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Software, Windows
Three Body Tech Deep Vintage Tape S AI v1.0.0r1-SEnki screenshot
SEnki | 05 Sep 2024 | WiN: 38.2 MB
Deep Vintage
AI-Powered Hardware Simulation Plugin Series
This is a machine that endeavors to pass the human-ear Turing Test,
a deep-learning AI technology with a vintage heart.

Deep Vintage series is a suite of plugins that simulate real hardware. Utilizing the power of AI, every Deep Vintage plugin authentically captures the true 'soul' of the vintage gear.

Powered by Three-Body Tech's self-developed APNN (Audio Processing Neural Network), a machine learning technology specialized in simulating analog effect processors, Deep Vintage guarantees you the closest listening experience ever to the legendary hardware models, while ensuring a complete real-time processing.

How is it different?
We have been exposed to numerous emulation technologies: physical modeling, convolution... among many others. Regardless of what technics to engage, our ultimate goal is consistent: to achieve the highest possible fidelity in reproducing the sound of the real-world devices.

APNN was meticulously designed and trained to excel in this task, as its learning is based on audio signals from the real hardware units. Deep Vintage plugins are not merely 'theoretically correct modeling of circuits' nor solely based on harmonic structures or impulse responses; they capture 100% 3D feels in the analog sound.

How does it work?

To put it simply, APNN is a neural network specifically optimized for audio processing, which is composed of a massive combination of audio processing modules (EQ, compressor, overdrive, etc.).

To capture the essence of a hardware model, APNN will automatically adjust its structure and parameters until the difference between its output and the hardware's output progressively diminishes.

Ultimately, APNN achieves an error signal of phase cancellation at about -40dB to -75dB (depending on the hardware model). With this exceptional level of error control, which surpasses even the variance between different production batches of the same hardware model, we can confidently say that APNN is capable of 'deceiving' human ears.

Tape S AI
Inspired by a 1/4-inch tape machine from the late ’80s - early ’90s which is favored by many professionals for its unique sonic signature, Tape S AI delivers exceptional sound quality in mixing. Characterized by its warm midranges, smooth high ends, and rich harmonics, it enhances depth and richness in any bus or master mix.

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  Resident 30.01.2014 6 2233
Tanks so much, SEnki!!

Didn't even know those existed, hahaha!
  Member 2.06.2023 114
randomly crash...tested on win 10 with reaper and bitwig
  Resident 23.12.2013 127
looks like I will wait, non of these Three Body Tech plugs work from what other members post on the threads
  Releaser 21.04.2012 65 129
Fixed now.
Donate to help recover gear:
  Member 28.01.2015 118
great treat here!
i've been using it since march when i was a beta tester. dont use it as much now that i bought a pair of zulu 500's but its one of the best studer tape plugs around and now i can put it on all my systems vs the 1 system in the main room lol
but if you can get a pair of zulu's, man you'll love them

the burl converter plugin has been used on every track since march too even having an antelope amari. it ust makes everything cohesive

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