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Klanghelm DC8C advanced compressor v2.3.0 WiN/OSX RETAiL-SYNTHiC4TE screenshot
SYNTHiC4TE | August 01 2014 | 10.7 MB
DC8C is one of the most flexible compressors around.
While making a lot of different compression styles possible, it's general nature may be described as: clear, smooth, open, distinct.

The main goal while designing DC8C was to get a very clean compressor action without unwanted and often almost inevitable artifacts/distortion. This way you can achieve almost invisible compression for your most demanding mastering sessions, when you want to avoid coloration.
If you aim for color you can choose between two saturation models.

From opto style, peak compression, external side-chaining, RMS compression, Feedback, Feedforward compression (and everything in-between) to negative ratios, zero latency brick-wall limiting, from snappy transient treatment to smooth transient rounding - everything is possible.

Klanghelm has updated all its plug-ins and announced that they are all now available as AAX Native for Pro Tools 11.

The updates also include various bug fixes, stability and performance improvements, lower latencies and less CPU consumption when oversampling is used.

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  Member 18.09.2012 241
Thank you SYNTHiC4TE & Horsemen!
  Contributor 8.01.2011 6729 1915
Klanghelm DC8C advanced compressor v2.3.0 WiN OSX RETAiL-SYNTHiC4TE

  Banned 3.08.2012 74 17037
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  Contributor 31.03.2014 716 6796
Klanghelm DC8C advanced compressor v2.3.0 WiN/OSX RETAiL-SYNTHiC4TE | 10.7 MB

  Member 21.06.2018 392 14382
  Resident 2.05.2011 118 2610
Loving ya guys
Thanks !
  Resident 24.08.2012 74
nice one ,thanks
  Resident 2.03.2012 2 1003
no release notes this time ?
Try'n Buy
  Resident 26.09.2012 3 1815
thanx Horsemen
  Member 1.08.2014 86
Thank you
  Member 14.03.2014 1 18
Thank you
  Resident 7.02.2014 13 1841
thanks Champ!!

I finally can tune a drum set
  Resident 11.10.2013 33 210
Big thanks for this one....

this from dim triad:
all that stuff about the "Big Macs" is hilarious to me...

am loving it too
not sure if it isnt another great side project from Catalyst for our enjoyment?
the boys play such good parts it cant be real... can it?
our very own soap opera...
thanks to all involved
Mega account was deleted so all old mega links are down! will re-post soon
  Resident 25.04.2012 74 7701
I wish it were a soap but you couldn't make this stuff up.
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
  Resident 25.04.2012 74 7701
A big thanks to SYNTHiC4TE. To me if there is a future for the scene it is with teams like you.  screenshot

And seriously how cool is that name.  screenshot
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
  Member 1.08.2014 13
Thanx to Horseman
  Resident 15.09.2011 1 3865
Klanghelm makes brilliant sounding stuff. Thank you SYNTHiC4TE and Horsemen!

There's no OS-X version and there's no x64 version. It is only x86 Windows.
"The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
  Member 18.04.2013 1015
Thanks a lot
  Resident 29.09.2012 5 1303
Big thanks SYNTHiC4TE
Dream Trance
  guest -- 0
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