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Software, Windows
Physical Audio Preparation 2 v2.1.0-BUBBiX screenshot
BUBBiX | 9 August 2024 | 6.62 MB
Preparation 2 creates a virtual world of augmented strings using our latest physical modelling techniques. Two strings collide with a rattle and a dynamic fret to deliver a rich palette of acoustic timbres, from unique instruments to experimental soundscapes

Physical modelling of prepared strings
Preparation is based on mathematical modelling of 3 basic elements; strings which can be configured as bars, a rattle that joins strings together, and a dynamic fret. Each voice contains a pair of strings which are excited with either a customisable pluck, a bow, or side-chained audio. The acoustic model’s properties are tailored by you, generating a range of sounds from unique instruments to experimental soundscapes. Preparation uses our latest research into collision modelling and fast solver techniques.

64-bit: (AAX, VST3)

No installer from developer, just move patched files to your favorite plugin folder.

Presets goes to C:\Users\Your_User_Directory\App Data\Roaming\Physical Audio\Preparation 2\

If you need help, read included Install_README.pdf file

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  Member 19.11.2018 18
Crashes Reaper on Win10 x64, i7-3770

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