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Software » Windows
Expert Sleepers Augustusloop VST v2.4.1 x86 x64-CHAOS screenshot
CHAOS | Oct 28 2013 | 5.7 MB
Augustus Loop is an emulation of a tape-based delay effect, with some extra features to facilitate its use as a looping device.

The key features of Augustus Loop that make it more than just a big delay effect are:

Really long maximum delay (3600 seconds - that's one hour).
Tap length/tap record. You can set the loop delay time while recording your first phrase.
Virtual tape. The delay simulates an old-style tape delay, meaning you can
change the tape speed (i.e. pitch up and down)
reverse the tape direction
stop the tape
smoothly change the delay time (as if you were changing the head gap on a tape delay).
Multimode filter and saturation in the feedback loop.
‘Tape Sim’ section to emulate the signal degradation of vintage tape echo machines.
Four feedback taps (left to left, left to right, right to left and right to right) with independent delay time and feedback settings, for ping-pong effects, stereo delays etc.
Pitch and filter LFOs.
Loop length can be set in terms of the host's tempo setting.
Output of MIDI clock messages to synchronise other applications to the plug-in.
Ability to sync multiple instances of the plug-in running at once.
Automatic fades up and down to allow smooth transitions in your playing. It can even automatically clear the loop for you once it’s faded out.
Host transport-sync’d punch in and out when recording.
‘Inertia free’ mode suppresses the tape-like behaviour when changing delay times to allow seamless transitions between loop lengths. (This is also the route to the popular ‘multiply’ and ‘divide’ features found on some popular looping devices.)
The ‘Fx Loop’ plug-in configuration allows you to route audio through other plug-ins either side of the ‘virtual tape’, allowing you to insert your own effects in the delay loop. So you can just substitute your own filtering/saturation for Augustus Loop’s own, or get really creative by inserting any plug-in you like in the delay.
‘Record Offset’ feature to solve the problem of latency in digital audio systems.
Fully scriptable and skinnable GUI.
Fully scriptable control via MIDI and OSC.
Scripts can control other instances of the plug-in, allowing you to build complex multi-plug-in setups controlled from a single source (e.g. a MIDI pedalboard).


* first AAX release (Mac OS X and Windows, for Pro Tools 10.3.6 & 11)
* fixed the skinning system, which was broken by v2.4.0.


Reuploaded. PiRAT

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  Resident 29.09.2012 5 1274
Dream Trance
  Resident 9.03.2013 185
Nice upload!!!

Always had a thing for expert sleepers stuff. It must be the cheesy gui's, cause I love cheese. And Frito, I think I'll have some cheese for you soon.
  Resident 15.04.2013 26 277
And Frito, I think I'll have some cheese for you soon.


anti-music for a lost generation
  Resident 16.09.2010 1416
How a company that puts out UI's like this.. stays in business, I have no idea.

So bad.
  Resident 9.03.2013 185
Are you really trying to find a plugin that looks good? I thought this was the audio site? I actually prefer using Reaper because you can disable a plugin's gui and just use colorless, picture-less sliders. Audio is meant to be heard, use your ears. Expert Sleepers are awesome!
  Resident 16.09.2010 1416
I use my ears and my eyes... I know... hell of a concept eh? mates
  Resident 22.07.2011 1444
Nice yes
I got peace not of this world!

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