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Software, Windows
Aurora DSP Monster 4000 v1.0.0-BUBBiX screenshot
BUBBiX | 16 November 2024 | 190 MB
Monster 4000
The classic, reimagined.
Monster 4000 is an essential mixing tool, modelled after the well-known console compressor used as a mixing "glue".
Now with extra saturation. Add more punch, make the record tighter, smooth out the mix - it handles all of that.
External sidechain gives you even more flexibility, while dual-mono feature gives you more control.
It's that final something needed for every recording.

64-bit: (VST3, AAX)


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  Member 23.04.2015 4 610
Thank you. The cpu usage is mind-boggling tho.
Come here just to try the software and buy it afterwards.
If I don't like the software I will just DELETE it.
  Resident 24.07.2019 15 968
CPU heavy? Might be bad optimization since these are v1.0, but I'm also wondering if Aurora DSP could have used some kind of neural net black-box modeling for these plugins. If that's the case it could be that the CPU usage won't get much better with future updates.
  Member 19.12.2022 1 218
Cytomic can get perceptually identical analog modelling at a shockingly low CPU usage so I'm not sure how worth it neural networks are at the moment
  Moderator 4.06.2022 6 2738
Which CPU?
  Member 23.04.2015 4 610
i5 12500. The sat off works fine. But when I turn the sat on, the cpu is going through the roof.
Come here just to try the software and buy it afterwards.
If I don't like the software I will just DELETE it.
  Member 5.02.2021 7
Stereo Comressor
  Member 23.04.2015 4 610
Yep, the developer's typo.
Come here just to try the software and buy it afterwards.
If I don't like the software I will just DELETE it.
  Resident 15.02.2019 332
if they couldn't even catch that imagine how much care went into the actual code ...

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