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Windows, Mac OSX, Linux
Brummer StompTuner v0.5 Win Mac Linux [FREE] screenshot
FREE | Win Mac Linux | 54 MB
Multi-format LV2|VST2|VST3|CLAP multi-arch Linux|macOS|Windows Strobe Tuner using the DISTRHO Plugin Framework.
StompTuner, a Strobe Tuner in Stomp Box Format. The Strobe provide 2 indicators. The outer ring have a accuracy of 1.0 Cent, the inner ring have a accuracy at 0.1 Cent. The working frequency range is from 24 - 998 Hz. The reference Pitch could be selected between 432 - 452 Hz.

StompTuner come in the following plug-in formats:


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  Member 12.12.2023 600 3689
Rapidgator | KatFile | NitroFlare
  Contributor 11.10.2014 7662 15395
Rapidgator | KatFile | Nitroflare
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  Member 21.06.2018 380 14268
  Member 12.12.2023 600 3689
Plugin formats information is for version 0.4. In version 0.5, AU is supported
  Resident 25.10.2014 18 496
Funny, I was just looking for something like this.....!
  Resident 23.08.2023 3 228
looks good but will it compeate with the snail?
  Banned 1.03.2024 224
i noticed this effects the sound on the insert i put it on. so keep that in mind while using it
  Member 16.09.2021 11
it makes the sound mono
  Banned 1.03.2024 224
ahh ur right i didnt see that. thanks

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