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Samples » presets, patches, impulses
Beatlab Audio - Stonebank Serum 2021 screenshot
AudioZ Exclusive | Presets | 577 KB

Let’s start 2021 right with a huge Serum preset pack from Monstercats very own Stonebank. This pack is full of huge leads, chords, screeches, bass and more. These presets are ideal for all types of dance music, giving you an injection of energy right from the start. Take your production to the next level with 84 stunning presets.

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This release has been exclusively provided to AudioZ
by our member who wish to remain anonymous.

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  Banned 12.11.2022 985 2113
been a hot minute since i've seen beatlab audio here.
Here to provide, enjoy the shares, contribute where you can! PM me to provide supplies and do your part.
  Resident 4.03.2018 26 318
Agreed. Hope we get more of it.
  Member 18.03.2014 3 138
oh wow...
Demo at 2.45

Thank you very much for this :)

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