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Software » Windows
msx @ HALLEY LABS Some New Plugins: Chorus, Delay, Hihat VST3-FANTASTiC screenshot
FANTASTiC | 18 June 2024 | 4 MB
CT-PC and CT-PD: chorus and delay pedals. the chorus is an extension of my previous "horus" plugin, a little more finely tuned. the delay is a generalized bucket brigade-ish delay that tends to clip pretty easily even at moderate levels, so the feedback can get very rowdy and washy, especially with modulation turned up. it also has a glitchy octave mode. both pedals' width controls go from mono, to stereo (50%) to phase inverted (100%).

CT-P01H: a hihat. responds to F#3, G#3, and A#3 notes (as per midi drum standard for closed, pedal, and open hat). velocity sensitive, a few very tweakable parameters that will get you a lot of oldschool drum machine sounds.

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