Valse Allemande), Krieger (Bourrée), Kuhlau (Divertimento Nos. 1-6, Grand Solo Nos. 1-3), Kuhnau (Gavotte and Bourrée), Latour (Theme in G major), Locatelli (3 Sonatas), Loeillet (Adagio, Gavotte), Lully (20 Pieces for Flute & Keyboard), Maganini (Sérénade), Marais (Les Folies d'Espagne), Marcello (Cantabile, Largo, Massenet (Meditation from Thaïs), Matheson (Sonata Nos. 1-12), Mendelssohn (Scherzo from A Midsummer Night's Dream), Molique (Andante), Moszkowski (Spanish Dances), Mouquet (La Flute de Pan), Mozart (Concerto Nos. 1&2, Sonata Nos. 1-6), Müthel Sonata in D), Offenbach (Barcarolle from The Tales of Hoffmann), Pergolesi (Aria), Pessard )Andalouse), Popp (Birdsong), Quantz (Sonata Nos. 1-6, Concerto in G), Rameau (La Livri), Reger (Burleske, Menuet and Gigue, Romance), Reinecke (Concerto for Flute in D, Sonata in E), Rheinberger (Rhapsodie), Rietz (Sonata), Rimsky-Korsakov (Flight of the Bumblebee), Sacchini (Andantino galante from Dardanus), Saint-Saëns (Romance, Odelette), A. Scarlatti (Minuet), Schers (Sarabande), Schubert (Introduction & Variations on a Theme), Schumann (Humming Song), Tafanel (Andante, Pastoral and Scherzettino, Telemann (Dolce, The Trusty Music Maker, Tosti (Good Bye), Verdi (La Traviata), Vivaldi (Sonata in C), Weber (Adagio), and more

Also includes composer biographies and relevant articles from the 1911 edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians

Publisher: CD Sheet Music
ISBN: 1423428307
Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 2000


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