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Software, Windows, Mac OSX
AudioCipher Technologies AudioCipher v3.0 WiN macOS RETAiL-ohsie screenshot
ohsie | 27 May 2023 | 45 MB

Hunched over your DAW waiting for inspiration to strike? Just type in a word and turn it into music.

AudioCipher helps you break through creative block and come up with new melodies and chord progressions. Choose from a variety of scales, chords and rhythms to create unlimited variations.

Compatible with Ableton, Logic Pro, FL Studio, Reaper, Pro Tools, Garageband, and others.

New User Interface (V3)
Word-to-MIDI converter
Playback controls
Drag-to-MIDI Feature
Randomize Rhythm Output
Chord and melody generator
Choose your key signature

All credits go to ohsie88 for the release

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  Member 12.01.2021 600
quote by fictionThe trick could be to delete notes selectively though

I get what you mean, but I could very well also draw some 1/8th notes in Reaper and randomize the pitch within a scale. The problem is AudioCypher doesn't produce halfway predictible results and not harmonius results at all - as you can hear in my little experiment.
  Resident 6.10.2011 1 619
Thanks for articulating what I was too lazy to do so.
  Member 31.05.2021 546
quote by No Avengerbeat block

can this chug?
  Member 10.01.2023 1 31
sorry to interrupt and i know this got nothing to do with this release which works fine on win 10 and 11 of ableton cubase and bitwig til now for me ,but there ain't such a thing as "beat block"

any crazy mofo can sit down or not with a piano a guitar or a trumpet and start writin some tune and melody , tappin on them mpc pads making a decent drum beat and rythm that just sounds right

now if your only purpose is to copypaster another folk tracks or flow or sound similar to the next band u like listening to ,now that might just be the reason u get that "beat block" , a mistake many do , peace out
  Resident 21.08.2014 10 229
Interesting tools at least its more customizable then other midi generators that make random melodies and if you know, then you know that AI midi are weird AF sounding kind of creepy at times. This is seems like a basic prompt based AI plugin that generates midi with text, the more detailed type in the box the better the notes are but it can also sound weird at times if you too detailed lol. Keep its simple and basic dont do nothing fancy like "Rich textures made by Kanye West" instead try "Live soulful piano" (you dont have to specify chords, key and tempo because you can just select that info on the drop menus... as you can see in the photo.

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