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Acustica Audio Fire The Pump 2023-R2R screenshot
Team R2R | 2023.11.20 | 58.3 MB
Acustica surprises its family of users with an Halloween gift to say thanks for their loyalty and support! Please give a warm welcome to Fire The Pump. Fire The Pump is the latest FREE Acqua plugin (VST/VST3/AAX/AU) in the Fire series. It’s a powerful one-knob saturation product designed for a rapid-fire mixing workflow, and the first one based on our Hyper saturation technology.

This intuitive tool can give the audio source a gentle analog character, or you can choose to push the signal with aggressive distortion, delivering extreme overdrive. From a tinge of warmth to pure screaming fire and brimstone, this plugin can do it all — make sure to use it with care!

Fire The Pump is the perfect choice for those who seek an easy-to-use saturator with a distinctive sound, low CPU consumption, and an analog feel above all. It’s designed to fit anywhere in your mix, and is also suited for master bus applications.

To put it simply, if you’re looking for a convincing, authentic saturator for any style of music, you can’t go wrong with Fire The Pump.

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--===[ GONG 2023 ]===--

A witch says,

Library is completely decrypted, decompressed, DRM related bloat removed, and rebuilt to the clean one.

It works like non protected freeware :)

Our releases have much better loading performance than legit version, especially if the library has many files and big files inside. There are no auth check, no decryption, no decompression will be performed to the library during the loading!

You need the installation of Acustica Audio Framework. You also need to read the NFO and instruction of that release!


Beloved protection note is also there!

This release includes installation tutorial too. Get this before other ones.
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  Resident 13.09.2021 3 122
Oh my word
  Resident 11.05.2013 7 303
R2R We really apricate all the effort you guys are doing thru all this years you guys are Legend
  Member 28.12.2016 179
I really didn't think they were being literal when they talked about releasing a little pumpkin
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3014
it runs at 1-2% CPU at 4x Oversampling. Pretty good CPU usage wise.

Plugin working fine, Oversampling working. Size not working though, is it GUI size ? or the size of the pumpkin ? bigger pumpkin more analog warmth ? hadjocvinsdv

EDIT : Need to remove the plugin and add it back after changing the Size.
  Resident 11.05.2013 7 303
I follow the instruction Acustica Audio Framework 2023 but it didn't work for me windows 11 Ableton live 11 plugin crash
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3014
there are threads started on AudioSex about this sort of issue and few people got their installation problems solved there. You might wanna check em.
  Member 25.05.2015 94
You need to copy content inside folder !COMMON and place it outside together with other files.
  Member 23.05.2022 1 96
Simple way to install below

1. Add path into enviroment variables C:\Program Files\Acustica\Framework

2.install the w_dpcpp_cpp_runtime_p_2024.0.0.49848.msi

2.A make the folder C:\Program Files\Acustica\Framework put Framework-R2R files in C:\Program Files\Acustica\Framework

3. install your chosen format eg .vst3 remember common data for plugin must be in same folder as the .vst3 common data can be found in !COMMON

example make folder for this plugin C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Acustica\FIRETHEPUMP\

FIRETHEPUMP .. this is common data folder created inside the plugin folder

file structure image
file structure image

4. execute Make_APPDATA_Acustica_Dir.cmd to make appdata to store user saved presets

finished go make music :)
  Member 23.06.2014 5 340
the Comment has been Removed
  Member 23.05.2022 1 96
!Common is provided as each plugin format uses the same files
instead of providing it 3 times that would make the release 3 times the size to release and for user to download

look in plugin files pack
place these as in the image i provided

VST3 file structure image
file structure image

file structure
  Member 14.09.2019 271
Big thanks for this! I was doing this a dumb way, apparently haha This was causing my DAW to crash when loading Fire The Pump, and for Space Control to not scan properly.

I initially had just dropped the folders (literally, the folder) VST3 and !COMMON and placed them in %programfiles%\common files\vst3\Acustica\FireThePump

The screenshot helped to see that I actually needed to copy the contents inside those folders instead.

I'm not sure how much or if I'm actually going to use any of these AA plugins, but at least I have that option.
  Member 12.01.2021 600
Order of CPU consumption and latency for legit versions here:
1 PeakEater
2 StandardClip
3 The Pump

with The Pump using ~ 50% more than PeakEater.
  Member 25.09.2016 26
the Comment has been Removed
  Member 23.06.2014 5 340
I wonder if Giancarlo is going to send out an e-mail again to all Acustica customers begging them not to use the cracked plugins. The first time he did this he thought R2R was going to release Acustica stuff but at the time the future releases R2R were hinting at weren't about Acustica.

Also, holy shit, Acustica stuff finally being released by R2R! People have been requesting their plugins for years and being told it was impossible, on par with UAD (no idea why people thought this).

I swore I was reading "Acoustica" at first, as in Acon, I had to do a double take when I saw what it actually was. :)
  Resident 27.08.2023 18 152
anyone else have black screen for the plugin?
  Member 25.05.2015 94
If you choose add system environment variable way maybe restart will take effect.
  Resident 27.08.2023 18 152
after restart, still black screen for gui of plugin

edit: the "Current Acustica Way" give me black screen but the Lazy Way works after copying all DLL in ".\Framework-Official\Acustica\Framework" to "%WINDIR%\system32"
  Banned 16.09.2015 158
BasedPirate, Check the thread on Audiosex called "Help with Acustica Installation". Someone there had the same problem, seemed to find a solution. good luck!
  Member 25.05.2015 94
Maybe you set PATH variable not correctly it should work like lazy method.
Open command line and run echo %PATH% If it set correctly "C:\Program Files\Acustica\Framework" should show in the result. But fine if it work just go with lazy method lol.
  Resident 27.02.2022 542
Use " " when you set the path on the start and the end of the command line !

"C:\Program Files\Acustica\Framework" and not C:\Program Files\Acustica\Framework
  Member 12.02.2018 200 499
the Comment has been Removed
  Member 23.05.2022 1 96
Simple way to install below

1. Add path into enviroment variables C:\Program Files\Acustica\Framework

2.install the w_dpcpp_cpp_runtime_p_2024.0.0.49848.msi

2.A make the folder C:\Program Files\Acustica\Framework put Framework-R2R files in C:\Program Files\Acustica\Framework

3. install your chosen format eg .vst3 remember common data for plugin must be in same folder as the .vst3 common data can be found in !COMMON

example make folder for this plugin C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Acustica\FIRETHEPUMP\

FIRETHEPUMP .. this is common data folder created inside the plugin folder

place files as per the image

!Common is provided as each plugin format uses the same files
instead of providing it 3 times that would make the release 3 times the size to release and for user to download

look in plugin files pack
place these as in the image i provided

VST3 file structure image
file structure image

file structure

4. execute Make_APPDATA_Acustica_Dir.cmd to make appdata to store user saved presets

finished go make music :)
  Member 28.05.2018 28
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 29.09.2017 1 598
the Comment has been Removed
Keep going...
  Resident 29.09.2017 1 598
the Comment has been Removed
Keep going...
  Member 5.12.2016 88
Actually shocked:
legit fire the pump "sampled files": 15.1mb
installed each time for aax, vst3, vst2......
R2R : 530KB - ONCE !!
  Member 17.04.2015 1 378

solved (i was puting common files in root of common =error) comon files go to ROOT folder of acustica vst3/vst2)
  Resident 24.07.2019 15 970
Did you install Acustica Audio Framework before installing Fire The Pump?
  Member 4.03.2023 16
Thanks bro this is the comment that helped me get it going
  Member 18.12.2016 98
R2R giving us users a better tool than the developers themselves, part 243.

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