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Software, Mac OSX
Overloud BREVERB 2 v2.1.17 Mac [MORiA] screenshot
MORiA | January, 18 | AU | VST | STANDALONE | 72.8 MB
BREVERB 2 Emulates the analog output section of the hardware unit, making BREVERB 2 truer to the sound of the originals. With BREVERB 2 you have the sound of more than 50 new ambient spaces at your fingertips. All ambience settings have been carefully crafted by Overloud engineers who referenced the preferred room and ambience choices of top sound designers. They cover a wide range of applications from mixing to post-production, and many of them are optimized for a particular instrument, from drums to vocals to guitars etc. Don't waste time flipping through dozens of different reverb plug-ins, looking for the right room sound. With BREVERB 2 you can find it in one click, with no compromises in sound quality.

Lexi algorithms
Designed to recreate the tone of the most famous units of the '80s and '90s, like the Lexicon 224* and the Lexicon 480*, you have the full control of every parameter available on the original unit. BREVERB 2 also reproduces the response of the A/D and D/A sections of the original units, which are an essential part of their tone. In addition, the EQ and the GATE sections extend the sound capabilities, going beyond what was possible with the original processors.

Two SPACES algorithms
SPACES algorithms are designed to meet the extremely high demands of audio professionals like you; today, as well as tomorrow. Created to complete the BREVERB palette, the SPACES algorithms are tailored to the mixing needs of any modern recordings. You are free to control up to 38 parameters to create your own unique room sound. Or, if you are on a tight deadline, you can use our comprehensive library of presets, designed by top-notch sound engineers.

SOURCE algorithm
BREVERB 2 features a new SOURCE reverb algorithm. With a simple click on the graphic interface you can set the 3D position of your sound sources and create life-like panoramas in your mix. The SOURCE algorithm is the ideal tool for post-production. You can separately design the early reflections and reverberant field, with full control over any parameter. Through automation you can have real-time control of the position of the sound source and create apparent movement of the sound sources.

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This release has been exclusively provided to AudioZ


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  Member 12.12.2017 72
M1Pro - macOS Sonoma
  Member 3.07.2021 85
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 7.08.2018 397
Demo Mode, When the Internet is active..Useless
M1 Pro.Ventura All Daws
  Member 19.08.2021 5 765
Here is how to make it work:

1. Open up Terminal in /Applications/Utilities.
2. In the command line, type in "sudo nano /etc/hosts".
3. When asked, type your admin password.
4. In the screen that will appear, you’ll see the host database for your computer.
Using your down arrow, go to the bottom, right under where it says, " localhost".
Type in " hit β€˜tab’, then enter www.overloud.com”.
5. Now, hold down Control + β€œO”. This will save the changes to the host database.
6. Hit β€œReturn” and then Control + β€œX” to exit the screen.
7. Remove the existing cache by typing in "sudo dscacheutil -flushcache" in the command line, this refreshes the existing cache on the host database.
8. You should receive an β€œUnable to connect” error message when you go to overloud.com now.
9. Now, back to doing something more productive…
y'all got anymore of those plugins??
  Resident 21.06.2011 4 954
I've tested this standalone and AU in Mojave on my machine and they're both fine (in fact, the Preferences specifically state that BREVERB 2 is "Unlocked by MORiA"). My only issue is, the installer allows you to install AAX, even though it's not listed here as one of the formats that have been k'd. Does this mean that the AAX is actually k'd, or did you merely forget to remove the option from the installer? I reckon I'll find out the moment I try loading it in PT ...
  Member 15.12.2013 25
Demo Mode
  Member 19.08.2021 5 765
This is like a Bricasti reverb I'm guessing. Keen to try it out, thanks MORiA!
y'all got anymore of those plugins??
  Member 31.03.2018 55
Thank you, Moria. So how does this compare to bricasti IRs? Worth installing or should one just stick with convolution?

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