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Software » Windows
Sonic Core Scope Pci v5.1.2709 + Scope Sdk Pci v5.1 x64 WiN screenshot
4.7.2020 | x64 WiN | 597.21MB
Hardware Processed Virtual Studio
The Virtual Studio for SCOPE XITE-1 and SCOPE PCI DSP-Boards comes with a rich Suite of hardware-processed DSP Plug-Ins.

Sound Creation and Processing by real Hardware
SCOPE provides you with the Technology of world-class real digital Studio Devices and Hardware Synthesizers. The sample-based floating-point processing of the SCOPE DSP Hardware and the distinguished sound algorithms have made its authentic, lively and characterful sound an established benchmark. The SCOPE Virtual Studio Environment represents the Visualization of the Audio Equipment being processed by the SCOPE DSP Hardware.

A complete Production Studio full of excellent Equipment
Thanks to the exceptional performance of the SHARC® Super Harvard Architecture, the SCOPE DSP Hardware can house sophisticated Synthesizers, Effects, Mixing and Mastering Plug-Ins for an entire Music Production. The SCOPE Virtual Studio Environment provides a huge arsenal of expressive sounding hardware-quality equipment. It opens the door to unlimited inspiration and sonic creations.

The most flexible Hardware DSP System available
With its real-time processing, SCOPE is predestined to be connected to further latency free hardware equipment. The Multiple high-quality inputs and outputs and free routing capabilities of its Plug-Ins make the SCOPE Virtual Studio to a central of your setup, which can be used live on stage and for direct monitoring comprehensively. Through its flexible modular routing concept, SCOPE can be organized like a real Music Production Studio.

- Crack operates without causing OS blue screen errors, unless Scope is misused such at closing Scope before closing DAW, when Scope driver was active.

- Some working commercial plugins are included such at Prodyssey CV, ProWave, Zarg RD II Modules, several other Zarg plugins, Flexor 3 and Modular IV modular modules, Ocean Swift Synthesis SDK module pack, and some others. Some Flexor 3 and Modular IV modules do not produce sound. Also there are folders named Pulsar in Synths/Effects/Mixers sections
containing working older factory plugins, as many factory 5.1 plugins do not produce sound.

- In Modular need to use included 'Empty Modular.mdl' shell, factory 5.1 shell 'Empty' produces no sound! Included shell loads any version modules.

Installation in short (XP/VISTA/WIN7 x64):
1. install Scope PCI
2. install Scope SDK PCI
3. copy patched file folders 'SCOPE PCI' and 'SCOPE SDK PCI' to installed location replacing files when needed
- read instructions in package

Installation in WIN8.1/WIN10 x64:
- read instructions in package

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  Resident 17.02.2009 922
Brings back lots of old memories using the Scope Card
Touch The Wires : I Dare You
  Member 10.11.2016 4 343
Thanks, I'm going to bring out my old Creamware Luna II sound card
  Resident 26.07.2012 601
What is the Best of more powerful PC or CPU that Arecompatibles with Old PCI ?
also is there a modern mother board that comes with 2 PCI slots ?
I have Two Pulsar+ 6 dsp each and a Plate XLR Midi
i was registered til 4 I think
  Resident 7.08.2012 354
THIS probably is the place you can find some answers, I have a pulsar II in the dust as well
  Member 25.10.2019 523
the Comment has been Removed
  Member 23.11.2013 43
This work just with a scope dspp card, right??
  Member 25.01.2014 5
that's really nice!!! I have a couple of pulsar cards!
  Member 25.10.2019 523
Sadly its not the latest version 7.1 and the XTC mode doesn't work well, its crashing as always.

Even in version 7.1 the XTC Mode which would be great even in 2020, does not work.

XTC uses the DSP´s power, but not the outputs of the Luna 2 Card.
So you could keep your Audio Interface and use the DSP´s for plugins if XTC would work.
  Member 18.01.2014 14
XTC mode has been discontinued several years ago. It's very easy to work with Scope projects in the background connected over ASIO and MIDI to the DAW. Using XTC mode without the IN/OUTS of the Scope hardware and using an external audio card for the DAW, like with other similar products like Powercore and UAD, will introduce latency. Best way to work with Scope is to use it like external hardware, load Scope project before launching DAW and use midi ports for synthesizers.
  Member 25.10.2019 523
thnx, i just liked the way XTC integrated into my DAW without the need to change or load anything.
  Member 10.11.2016 4 343
Here is all the compatibility information found on the Scope website :
SCOPE v7 Application Software
External PCIe Devices:
Sonic Core SCOPE XITE-1
Sonic Core SCOPE XITE-1D

Internal PCI Boards and Expansion Plates:
Sonic Core 3-DSP SCOPE PCI Board
Sonic Core 6-DSP SCOPE PCI Board
Sonic Core 14/15-DSP SCOPE PCI Board
Creamware SCOPE / Professional
Creamware SCOPE / Project
Creamware SCOPE / Home
Creamware Pulsar I
Creamware Pulsar II
Creamware SCOPE FX
Creamware Guitar Pack
Creamware Luna
Creamware PowerSampler
Creamware Elektra
Creamware Consumer Plate
Creamware Profi / Plus Plate
Creamware 3 x ADAT C-Plate
Creamware Sync Plate

System Requirements PC:
SCOPE XITE-1: Available PCIe Slot / DSP Board: PCI Slot

System Requirements Notebook:
SCOPE XITE-1ExpressCard Slot

Host Computer Operating System:
Microsoft Windows XP: 32 Bit / 64 Bit
Microsoft Windows 7: 32 Bit / 64 Bit
Microsoft Windows 8: 32 Bit / 64 Bit
Microsoft Windows 10: 32 Bit / 64 Bit

Audio Software Interfaces:
ASIO, Windows WDM

MIDI Software Interfaces:
Sequencer MIDI In / Out

Recommended PC Configuration:
CPU: Intel i5 or i7
Mainboard: ASUS, Intel Chipset
RAM: 16 GB, Kingston
Graphics Card: Dual Head, 2 GB, passive, Nvidia GeForce or AMD Radeon
Hard Drive (System / Programs): 250 GB SSD
Hard Drive (Data): 2 TB, Western Digital (optional: RAID, mirrored)
Power Supply: 500 W, silent
DVD burner, internal
2 x TFT Screen, Resolution 1920 x 1200 (WUXGA)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows 10"
  Member 25.10.2019 523
the Comment has been Removed
  Member 25.03.2017 5
Do yourself a favor: try this one!
Thanks to Zaka1 we can now try something special (before we buy).

Ok, you need a old pci card (pulsar,luna, etc) and a pc with pci slots, maybe you have one somewhere lying around. The creamware cards you can buy at any ebay auction, marktplaats or second hand online site for little. With this upload from Zaka1 you can use a lot of synths, modular, and audio software of high q.

Creamware were the very sophisticated software entwickler of the nineties. They used SHARC dsp’s. So, very important mister, nice to know but can we move on?

The point is: they were very good as in the software was/is sounding very good. As a matter of fact I am still using a pc as a hardware synth with the Scope software. They have the best emulations (I know it is subjective) of minimoog, pro one, prodessey but also a gigantic modulair system. You can make your own synths, and they have uad-plus sound treatment software ready to configure as you like it. This Zaka1 upload let you try some of these things. The software you still can buy and where you do all the emulations and more is the 7.0 software. For the same price of the Uhe Diva software you have a multitude of possibilities.
And yes, this Scope software is still maintained by Sonic core. Maybe the only DSP audio-system that survived almost 22 years. It is that good. The dilemma at the moment is that you can use it or with old pci-hardware or with an expensive Xite rack. But the software is terrific at least if you don’t expect things that are not in it. If you use the synths intensively you better use the pc separate as a hardware expander. It doesn’t integrate with daw software on the same pc that good. As a mix environment it is very well equipped and more important maybe; very well sounding. I hope we get a little revival of the Scope platform thanks to Zaka1.
  Resident 26.07.2012 601
So As I Said I have 2 pulsar II + and a plate with aes ubu adat midi
The cards are Very long
So is the Intel i7 dual core the last compatible Cpu Can I use a Quad?
And which mainboard you d recommend ?
Or is it simpler to buy an old secon hand Pc ??

Lots of questions uh ?
  Member 30.06.2018 71
tried this now, it only recognizes 1 card at a time, and 1 Luna doesnt do much.
(i know about numcards entry in the ini, doesnt help.)
has the v7 been tackled yet?

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