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Software » Mac OSX
Algonaut Atlas v2.5.5 macOS - pknr screenshot
macOS | 15.35 MB
The Atlas 2 drum machine and sample manager brings new features such as a fast and powerful Drum Sequencer, Sample Variation/Humanization engine, and a new Content Browser that makes managing and recombining drum kits and sequencers easy. On top of this there are hundreds of smaller improvements to every aspect of the original Atlas.

Tested on intel, should work on arm in rosetta.

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  Member 7.01.2016 10 63
Is this beta? I only see 2.4 on their site Changelog
  Resident 27.11.2022 9 71
Release candidate so decided to go with it instead of 2.4
  Member 4.05.2024 53
and samples?
  Member 19.11.2013 67
it works in ableton 12 m2 max without enabling rosetta mode but you can only use au if you choose not to open ableton in rosetta mode, also you can download factory samples within plugin itself
  Member 12.10.2015 75
This is an awesome app. Buy it if you like it (I managed to get on black friday deal). Would have killed for this release a while back. Hopefully enables wider pool of people to enjoy and realise the benefit of investing. Small dev so if you really do use this... defo support. On par with XLN XO (seemingly now unsupported) but actually better imho with a few twists but with the potential to become perfect if dev keeps releasing new features that seem to be incoming. Love the random kit feature and sequencer. A tool I love and regularly use even in its imperfect state for knocking up beats. Unlocks my massive sample library in a way that even Ableton 12 new features just can't even touch.
  Member 27.04.2019 443
This developer is cool asf, support him. A great great guy!
  Member 21.05.2024 3
i tried with logic and activated it but it's not showing, any solutions ?? (like do I have to install the trial version from website and replace component ??
  Resident 12.01.2014 3 466
This is one of the best developers out there. If you like what he's doing please buy the product. He's definitely deserving of legit customers. I know I'm more than happy with this plugin and it absolutely wipes the floor with other similar plugins in just about every way.
If you're able to correct me, then you understood me fine in the first place. prick.
  Member 25.06.2021 1 424
Nice plugin, reasonable price and super cool developer!
be kind :)
  Member 21.09.2016 21 40
Native please

intel - rosseta it is old tresh today
  Member 17.01.2024 172
buy new treasure then ...
  Member 20.07.2020 349
Is there a library for this or do we just throw our own libraries at it?
  Resident 12.01.2014 3 466
There is a factory library that comes with it, but I just use my own samples.
If you're able to correct me, then you understood me fine in the first place. prick.
  Resident 6.10.2011 1 607
XO'ish, but a step better in the overall workflow IMHO.
Decently priced and hard to pass buy when on sale.
  Member 14.10.2023 20
Can someone help with the activation? The .txt file is really rough... How to "codesign" for a .vst3 or a .component file?
  Resident 6.10.2011 1 607
Use the terminal.
Paste command "sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - "
then drag and drop plugin into terminal after command for path.
Enter/Return and finish.
*Note* There should be a space after the dash.

AU's working fine but VST3 isn't natively.
This try isn't fixed for Universal Binary.
You'll need to try VST3 under Rosetta.
  Member 14.10.2023 20
Thanks for your help.

I tried the terminal command with the .component but it keeps saying the signature can't be verified whenever I try to open it within Live.
  Resident 6.10.2011 1 607
Well that sucks. Are you native or via rosetta?
Just for testing sake, try LIve both ways
to see if you get somewhere.
  Member 4.05.2024 53
to me doesn't work, message from live and cubase after coding: macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware.
  Member 21.08.2023 6
User 1176f posted this:

terminal. xattr -cr (drag plugin here)

Worked for me :)
  Member 11.03.2023 13
this plugin works only with internet connection off?
  Member 20.07.2020 349
Block it in terminal
  Member 28.11.2015 15
the Comment has been Removed
  Member 17.01.2024 172
the Comment has been Removed
  Member 3.09.2022 13
hahahahaha relax bro :D
  Member 13.12.2021 69
Do I need an account on their site to download libraries?
The Algonaut expansions requires a login. How to download premium packs without an account?
  Member 12.10.2015 75
The expansions have never been of that much interest to me. If you have lots of samples (a lot of audioz people are bound to)... just point at that though try to break into smaller groups rather than just 1 giant 100,000 sample folder. This is where this thing shines. Using your own samples.
  Member 2.12.2014 5 94
Title should mention "Intel only"
  Member 4.05.2024 53
to me doesn't work, message from live and cubase: macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware.
  Member 6.05.2019 124
terminal. xattr -cr (drag plugin here)

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