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Software » Windows
Novuzeit PropheSea VSTi-AMPLiFY screenshot
VSTi | 13 April 2009 | 4.77 MB
The PropheSea by NOVUZEIT is no ordinary synthesizer!. PropheSea is a fully stereo subtractive vector hybrid electronic instrument. It is designed to give users the power to create sounds they may have never thought possible. PropheSea differs from traditional vector synthesizers in that its waveforms are generated in -real time- through subtractive synthesis, rather than being culled from prerendered ROM wave selection tables. This vector synthesizer is no ROMpler in disguise, PropheSea truly synthesizes its waveforms from scratch!.

The realtime waveform generators support a huge variety of internal manipulation. They’re so uniquely configurable that PropheSea is basically a collaborative effort of four independent synthesizers unified under one hood. This allows PropheSea’s waveform generation to harbor unprecedented tonal creation.

PropheSea’s sound creation ability does not end with its waveform generators however. PropheSea also has multiple LFOs, Additive Harmonic Feedback support, and a vastly fantastic global FX section for mutating and sweetening your sound to sheer perfection, but that’s not all…

Last but absolutely not least, PropheSea’s Dynamic Vector Control allows users to morph between the four waveform generators via their own hand, or through the use of computer automated vector sweeping. Thanks to Dynamic Vector Control, unlike traditional vector synthesizers, morphing the waveform generators together within PropheSea is not only easy, but is actually fun.

PropheSea allows immense programming depth for those who love to get lost in programming massively complex patches. Yet, at the same time, PropheSea also allows easy and quick patching by simply focusing on using only one waveform generator.

No matter what your level of programming skill or synthesizer needs, NOVUZEIT truly believes that PropheSea won’t leave you dissapointed!
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  Member 16.01.2014 1 13
I'm getting an error when trying to unrar, could you please re-check? Downloaded from UL link.
  Resident 25.04.2012 74 7701
Hey my friend, I got your PM and will respond shortly. I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to catch up on my mail. Perhaps you're not using the latest version of WinRAR? That can be a source for issues.
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
  Member 16.01.2014 1 13
Thanks! Well, I think this is the first time I get unrar'ing issues in a file with no one else commenting on the same issue, and I have the latest Winrar. Maybe someone else can confirm if it works for them?
  Member 18.01.2014 1 16
Fatal error trying to extract using peazip
  Resident 7.03.2013 671
Hey guys the archive is incomplete...
Gouda I miss you...
  guest -- 0
DOWNLOAD: Uploaded/Rapidgator/Hulkfile

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  Member 9.02.2012 83
Has this one been fixed yet?

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