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Software » Windows
Plugin Alliance TBTECH Cenozoix Compressor v1.0.0 Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R screenshot
Team R2R | 2024.02.07 | 41.14 MB
The Three-Body Technology Cenozoix Compressor is named after the Cenozoic era, a time following the extinction of the dinosaurs. Packed with innovations, this mixing and mastering plugin is leading the charge into a new age of compressors.

Get the sound of 12 classic compressors
Cenozoix features compression algorithms for all essential elements of production including β€œDrum,” β€œVocal,” β€œBus,” and β€œMastering,” but also algorithms that recreate the sound of vintage compressors, like β€œBlack FET,” β€œBlue FET,” β€œVintage Opto,” β€œVirtual-Mu,” and more, delivering the perfect balance of utility and versatility. This compressor plugin can handle all your compression needs, from tight and modern sounds to hefty vintage charm.

Apply distortion-free compression to your mixes
Ultra-fast attack and release times can lead to unwanted distortion when using existing compressors. The Cenozoix Compressor utilizes a warp mechanism to avoid these distortion effects, making it a top choice for peak and sidechain compression. Use it to tame harsh snare transients or create basslines that pump alongside your kick.

Reduce aliasing with low CPU load using ADAA
Traditional anti-aliasing methods, which aim to prevent high-frequency distortion, rely on CPU-intensive oversampling. Anti-derivative antialiasing (ADAA) is an audio processing technique developed by Native Instruments, originally used for waveshapers. Instead of depending on oversampling, it leverages advanced mathematics to reduce aliasing without the heavy CPU load. The Cenozoix Compressor is the first compressor plugin to incorporate ADAA.

Ensure natural and responsive peak compression
Many compressors use a static release time, catering to short or long transients but not both. The Cenozoix Compressor’s peak crest function dynamically adjusts the release time based on the nature of the input signal’s transients, ensuring natural and responsive control over dynamic peaks. This makes it a great fit for complex signals running through your vocal, guitar, drum, and stereo bus.

Gain nuanced control over your compression envelope
The Cenozoix Compressor plugin features a peak detector for quick transient response and an RMS detector for smooth compression. Using these detectors in parallel blends their strengths, providing both an immediate response and consistent compression suitable for complex audio material. You also have the option to leverage pure peak or RMS-based detection, best suited for individual track elements.

12 compression algorithms that recreate the sound of classic compressors
12 compression algorithms for common use cases
Distortion-free compression
Anti-derivative antialiasing (ADAA)
Dual peak and RMS detection
Release time that adjusts dynamically
Odd and even harmonic generation

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  Member 6.01.2015 495
that was Fast! this one is a beauty!
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3008
Buggy AF.

1. Something weird with the Oversampling. Only 2X working.

a) 4X starting to sound a little weird, can be heard in delta. high end bump or something.
b) 8X, there's some obvious high frequency artifact. Filtering problem.
b) 16x, now it affect low end too, huge portion of low end gone. the high-end artifact still there.

2. Hold will reset its value upon closing and reopen the GUI. The value reset itself on the GUI only. The settings somehow stays. (Confirmed it with Reaper non-graphic UI view)

Note that it's v1.0.0 here.


About the modeled compressor all of them sound pretty decent and has that specific character of each of those comp. The saturation is different for each, I'm guessing the default minimum value of Odd/Even is the modeled saturation of the unit. User can add Even harmonics on top of it, some tube comp has Even harmonics by default, adding more Even on top of it will create interaction that will simulate a "pushed tube" style of saturation where the Odd starting to come out as well.

Apart from that each modeled compressor has static transfer curve. The ratio, attack, release wont affect the shape of it at all, the knee are all static. As an example, you can't get the "Opto" mode of Distressor at Ratio=10, the G-Bus knee static and wont soften/harden when you change the ratio, pushing levels or threshold doesn't affect tube comp like Fairchild and Vari-Mu ratio/knee as well. No Thrust for the 2500 but you get both FF/FB mode. You get at the very basic of their characters, not full behavior. I think only the LA2A gets its multi-stage att/rel behavior according to the video at PA yt channel.

A dBx still pop out the transient like a dBx should, 1176 smashing but full of discipline, Distressor on snare sounds like a Distressor on snare. The Neve phat as usual. I'd say it gets atleast 70% of the sound of them right. It's good enough for me. I like it. Compression character is polite and clean, if compared with other vintage hardware emulations. It sounds pretty decent and very much usable for everyday mixing task. You get to experiment and it might add some fun value to it as well. CPU usage is low. Easy to use. Comes with some handy controls like Punch, Pump and Hold that Pro-C2 doesn't have. Interesting new transient management functions like Clamp and De-Click are fresh innovation for compressors in plugin land.

There are 12 other unique modes that is task specific, didnt try them just yet. Maybe some other day.

Autogain still suck ass, but it will improve in the future I think.

  Resident 14.05.2023 6 159
Damn, I'll check it out on Ableton. Give you an update soon.

Tried it out, can confirm that it needs to be looked into. Loaded it up, hit play and the GUI freezes the DAW, oddly enough I can still make changes within the GUI - I have to force close the DAW to get it to stop, space bar does not stop the audio.

Looks promising enough, I'll skip this time around.

Ableton 11+
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3008
use full frequency range audio (full track) to test it. If you're using Ableton might need to duplicate the track, one flipped phase to hear the difference.

It can't be seen under the PD for some reason.
  Member 22.07.2022 18 60
I agree. For now this plugin is very buggy. I tested it in Ableton. Something very weird happening. When track is playing and GUI is open the whole DAW is freezing and I can't do anything. Only space bar help to stop the audio which happens after around 30 seconds and then I can close the GUI and DAW back to normal.
  Resident 27.05.2022 37 672
Wow, awesome summary here Stevie. Feel like I just used the plugin without using it haha.

Sounds like a similar approach to analog modelling as Kirchhoff to some degree -- they've got the shapes but not the nuanced behaviours.

Sounds like it'll be useful as a workhorse comp, if you don't care more about practicality than absolute accuracy. Gonna try it out. I'll wait a month or 3 for the bugs to get ironed out though
  Member 25.06.2023 1 19
My favourite feature is the Lookahead. It simply adds more distortion. At least that is something new.
  Member 20.10.2016 154
Wow Stevie, well done and think you for this good test-report. Maybe Kirchhoff should hire you as tester for their software!
  Member 6.04.2018 156
You're an absolute treasure. Thank you for being so helpful and generous with your time.
  Resident 26.09.2012 3 1812
can you elaborate on these :

a) 4X starting to sound a little weird, can be heard in delta. high end bump or something.
b) 8X, there's some obvious high frequency artifact. Filtering problem.
b) 16x, now it affect low end too, huge portion of low end gone. the high-end artifact still there.

please provide audio sample. i tested all oversampling options, i don't hear anything weird in the deltas. also there is absolutely no "huge bass loss" at all. if you refer to the natural bass loss that happens with any compressors when the internal sidechain is not engaged.
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3008
the sound changing when you change the oversampling from 2x to 4x and so on. Not saying it shouldnt 100% but assuming the higher the oversampling, the lower the aliasing, meaning from 2x to 4x you should hear (most of the time nobody can) the high end getting warmer, smoother. On Cenezoix, at 4x it can be heard that the sound changing like a boost around 8kHz that shouldn't be happening at all. Instead of the signal getting 0.01db quieter (aliasing harmonics removed), it gets a little louder.

at 8x, the high end content of the sound drastically changed, there's phasing too signaling something is wrong with the filtering.

at 16x, some of the low energy lost, meaning the signal went through an almost 180 phase shift where the low end is canceling itself.

All of that is when compared with No OS to 2X to 4x to 18x. For a fully working plugin, when the oversampling is perfectly working, the difference should be close to not perceivable at all except for a really small amount of high end assuming the OS just removed the aliasing as it should. It shouldn't affect other area at all.

A lot of people been reporting the same issue, if it didnt happen on your end, might want to recheck your testing method. Here's one at the Gearspace :

Open plugin doctor run the Cenozoix, set oversampling to 8x or 16x (on the Cenozoix not on PD). Go the Linear Analysis, check the phase. You'll see phase shift at the high end the higher the OS number, more shifting.

Do that again with say Pro C2 (or any working plugin ever) set to OS to 2x or 8x. No phase shift.
  Resident 26.09.2012 3 1812
is this the "huge low end loss" you are referring to ? a roll-off @ 20Hz ?!?

but you are right, it's there. i wouldn't call it huge though, and anyways, who needs frequencies below 20hz

i checked the phase thing at 8-16os. you were right ! looks very bad on the top-end..

keep up the good work !
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3008
quote by proΒ toolsΒ 10is this the "huge low end loss" you are referring to ? a roll-off @ 20Hz ?!?

no. phase shifting low end cancellation could be up to 1kHz. 20Hz is not perceivable. that's just for DC management for the tube style comp.

you can use reaper Delta and try compress a full frequency range track (or on the stereo bus). Listen to the Delta and switch from one OS to another. It's easier to listen that way. Phase Shifting artifact wont show on PD except for the phase view.


EDIT to the main post : I found out that the Odd/Even knob does some great stuff that could change the overall compressor saturation character subtly.

The one I've been using a lot the "Red VCA" for example, at the minimum, the saturation characteristic is more towards the usual Solid-state like saturation, the usual kind of saturation you'd get with a VCA compressor. It's almost similar to the old Focusrite Red 3 compressor plugin. Having the Odd/Even at max, making the saturation character changed to Class A circuit type saturation where it blends both odd and even. Slate's FG-Red also define the saturation of the unit that way and has almost similar transfer curve with the Cenozoix Red VCA, which is more realistic IMO considering the hardware is a Class A VCA Compressor. They sound close too.

Saturation for all 3 of them focuses more on the low-end which is true to the original hardware units. It is loved by many for tons of weight it adds and sweeter sounding compared to the usual G-Bus style compressor that can be a little more aggressive and edgier.
  Member 23.02.2016 1 235
That clearly indicates that their "Anti-derivative antialiasing" is not well implemented.
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3008
my thought exactly
  Member 28.10.2014 165
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 27.05.2022 37 672
Heron Island Studio is usually onto it when it comes to discovering the best plugins on the market and he just reviewed Cenozoix and fell in love:

He liked the Opto model in particular.

Anyway just plonking this here for people who might be interested
  Resident 3.01.2016 2 892
The technology of this reminds me of relab maselec mastering eq and austica audio lime 2, the way they have modelled these compressors.
  Member 5.07.2023 141
the witches with their bossiness towards the developers make my day
  Resident 18.03.2013 734
This works fine on Windows 11 Studio One 6, but the actual plugin is very buggy. Plugin Doctor literally had a baby with the OS issues. This should never have been released as it is, IMO.
  Member 2.06.2022 166
This looks absolutely amazing. A+
  Member 26.11.2023 242
the GUI really looks like some early 2000s. The knobs looks like some Cenozoic era for real, spot on. Creativity level expert.
but yo i love PA stuff, they should pay more money for the designers
  Resident 7.01.2016 3 600
Anyone can explain me the hype with this one??? I see another ALL-IN-ONE solution I HAVE ALL THE COMPS IN THE WORLD type plugin... I think Melda has this already covered... and waves... and a lot of companies...
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3008
Perspective matters, it depends. Those compressors vintage modes is just tip of the ice, it's just "fun factor" added, the other 12 non-modeled modes should already cover all the range.

1. Declick and Clamp are two new brilliant inventions for a compressor design. It actually solves problems and it has been a really long time since people came up with something like this.

2. "Clean" mode is the cleanest compressor ever with tons of compression artifact removed. Cleaner than Pro-C2 "Mastering Mode" that suppose to be cleanest comp mode in plugin land before this.

3. New oversampling method that ideally has better aliasing management to CPU usage ratio. Still buggy tho.

Not the best compressor plugin ever, it's just any plugin that could top a Fabfilter's version deserved to be hyped IMO.
  Resident 11.08.2012 17 240
Fircomp is also in the "cleanest compressors in the wold" list. I very much like this compressor, no fuss about it, you get that clean compression very fast, AND it's cheap (v1 was even free); plus it has bonus controls you rarely find in other plugins (like the release curve, or the percentage of program dependency for the release, etc.)

Will test the dinosaur comp for sure
Come back, on the fonky track
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3008
For EQ, Cleaner means no harmonics. For Compressor, cleaner means less compression artifact, that "compression" processed sound if you will. That's how I understand it but it's okay, whichever works.
  Resident 11.08.2012 17 240
the Comment has been Removed
Come back, on the fonky track
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3008
the waveshaper artifacts. analog doesnt have it, digital only. cleaner compression meaning getting close to no waveshaper (digital only) artifact so it get close to the analog. ask anyone that program a compressor plugin, they'll tell you I guess.
  Member 16.05.2021 1 148
nowadays a 1.0 version is like a 0.1 beta, lately Im waiting till a 1.3 or similar when its something I can wait. We live in a beta society now.
  Resident 3.11.2020 113
Everybody is inside an experiment that not signed up for.... In all areas

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