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Software » Windows
Audiority Update Bundle 2024.4.9-TeamCubeadooby screenshot
TeamCubeadooby | 04.2024 | 210 MB
This bundle includes ALL Audiority effects plugins. This page (as well version number and price) will be updated on every new plugin release.

Big Goat v1.3
Blue Face v1.3
Chief Chorus v1.0
Electric Matter v1.3
GrainSpace v2.5
Harmonic Maximizer v1.3
Heavy Pedal mkII v2.2
Klirrton Grindstein v1.3.2
L12X Solid State Amplifier v1.3.1
LDC2 Compander v1.3
Octaver 82 v1.2.1
Polaris v1.9
PolyComp v1.3.1
PlexiTape v1.4
Pre X7 v1.6
Pyros v2.2.1
Solidus VS8100 v1.3
The Sword v1.0.1
VertiVerb VRS23 v1.0.1
XenoVerb v1.5.1

x64: SAL, VST3, VST2, AAX | x86 JBridge

Leave latest Audiority V.R bundle release installed...
just install the release here! Done.

If you have previous update-only bundle, this uses the
same AppID as that, so you don't have to uninstall that,
at all.

This update bundle is everything new entirely since
V.R's latest release..

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  Contributor 11.05.2018 2111 1001
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  Member 21.06.2018 384 14319
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  Contributor 11.10.2014 7668 15400
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  Member 13.11.2013 146
An update every single day? Really? Thx btw but maybe a monthly update would do?
  Member 4.05.2021 476
we are very sorry, Sir, for the disturbing you with "our work"

Anyhow, the updates are made BY THE DEVELOPER, who's obviously not reading this site. Do you Sir know that?

Also, updates are usually provided ti make the plugins WORK BETTER

And last but not least, the updates provided here ARE FREE, so we should just thank the releaser and go on

[or ignore...]
  Member 4.05.2021 476
Thanks guys with these quick updates! Much appreciated work 👏👏👏
  Member 12.04.2021 54
Thanks TeamCubeadooby
  Member 13.06.2020 2 6
someone told pre x7 not working. was it fixed?
  Resident 17.03.2012 1 347
Please clarify the meaning of "Leave latest Audiority V.R bundle release installed..."
The last full bunle release was back in 16/6/2023:

- and ever since then has been updates only by TeamCubeadooby

So is this the "latest Audiority VR release" being referred to, or the latest update ?

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