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PastToFutureReverbs Burl B2 Bomber ADC DAC Converter Plugin Extension For NAM and GENOME! screenshot
Plugin Extension For NAM and GENOME | AudioZ Exclusive | 36.68 MB
One of the best sounding AD/DA Converters ever made. 3D Depth & loudness pure

This might be the best sounding ADDA captures to date

We came this close:

PastToFutureReverbs Burl B2 Bomber ADC DAC Converter Plugin Extension For NAM and GENOME! screenshot

This exclusive release was generously supplied to us by our member trae_hym
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  Member 31.10.2016 3
Something doesn't make much sense here. If it's some highest-end AD/DA converter it's supposed to be extremely transparent. What did they sample then, - transparency? Like, the most transparent NAM profile ever which does absolutely nothing to your audio?
  Member 17.01.2022 49
quote by dee3dWhat did they sample then, - transparency?

This is perhaps one of the best observations to date.
  Resident 1.04.2015 186
It ain't. Have you ever used one ? You can drive it and get a very "thick" and "colorful" sound from clipping the ADC with hot signal.

I always used it as a characterful clipper box, never heard of its "transparency" reputation, maybe to my ignorance. I never owned one though. So I never used it in a daily studio routine of converting signals when working. Transparency references could be Merging, Antelope, Lavry, Apogee, or Prism Sound. But yeah I used it a few times for transient shaving until software solutions got serious. The color when doing ADC compared to an Antelope or Apogee is way more pronounced without any doubt.

A NAM model of the amplification stage could certainly bring like 99%~imperceptible representation of its drive. But for profiling cases, in the end it will always depends on the capture quality/conditions. With NAM/Proteus you can have impressive pristine captures as well as aliasing shitty ones.

You may give it a try though.
If it's been done right, having this for free is a fucking rob.
  Member 5.12.2016 84
Burl ADC is NOT transparent !
I have no idea if they achieved something with this capture, but I might test this against my B2 ADC....
  Member 31.10.2016 3
quote by Jeff275275Burl ADC is NOT transparent !

• Frequency response at 48kHz sample rate is 12Hz to 22kHz, +/- 0.1dB
• 120dB Dynamic Range (A- weighted), 117dB (no weighting)
• -100dB THD+N (+4dBU = -18dBFS)
• -94dB THD+N (+21dBU = -1dBFs)

That's some serious cork sniffing then.
  Member 10.02.2023 2 13
quote by dee3d• Frequency response at 48kHz sample rate is 12Hz to 22kHz, +/- 0.1dB
• 120dB Dynamic Range (A- weighted), 117dB (no weighting)
• -100dB THD+N (+4dBU = -18dBFS)
• -94dB THD+N (+21dBU = -1dBFs)

Can you help me understand what any of that means? Or direct me to a reading of similar subject matter so I can learn?
  Member 31.10.2016 3
quote by luchador
Can you help me understand what any of that means? Or direct me to a reading of similar subject matter so I can learn?

That basically means very low (inaudible) distortion and such, which kinda does make sense since it's not a saturation box, it's a high quality ADDA the whole purpose of which is not to color the signal and convert it at the highest quality possible. There will always be people hearing things though, the whole audiophile industry is built upon them. Whether it's us who can't hear shit or them being extremely sensitive with golden ears and such, is up for debate.
  Member 28.09.2019 2 4
check this video from Marc Daniel Nelson..might open ur ears)
  Resident 12.10.2016 407
With this plugin, you should be able to hear what your A/D converter and some theoretical device producing exactly the same analog output would sound like plugged into the more expensive Burl B2 Bomber hardware i/o pair—a hardware chain that would make almost no sense to ever do. Remember, you used your A/D first to have the audio in the box to be able to use this plugin.

What would be impressive though if they were to train AI to change the sound of YOUR A/D converter so it sounded like it was converted with B2 A/D and additionally, and even more impressively, change your digital audio output that was fed to your D/A so it would sound like the B2 D/A. Now that would be something.

Or am I not understanding somehow that this plugin is meant for specific neural processing hardware and will do just that?
  Member 27.08.2019 101
I don't know what some of you are trying to say. This are captures of mastering converters that aren't "designed " to be flat to begin with. And even if they are completely transparent, and judged buy the THD, and Frequency response numbers, they could probably, be if you record on nominal input levels ( I didn't have a chance to listen, or test them), as soon as you start to hit them harder with high input levels, the whole Frequency response is immediately going to shift, you are going to get, at the same time, hard clipping from the AD converters, and saturation and distortion from the analog path inside converters. This captures are made to be overdiven. Get PluginDoctor and test it yourself . This captures have THD above -20 db. You should look at this converters, and this captures of them, as a sophisticated cliping plugin. Get somewat louder drum loop, load NAM, disable Noise Gate and EQ, and start to drive Input knob while bringing down the output knob.

Sorry on my bad English.
  Member 27.08.2019 101
Thank you so much for bringing all this fantastic NAM gifts trae_hym!
  Member 1.01.2018 4 246
Thanks trae_hym & PiRAT !
  Member 11.11.2020 3 66
Hello everyone, I have just discovered this IR capture system, and its use with a vst plugin, so far I have tried the open source NAM but I am rather confused, I do not understand why offer an IR lots of high quality tools for only mono rendering in the example, or I don't know or don't understand how to use it, I understood that there are different tools to use the products offered by Pastofuturereverbs, in particular NAM and or GENOME or even PROTEUS

in certain cases, which one of these 3 works in stereo ? which one would recommend to me for its ease of understanding, use and why, I tried the BURL with NAM this morning and I found it absolutely messy and destabilizing to find myself in 'one shot with a totally MONO signal..

Explain to me if I'm doing something wrong or if I haven't understood something, but how can I use these tools correctly
  Resident 7.10.2020 25
Quoting Member No19 from a another post “NAM in present time is Mono only. You should split original stereo track to Left and Right mono tracks, and process them as separate takes with two instances of NAM, as dual mono hard L&R pan configuration . Im pretty sure its easy task in most modern DAWs . In Reaper, right click on item, go to Item Procesing, and select Explode multichanel audio or MIDI items. Reaper will automatically create two new Mono L & R folder tracks, and Mute original Stereo one. Other than possibly more taxing on CPU, there is also creative advantages of processing track this way. Even most of this real hardware units, must be used as separate dual mono devices in hybrid setup.
  Member 11.11.2020 3 66
Thank you for the answers, and especially for sharing all these release Trae-hym, I have two or three additional questions, NAM only works in 48KHZ, right?

I also tried genome who him work in stéréo but I had the feeling that the different IRs did not give different results, I also found one last opensource tool after a lot of research yesterday AIDA-X which seems to correctly receive the NAM and IR files

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