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Samples » presets, patches, impulses
u-he Hive2 Night Skin [FREE] screenshotAudioZ only | Skin/Theme | 17 MB
Here's a skin for Hive 2.
I was looking for a dark skin for Hive 2, but couldn't really find one I liked (at least not for free).
So I had to create one myself.

Nothing too special, just the original default with dark colors.
Created with and for Hive v2.1.1 (rev 12092)

unzip and place the "Night Skin" folder under ...\u-he\\Support\Themes
In Hive preferences select Night Skin under "Appearance"

u-he Hive2 Night Skin [FREE] screenshot

u-he Hive2 Night Skin [FREE] screenshot

Some things are fairly simple to modify.

Let's say if you wanted to use different colors in the OSC sections (waveforms and some text, yellow for OSC1, green for OSC2), you could easily achieve that by only editing one line in the scripts file.
As an example, changing yellow for OSC1 into a red color would go like this:
- close the GUI
- open "Hive.txt" (in ... \u-he\\Support\Themes\Night Skin\Scripts) with a proper text editor (something like Notepad++)
- go to line 185 where it says COLOUR name='yellow-c9a62a' rgba='c9a62aff'
- "c9a62a" is the rgb code for that yellow (you can pretty much ignore the last two characters ff, That's the alpha value and doesn't really matter in this case. The first six characters matter.)
- a color code for red could be "df0118". Change rgba='c9a62aff' into rgba='df0118ff'
- save that and you're done. Re-open the GUI and what has been yellow would be red.

That's done in less than 5 minutes, but it's pretty effective for changing the look. Same principle for OSC2, that would be the green color in line 183.

Other things aren't that easy to customize, but feel free to ask here.

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  Contributor 3.05.2011 701 4988
looks quite good. Thanks for sharing.
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Member 21.06.2018 377 14216
  Member 9.04.2014 272
Good Work
  Member 21.09.2022 10 362
Very nice! But, Is there a way to make this toggle between this β€œNight Theme" and the Original two?
I replaced just the β€˜script’ folder and kept the β€œIzmo Theme” and a modified β€œNight Theme”. Thats as close to that without editing the color script.
  Member 30.08.2015 11 173
Hey buddy, thanks once more (you know why).
I did quite a few drugs in my life, so my brain damage is noteworthy . But I'm absolutely not sure what you mean by that. Are you trying to combine Izmo and this skin??
"Down in a hole and I don't know if I can be saved
See my heart, I decorate it like a grave"
  Member 21.09.2022 10 362
I’m on Mac so I don’t know if the procedure is similar to Windows, The only way I can get it to work with two themes.
The file in the β€œScripts” folder: 'Hive.txt' has to be renamed to β€˜Hive_orig.txt'
When you do that it replaces the correct Text file and you keep both the new β€œNight Theme” and the optional β€œIzmo Theme” and you can toggle from the GUI. But I lose the Original Blue theme, am I doing something wrong?
Thanks to the creator, Nice work!!
  Member 21.09.2022 10 362
@Schmendrick Never mind, I was in the wrong folder! You have any of those drugs left over?
  Member 30.08.2015 11 173
Unfortunately nothing left over these days, enough damage done already
You probably mixed up the path ... \u-he\\Data (where the original skin is) with ... \u-he\\Support\ ... (where themes are located)
Happened to me more than once (those drugs again lol...).
Glad you sorted it out
"Down in a hole and I don't know if I can be saved
See my heart, I decorate it like a grave"
  Member 21.09.2022 10 362
Yeah, I was in the wrong folder for sure! Lol For Mac users, the directory is /Library/Application Support/u-he/Themes. NOT in the Hive folder. Apparently, there is a common β€˜Themes’ folder for all their products and it’s as simple as dropping the β€œNight Skin” folder in there and that’s it!
Easy peasy!

Thanks for the cool skin!
  Member 30.08.2015 11 173
ooooppss, I probably should've looked that up before
Can't edit the OP though, otherwise I'd add that. Hope this thing doesn't turn out to be too confusing for the Mac guys

Could you tell me the path for Linux as well?
lol just kidding, that's not even in the Hive manual
"Down in a hole and I don't know if I can be saved
See my heart, I decorate it like a grave"
  Member 24.10.2021 2 159
Nice skin. How can I change all the texts from light gray to white?

Also, since the piano keys are visible, is there a way to make them traditional black & white as opposed to black & grey? Thanks
  Member 30.08.2015 11 173
Piano Keys:
if you want to use the original keyboard go to
... u-he\\Data\Images\Controls
"H2-5OctKeys-BG.png" is the default keyboard file. Copy that and replace the file with the same name under ... \u-he\\Support\Themes\Night Skin\Images\Controls
(I recommend to always back things up beforehand.)

That's the main keyboard. The files for when a key is pressed (which I made purple) are in the same locations. Nine files starting from "H2-Key-A.png" until "H2-Key-W.png". Copy n paste those as well and you got the original keyboard back.

You could always recolor those files to your likings with an image software (needs to support alpha channels, I'm using mostly gimp, krita would be another freeware, or photoshop of course).
Comment on the "texts" things follows, that's more tricky.
"Down in a hole and I don't know if I can be saved
See my heart, I decorate it like a grave"
  Member 30.08.2015 11 173
Regarding "Text":
this is more complex. There isn't something like a "global" color for text (unless rewriting a good portion of the entire script maybe). Text is split into many smaller sections. Some text colors are used for other things as well, i.e. yellow in OSC1 for some text but also waveforms. And some things that appear to be text aren't even text, but graphical components, i.e. most of the big ones ("OSC1, FILTER1, AMP1" and so on).

But some parts aren't difficult to edit.
Here's a screenshot where I made some text elements that are connected obvious. All the red text belongs together, and the blue for the filters. Those two are easy to modify.
What you can see as red text in the screenshot is defined by "COLOUR name='H2 Label MUI R1' rgba='828282ff'" in the Hive.txt file, line 151.
If you want to turn that into dead white (rgb code ffffff) rename rgba='828282ff' into rgba='ffffffff'
Same for the blue of the filters, that's one line below, 153 "COLOUR name='H2 Label MUI R2' rgba='828282ff'"
(I initially tried some variations, but ended up using the same color for the skin)

Most other text elements surely require more effort. But I have to take a look at this myself. Combining most text in one defined color might not be the problem, but it probably doesn't make sense anyway because the text is used on different backgrounds.
"Down in a hole and I don't know if I can be saved
See my heart, I decorate it like a grave"
  Member 24.10.2021 2 159
Thanks, Schmendrick. I did it and it looks good. I wouldn't even need to do it for the AMP1, MOD1, etc labels because those are big enough to see clearly, plus I like the variation of different whites/grays, otherwise it'd look bland and uninteresting.

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