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Nomad Factory Plugins Bundle v2013 x86 x64 VST RTAS-CHAOS screenshot
CHAOS | March 30 2013 | 320 MB
The following Bundle from Nomad Factory contains everything you might ever need to get the best out of your audio sequencer host application in a professional studio environment.

From the warm analog sound of the new Blue Tubes Bundle V3 to the professional processing capabilities of the Analog Signature Pack, the complete Liquid Bundle 2 stunning effect Pack bundle completed by the beautiful BlueVerb DRV-2080, the essential Studio Suite for even more great audio processing, the new Analog Mastering Tools and the Retrology Series, finally the hot Rock Amp Legends designed by Rock Star Jimmy Crespo...


Reuploaded. PiRAT

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audioz mirror
http://http://peeplink.in/197a2e0d2811 Peeplink password: TvxS~ee


  Releaser 11.04.2009 224 493
Best Plugs ever :)
Check my AudioZ Files :)
  Resident 3.09.2010 2 250
  guest -- 0
same question. I'm using that version right now and no problems for me.

Seems like another scene just released the same thing. That's my guess
  guest -- 0
CHAOS been busy lately:)
  Banned 21.08.2012 172
this is waste of time downloading all the same stuff... I really appreciate your's work but how many times will be released the stuff which is already running for a long time..
  guest -- 0
Thanks, CHAOS!
  Resident 15.09.2011 1 3865
Thank you CHAOS! Nice work.
"The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
  Member 4.07.2011 5
Just a copy & paste release. That's what I've been looking for. Thank you, CHAOS.
  Resident 14.02.2013 220
Thanks CHAOS.

I dont understand why some ppl discouraging you.

Appreciate your effort..

I'm sure many ppl may find your works useful..

the only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion - camus
  Banned 13.05.2011 794 3871
I dont understand why some ppl discouraging you.

angry Make it easy and convenient for them & they'll spit or vomit on your face! angry

  Resident 24.12.2012 156
Man !! , these are very nice!! I really wished I could afford them !!
I own older version of the blue bundle , and Magnetic .... So Im very
pleased with them !!

Everyone should try these !!

  Resident 11.12.2011 598
I really appreciate your's work but how many times will be released the stuff which is already running for a long time..

why the hell you downlad this if you dont want it kido???? HAAA???? ...go play with your friends and let us alone, maybe this isnt the place for you ...go,go, go DOUBLE TIME !

Lord Gaga
Now for what it's worth, I don't give a fuck if you don't even know that we can open ASSiGN's installer with UniExtract (or even 7-Zip) to grab only the DLL's that we want.
Continue to lose your time, it makes me laught, NAAB !

he is not loosing time, he is learning, you should learn too that others learn from their mistakes ...not that he did any ...
This place had gone mad lately, is it because of the Easter?? ...give the guy some space and yes do appreciate that he brings you already released plugins, whats the problem? just dont go and download them and you should be fine ...and stop the insults both parts please ! we can write in a calm manor too ! sad
  Resident 23.09.2010 72
I like (allot) 2 or 3 Nomad Factory plugins so I always found it a real drag having to install ALL of them for just those 3.
This is therefore a very welcomed release.
I'll winge no more at the sight of Nomad Factory installer.
So thank you CHAOS!!!

@Lord Gaga...
Besides the fact that I for one don't even know what UniExtract is, as many others said here if you don't like a release or are not interested in it simply skip on it.
I do it all the time.
Many here do it all the time and I am pretty sure you do it too from time to time.

Why do we constantly have to create frictions and bad feelings?
No one is forcing anyone to do anything here so take what is offered if you like it and ignore it if you don't.

I don't think it could be any simpler.
  Resident 2.03.2012 2 1003
Hey guys be kind and polite to eachother. we all have our faults. no body is perfect.
so repect eachother and if u criticise then ma a constructive one and not a destructive one. share love and peace to the world so the wars come to an end. begin with yourself, here and now.

By the way: has anyone jbridge 1.5 ?

Try'n Buy
  Member 29.10.2012 55
+1 for jbridge 1.5
  guest -- 0
Lord Gaga,
..."If you need to grab only some plugins from an ASSiGN/R2R huge bundle, just open the Setup.exe with 7-Zip (or UniExtract), grab the DLLs and the presets you want and voila. This way, no need to download- AGAIN - the full bundle."

Thank you so much 4 the info, i believe there always something good come out from good guys' debates wink i love u all dudes, i learned a lot from this site :))

BTW I'd like to know if this method can apply to other packs or bundles from other guys? can you tell pls?
(sorry my bad English) greeting from Vietnam :)
  Resident 4.06.2012 54
I'd like to know why there are so many harsh words around here...

No need for it, gentlepeeps...

  Resident 18.05.2011 149
Well, not to mention all the dll's got picked up as viruses by Norton. I'm sure they aren't but I really don't need the hassle...
Alpha0ne, actually just paid for it today, works well
  guest -- 0
for myself: it's the first time i install the nomand plugs, so it's uncomplicated: i install this latest one here and have phun!

  Resident 14.02.2013 220
^ compared to this, Lady Gaga is not at all annoying!
the only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion - camus
  Resident 11.09.2012 183
THERE IS NO PRESETS in this very useful "release".
  guest -- 0
Presets - its for lamers headbang
  guest -- 0
Lord Gaga
I'll swallow it, of course... rofl
One comes to the rescue of his little buddy ?

watt hast du denn geraucht? ... ist ganz simpel genau so, wie von mir geposted... und wenn's nicht funzt, saug ich das rel. eben von wem auch immer!!!! FUCK, nun erklaer ich mich schon selbst (inkl. riesen Rechenschaft) vor Verschwoerungstheoretikern... hm, eventuell hab ich auch das falsche geraucht??? Und warum schreib ich hier nun ploetzlich in Deutsch ???

Nun MUSST du sagen:

"Tracer, weil du ganz einfach kein engl. kannst! Und das liegt daran, weil du ... " (es folgt, eine lineare Story bis zur Kindheit ...)

... aber da wir anscheinend dasselbe Rauchen glaub ich diese story am ende dann vieleicht sogar. (MKultra light & reloaded, krazzzzzzzzz) anyway: Well done Gaga! wink you fill my boring morning\life with some colors, (siegmund freud sagte schon: erkenne dich selbst und du kennst die anderen, od. so aehnlich)thx 4 this buddy!
  Resident 4.11.2010 1 1078
audio lover
BTW I'd like to know if this method can apply to other packs or bundles from other guys? can you tell pls?
(sorry my bad English) greeting from Vietnam :)

You can do the same with R2R-releases, but normally you also have to take care of the preset location manually.

THERE IS NO PRESETS in this very useful "release".

If there are no presets in this releases (I didn't check), you could also grab the presets from the Assign release (unpack with 7z) and put them in their place manually.
  Resident 31.05.2010 4 2290
Lord Gaga
May I ask what's the difference between this pack and the previous one from ASSiGN ? :


1About 200 mb or so take for instance the Pugetech EQ it was like 63 mb n the Assigne release now it is only 12 mb the same goes for EVERY plugin.
In the assigne release most plugins was something like 5-7 mb "big" in this it is under 1 mb to 1,5 at most..
So the difference is more disc space
  Resident 14.05.2012 318
anyone can explain to me, why avira antivir detect the 32 bit plugins as trojaner

the same happens with the sonalksis from last time, it automaticall delete als VST DLLs wow
suck my, Big Mac
  Resident 4.11.2010 1 1078
Lord Gaga
If you need to grab the ASSIGN release to get the presets for this one, why using this one and not directly grab the DLLs AND the presets from ASSiGN release ? dunno

I just read the release date and thought it would have been a new one - as I have enough bandwith I can always do "leech now - delete later". yes
  Resident 24.12.2012 156
w0w !!!!! _ L0L!!!
You guyz fighting like this is as bad as me in the 'AF' , but
letz just njoy the forum & the tools we get to try out & be nice.

Its a good thing , I believe..... when you can checkout a software,
especially one that you might even buy ; because you got to try it
out first!!

No need to fight about a 'group' or release thats been done.
Just njoy it , and be grateful!!

Oh!! my goodness , 'lest I 4-get to thank my dear friend Horseman!!!

ok ...... dunno
  Resident 29.05.2012 700
Thanks Chaos .. appreciate the work!
  guest -- 0
am having a funtime in this sunny day, because am lord of this chaos, it just dont get any. better than this.

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