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Software » Windows
Magix Generic Online-Activator v1.1 [3264Bit] screenshot
Magix Generic Online-Activator v1.1 [32\64Bit]
Tracer | 02\03\13 | 800 KB

GENERIC \ UNIVERSAL ONLINE ACTIVATOR MEANS EXACTLY: you dont need anymore cracks for coming addons \ updates after this, because you're "real" regged, no matter which protein.dll or magixofa_u.dll version and size is used by the magix-app, it works (Also on many popular non-audioappz by magix).

ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS READING THE: NFO (Install Notes) CAREFULLY, to avoid crack fails!

(1 x Rar @ UPLOADED)
download from any file hoster with just one LinkSnappy account
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  guest -- 0
this will come in handy wink

thanks tracer
  Member 20.09.2012 325
Thanks Tracer yes
  Resident 15.09.2011 1 3865
Thank you, Tracer!
"The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
  Resident 3.02.2011 1 53
Thanks Tracer! yes
  Member 21.08.2012 53
can i update sequoia to the latest version with this ?
  Resident 5.03.2012 1 219
thanks bro from HY2ROGEN
  guest -- 0
Thanks for this! Can I use auto-update on the version pro x suite that I have and then use this, or does it need to be a fresh install?
  guest -- 0
just apply the patch on any !uncracked! samplitude version (also allready updated ones) *maybe you have .bak files in your installed release, rename this ones back to .exe and apply the patch, or just re-update with a fresh update-setup*

after this you just have to wait that samplitude shows \ inform you (from your pc task-bar) automatic that there is an update aviable (btw. this is exactly one example of a feature who mostly doesnt proper works after using usual cracks) - agree this info... after the setup is finished - samplitude re-starts registrated with the new version. (tested & works fine)
  guest -- 0
Thanks tracer!
  Resident 15.10.2010 1 293
@ tracer:

Can you provide us with the Xara online patch?
From info:
"...and less other magix products also doesnt work, because some new
magix apps (eg. music maker "Techno Edition") or some "xara" ones comes withouth a protein.dll! for this ones i made seperatly online patches that works also 100%
like this generic one here! if needed, ask the right guys :)"
  Resident 13.09.2012 1 100
good stuff, even more useful

  Moderator 21.01.2012 2361 16062
Thank you Tracer
This is really amazing
  guest -- 0
send you a pm
  Resident 2.05.2011 430
+75 download's to JDownloader but won't's been 2 days, now! I keep getting "serverError wait" and the time only repeats after 29 min.

Can you put another link, please.......!
Love Is Just A Heartbeat Away
  guest -- 0

by the way: i check the patch for some minutes with the absolute fresh "video pro x" (major version 5) = still works fine yes (but the trial download link on magix "Magix Pro Trials" is yet not aviable \ de-activated, if needed, here is a working trial link from magix:)
  Resident 2.05.2011 430
BIG Thanks........Tracer!
Love Is Just A Heartbeat Away
  Resident 16.04.2013 2 125
Thanks Tracer, but I couldn't get it to work with Samplitude Pro X Suite Download Version.

The patch worked ok. But the rest didn't...

The info file said...

"Start the magix app and activate ONLINE with any e-mail adress and any SN ( in a way of: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx)"

I tried a few serial numbers, but none worked.

Now it says the trial has expired... :(
  Resident 18.09.2013 139
GREAT!!! THANKS Tracer..... you are great!! wink
  Member 19.06.2013 19
Very Very Thanks Tracer
  Cleaner 21.01.2012 7865 2573
Magix Generic Online-Activator v1.1 [32\64Bit]-Tracer | 813.36 KB


I will reupload any links. Write in PM

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