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Software » Windows
Internet AMS v1.00.7 UNLOCKED-R2R screenshot
Team R2R | 01 Nov 2022 | 4.3MB
Now, the main feature of ABILITY 4.0 is AMS, a sound source that Internet has been developing for many years. This is a GM2 compatible multitimbral tone generator. Nowadays, it's normal to be able to handle a large number of MIDI tracks and instrument tracks, so I think the number of cases where a single sound source can play multiple MIDI channels independently is decreasing. However, multi-timbral tone generators are an important item when it comes to making music by making full use of the goodness of MIDI.

A witch says,

Our UNLOCKED release allows you to
load from any VST compatible hosts.
Language is Japanese but only config
Windows is written in Japanese.

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  Resident 3.03.2020 960
what happedned guys?
I just left here for 3 min's !!
now I come back , find all these stuff

thanks a lot
I'm here , That's more than enough !!
  Resident 30.04.2015 26 83
The VST loads but i am unable to do anything with it except change volume.
  Member 10.11.2017 99
Interesting plug, thanks. But it is not an 'improved' SC88 (from Roland) as claimed, it is a cut down CronoX (CrX4 ) from Linplug, with much less sound variations than the SC88, despite the much bigger sample size. Even no ADSR-Edits are possible. SC88 has Part-Edits.
  Resident 9.04.2011 1 762
Anyone can translate this, please?

"Language is Japanese but only config
Windows is written in Japanese."

.....::::: The best warez are yet to come :::::.....
  Member 10.11.2017 99
Bank select mode

• GM2 mode
BANK MSB (CO# 0) 121=melody channel 7120=drum channel
BANK LSB (CC# 32) Melody channel tone bank switching

• GS mode
BANK MSB (CC# 0) Melody channel tone back switching
BANK LSB (CC# 32) Invalid drum part = part 10 fixed

Pre-loading of tone data <This will be valid the next time AMS is loaded>
• No <AMS loads faster, but Program Chnage takes 8 hours>
• Default (Bank 0 and some sounds preloaded>

Change knob value:
Longitudinal direction

[ ] Show hint text

OK Cancel
  Member 4.11.2018 22
Doesn't work for me in Ableton. It gives an error while scanning. It's a pity. Maybe someone knows how to fix it?

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