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Software » Windows
AD Sound Analyzer v2.0-LAXiTY screenshot
LAXiTY | 01.2025 | 2.0 MB
AD Sound Analyzer is a program that allows you to visualize a sound signal in time, frequency and time-frequency domains. This is provided by Waveform, Spectrum and Spectrogram windows. The program uses a sound card of your computer. AD Sound Analyzer includes a signal Generator that can be used to test your audio devices.

Key features
Full real-time sound monitoring.
Any available audio device you can monitor.
Effective spectrum determination and visualization.
High visual spectral resolution.
Flexible Waveform and Spectrum control.
Generate sine wave and white noise signal.
User-friendly and customizable interface.
Low CPU and resource usage

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  Member 23.06.2014 5 339
Seemed handy, so I tried it.

Per .nfo, I blocked program in Windows Firewall, then registered it. Seemed to be running OK.

However, it won't open *anything*. If I try to open a standard 16 bit wav file, it opens it in Audacity instead. It's the same for any other media type. It's not worth it to me to try to change my audio file associations to AD Sound Analyzer just to see if that makes it work, because a program that only works if file types are associated with it isn't worth it.

Program was useless for me, so I uninstalled it.
  Member 23.06.2014 5 339
I think I "get" the software now. It only analyzes audio from the sound device on the system. So if you "open" a media file, such as wav, it functions just like double clicking the file in explorer: it opens it in its associated application. You're then supposed to play it in that application and AD Sound Analyzer will analyze the audio as it's playing.

I therefore misconstrued the application as an analyzer for media files, rather than an application for analyzing audio input.

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