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Samples » presets, patches, impulses

Max for Live Device AMXD · 81 KB
Saw is a physical modeling resonator of a slide flute. It sits next to Drum Buss, Erosion, OTT, and all the other things you use to mangle sounds in Ableton.
One delay line models the “bore” or the length of the cavity of the instrument, and the other mimics the embouchure, or the point of contact between the lips and the instrument.
The resulting resonance: a strange comb filtering of sorts, a maniac ready to pop its lid off, an inharmonic mangling of the signal.

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  Member 21.06.2018 348 13773
  Resident 3.11.2020 111
Funny thing is called saw but on the actual plugin it's always a sine wave lol

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